Aunt Flo showed up last night in all her glory, with all her luggage. But being the kick ass runner that I am (ha ha) I powered through and got up at 6:30 this morning for my run.
Let's just say the first couple miles, I felt like I was "Smuggling Cantaloupes." But by mile 5, I forgot about them.
I don't know how I did it peeps, but numbers don't lie:
(Maybe I should date a number. Is that possible?)
20 Miles
Ave Mile = 9:05
Fastest Mile = Mile 20 @ 8:29
Lowest Mile (who cares?) = Mile 19 @ 9:27*
*Please note that my friend biked up to meet me and we were chatting, so I think I slowed down to be able to chat.
I am so happy right now about this that I want to jump up and scream, but I'm too tired and my feet hurt. But this makes me rethink my marathon goal. I mean, whatifmaybeicould run a 4 hour marathon? Do you think? Methinksmaybe. Scared to say it out load. But whatif? whatif? First off, I am about 13 lbs less than I was last year AND I have actually been training smarter. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself here. Last year I ran 4:45. Is shaving 45 minutes off of a marathon time doable? MeThinksMaybe.
I now have 2 weekends in a row with shorter distances. I can really crank up the speed work. Ok, I'm not gonna get all excited. We'll just see what happens.
Weird Things:
I have a blister/callous forming on my bony wrist bone from Big G. Does this happen to anyone else?
I'll probably get some crazy hits for this confession, but I'm all about honesty. So, after my run, I am supa dupa sweaty. Like my shorts are dripping on my floor, sweaty. I blame Bikram for the sweat bandit I have become, but I'm OK with it. That's not the weird part. The weird part is that when I get home, I strip off the sweaty clothes and THEN stretch and make my recovery drink - NAKED. I'm no nudist or anything. It's just more practical. I hop in the shower right after and am usually on a time crunch. So why put on another set of clothes just to stretch and drink a smoothie? Doesn't make sense. Right? Right?
Song of the Day: Dreamin' by Will to Power (total flashback)
Fan freaking tastic!! wow, I'm so jealous. Very nice running. I don't know about 45 minutes but I'm guessing you can trim quite a bit at the rate you're going.
As long as that weirdo isn't lurking around I see no prob with the naked smoothie drinking. :D
Seriously, that's awesome! Good for you!!! I'm thinking that if you did 20 miles in 3h, when race day comes and you've got all the adrenaline and excitment going on, you could TOTALLY do it!!!
I wander naked all the time, even when I haven't been sweating. Still need to get some kind of window treatment for the big living room window, though. That would make my nudie tendancies safer.
Congrats on the hella awesome run! I totally believe you can hit a 4 hour marathon. If you're running a 20 at 9:05 ON your period, WITHOUT race adrenelin, you can do 26 in under 9:09, which would bring you in at 3:59:59
Damn! Aunt Flo ain't helping me out with numbers like that. I think my 11 miler tomorrow is actually going to take 3 hours. Auntie Flo is being a bit of a bitch right now and weighing me down. Grrrr...
Oooh good numbers, sub four is within reach just race smart; work out the pace that you need for it and then drop 5-10 seconds from it per mile and you'll be golden!
Blisters ouch, try the quick release strap (amazon.com) that may help or put some BodyGlide under the rubber one.
Great run!
Yowza! Those are some sweet numbers!! Apparently running not so much earlier this week left your body rested and rarin' to go. I'm no expert, but it sounds like a 4-hr marathon is within your grasp.
I don't know about the wrist blister/callus, but the bottom of my toes and balls of my feet are starting to peel- eewww.
And about being a nudist, who cares if you're clothed when you stretch, as long as you're not in public? Sometimes I run out of clean underwear so I wash them in the morning, and therefore have to wander around naked for quite a while (doing my hair and make-up) until they're dry.
Looks like you didn't let your cycle get in the way of cranking out the miles. I can't say I've stopped to make a shake au natural, but I do strip and sometimes take my sweet time hitting the shower, just to make sure the sweating has stopped. So, you aren't weird, but keep the blinds closed tight.
Fuck t.o.m. you ROCK p.o.m.!!! Totally and completely!!! I think i may love you a little!!! :O)
As far as walking around naked, i do it all the time! Well, actually just top naked! I let my boobs hang out and dry out after a run!! HAHA!!! If i sweat like an animal after 5 miles i can only imagine what i would be like after 20!!
Funny story, the woman i run with sweats so much that when she gets home, her partner/friend makes her get in the shower with her clothes on to rinse it off before she actually takes them off!!! Crazy right???
Kickass on the times today -- you freaking rule. I can't believe you will now have run multiple marathons -- so impressive.
nice job! I can't believe you are running these super long runs alone! I guess I did that for my first one, But I cannot imagine doing it now!! GREAT JOB on the time, don't stress yourself out about the time for your race, instead just do your best and hopefully it will be within your goal!!
Twenty miles on your period at that pace? AWESOME!!
To answer your question, the running dress is very comfortable. But if you're busty, I wouldn't suggest it. I don't think much can fit up there (and I don't have much). As far as running skirts go, I buy from Skirt Sports and get the ones with the shorties underneath. Stay away from the ones with spankies. Talk about an uncomfortable wedgie run. Anyway, good luck on finding the right skirt/dress.
The naked thing is not weird at all. To me, it would be weird if you left those sweaty clothes on; I hate the feeling of sweatly clothes after a run.
WOOHOO!!! You rocked it!! Nope, no nudie time for me with three kiddos and a Javadad. ;>) But it's not weird or anything.
Sweet time on that run! I say go for it :)
Great Run... and yes 4 hours is a good goal with that pace you did today... but like you have heard and I might as well say it too is, don't go out toooo fast the first half, save it for the second half so you can close it strong!!
Congrats on an awesome pace today!!
you run faster than me. pics please.
Nice job on the 20 miler! That's an awesome time!
WOW way to effing go! I just feel I should censor myself a bit. But I am really cussing when I see you got a 20 miler in with Aunt Flo(that biatch) and did fantastic! You are awesome...nuff said!
LMAO at the song of the day now I am here right before bed all...Seems so far, but I don't know why Keep on pushing up to the sky I'm dreaming, beliven'
Dayum that took me back all the way to 7th grade I think. Totally appropiate for todays 20 miler :-)
great job on your run today! I have faith that you **CAN** do a 4hr marathon. I've run 6 marathons and my fastest one was during a heavy TOM day and had I not had to stop and use the facilities during the run, I think I would have qualified for Boston so TOM can help AND hurt...
I, too, strip off all my clothes as soon as I get home and cool down that way. Today I changed the sheets on the bed afterward and my husband very much appreciates the housecleaning in the nude. I too can't see stinking up another set of clothes before a shower.
Rock on!!
one more thing on the Will to Power. Do you remember the song Kissing With Confidence? I had forgotten that Carly Simon sang backup. I loved that song in high school!
WHOA speedy!
After longruns, I, too, strip down and lie on my home office floor. Then whatever else! No sense dirtying up more clothes.
Naked is always good! When I lived at home..until I was 23...whenever my parents would leave and I was in the hosue alone...I would run around naked...BECAUSE.I.COULD!
Enjoy your nakedness!
Great job...you are such an inspiration! And I do believe in you and I do believe that UNDER 4 is SO doable...
You've totally got a sub 4 hour marathon in you.
Go for that Sub4 marathon ... you can do it! Great pace on the run.
.... I won't comment on the naked stretching
Holy Moly!!!
That's fantastic!! That sounds doable. 20 miles i n 3hrs. geeeeeeeze. I wannnna run now.
You did a fantastic job. Keep doing what you are doing and a goal time of 4 hours is in your future. I think you have proved to yourself that you can do this!
Great job on the 20-miler! You know, ever since I read that a woman's aerobic capacity is at its peak during her period, I've thought of it as my secret weapon. The week before can be hell though ...
hey at least you got melons- on a great day, mine can be compared to oranges.
I always set a realistic goal and a dream goal. Sounds like your 4 hour dream goal is within reach, POM!
Great job on that 20 miler. With that pace, it shouldnt be too hard to break 4 hours.
There is a velcro wrist attachment you can get for the Garmin... It fits my little wrist SO much better! I think it's called the quick release strap. Also, I run with it "inside out"... the face on the inside of my wrist. Easier to look at and doesn't bug me!
Wow that's is freaking awesome!!! You rocked those miles! Congrats on a great run...I think 4 hours is totally doable!
Hey P.O.M. long time no read! I'm busy growing a baby, so the working out has come to a grinding halt, unfortunately. But I can't believe how great you are doing with your running!! And while on your period!? Amazing!! I'm totally jealous.
Daaaaaaaaaamn! You are a MACHINE.
Hey P.O.M.
Sorry I haven't been around much because I was too self-absorbed with my own marathon, but now that's it's over...
4 hours is totally do-able for you, depending on if your marathon is hilly or not. Either way, fantastic job on your 20-miler.
MeThinks you're always right when it comes to wierd things...so carry on!
You maintained an awesome pace! Well done.
My G really bothered me back in the day, so now I clip it to my hydration pack for longer runs.
Holy smokes! Quicky vonQuick Quick! You are so fast!
That's awesome, period. (get it?)
have you seen the studies which say the more FIT YOU ARE the more you shall sweat?
there's yer answer ;)
Holy crap! I thought I killed it, but you slaughtered that 20-miler -- cantaloupe and all! Nice work! You beat me by a solid half hour. Hell, and I wasn't even hungover ...
Great job!
Completely normal. I have naked, smoothie time ALL of the time.
Your running time is much impressive! I can't do ANYTHING for that long, let alone run! :)
NICE run!
I'm a naked smoothie maker as well. Nothing feels better than stripping down after a hot and sweaty run! :)
Cantaloupes, naked smoothies and a twenty miler! That's what I call a day...
ok, so now ur like EVERY guys fav runner. lmao!!! Stretch & drink naked. LMAO.
Makes sense . . . if I lived alone I'd be all about it.\
GREAAT job on the 20 miler.....super-effin-fast dude!!! I'm hoping for 2:45 for my half on Sunday.
Callous on the wrist, I have the same thing, I tried a sweat band but too bulky & felt wrong.
WOW freaking awesome job on the 20 miler!!! you could totally get a 4 hr marathon!!! WOOO
LOL this post just had my cracking up from the start.
You have a sub 4 in ya for sure. With a little leg turnover training during the upcoming lower mile weeks you'll coast to a sub 4 finish. Well, as best anyone can "coast" during a marathon.
I would say you certainly are within range to break 4 hours. Just pace yourself smartly.
Having energy for your fastest mile at MILE 20 is definitely a good sign.
Congrats on the run, fantastic!
As far as a 4 hour marathon, you can totally flipping do it.
The nakedness thing, totally understand, I'd never lived by myself before like 5 months ago, now that I do, your right, whats the point!
That is just amazing - wowee you are SPEEDY! And I totally get the naked thing - I walk around naked after my run and the worst thing is my kids don't even pass comment. Trauma and shrinks lie ahead no doubt. Re BIG G - honey - a wristband. Think Bjorn Borg. Check out my second-to-last post to see how a Hello Kitty wristband saved my delicate little wrist from the assault of the Big G...
Dude, You have no idea. What just happened to me, is beyond measure, it's unbelievable.
I'm waiting to make my post cuz I'm not certain this guy hasn't discovered it. I was played beyond anything I have ever experienced. I'm plotting a little "sting" operation. I got my heart broken. It's true. But the chick he thinks he is meeting tomorrow, will not be there cuz she and I are chatting. And I will have a story for you. Ouch. Heart wound. I got played, but the playa is gonna get a little surprise. hee hee. Women sticking together. It's what it's all about ladies.
Dude, You have no idea. What just happened to me, is beyond measure, it's unbelievable.
I'm waiting to make my post cuz I'm not certain this guy hasn't discovered it. I was played beyond anything I have ever experienced. I'm plotting a little "sting" operation. I got my heart broken. It's true. But the chick he thinks he is meeting tomorrow, will not be there cuz she and I are chatting. And I will have a story for you. Ouch. Heart wound. I got played, but the playa is gonna get a little surprise. hee hee. Women sticking together. It's what it's all about ladies.
Holy crap woman!! Way to go on the fast 20 miler! I'd say sub-4 is definitely doable. Amazing. Way to go! :)
Congrats!! :)
And about your nudist tendancies... I definitely get up in the morning, strip, and do my yoga naked. It's just better that way. I'm not a nudist either tho. :)
Legit justification: Another set of clothes means you would have to do more laundry. That means that you will wear your clothes out faster and use more laundry soap and water. So it just doesn't make sense from a financial standpoint. :)
I think it you are totally ready. Great pace!
Great job on your run. As long as you are careful in your long runs leading up to the race (don't let yourself peak before the marathon!) you'll totally smash your old PR.
About the whole naked thing...my mom warned me about people like you.
(I would do it too, but I don't think my roomies would appreciate it!)
You can TOTALLY do a sub-4. All of my long training runs were like a 9:45 pace and I got 4:02, so with your speed, you'll definitely be faster!
Also, I usually hang out naked between my run and my shower for the exact same reasons. It makes sense.
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