Thursday, March 26, 2009

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

I read on Vanilla's blog about a cool website where you can stalk other runners to find out their times on races to prove that you are bigger, faster and stronger than them and can therefore brag about your greatness. On the other hand, it can also give you the tools to know when you should SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE about your race times.

Anyway, I checked out my own info on and discovered that I'm a liar.
Not in any big dramatic way. But I lied about my age in Colorado last year.

Go ahead and take a look at that Portland marathon time. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Wonder if I will ever be able to do THAT again.


Abby said...

This website kind of bothers me - it doesn't take into account things like flat tires during ironmans (ironmen?) or walking a half marathon with your dad! I hate that when someone looks at my profile they seem times that don't reflect what I know I'm able to do :)

ShutUpandRun said...

I'm so jealous of your time. Is it 3:48? I need 3:50 to BQ. cool website, I'll check it out. I agree with Abby, it doesn't take into account those many bathroom breaks.

Nancy said...

Hee hee, you liar. Going to have to check it out.

X-Country2 said...

I have spent all kinds of time stalking people on that website. I'm using it for way more evil and way less good.

ShutUpandRun said...

Had to comment again. I LOVE that website. I just spent the last 30 minutes stalking everyone I knew including old boyfriends. Thanks for the link.

Alisa said...

I have like 5 different me's. There is me, maiden name (3 times, all races I ran between 2001 and 2007). Then there is me, married ( 4 names all with my results). You'd think this website could compile all your results under one name =).

I do question some people's times though, good way to hunt them out!

Michelle said...

Oooh i am off to check the site out!! Your funny chica!!! What a great time for your portland marathon!!! I am in awe of you girlie!

lifestudent said...

OOOOHHHH. I cannot believe that you lied about your age!

I honestly screw up all the time because I dont remember my age :) I like when they ask you your birthdate versus your age, at least I know that.

Tammy said...

Ummm, yes, of course you will be able to do that again! Maybe even better.

Most of my tiny small town runs don't show up on there!

RunToTheFinish said...

ohh I'm on Athlink too, kinda forgot about it

J~Mom said...

I love that website! It's fun stalk people...I mean check out race times.

Dev said...

haha! i think i lied about your age for you on the CDM 5K registration!

Jogger said...

Oh, very cool. My one little race shows up. All of the other ones area are apparently not important enough to show up...or I was so slow that they deleted my results!

M*J*C said...

You are too funny!!! I just got caught up on your last couple posts....the bar class sounds pretty cool, I still wish we had something like that here.
As for buying the house...I feel ya on all the "if's", I decided to re-finance....feels like I've signed my name 1,000,909 times!

jen said...

Haha, oops.

I had a hard time looking myself up because I have a common name and I've lived a few differnt places. Bummer.

Anonymous said...

LOL. You so rock chica. And you'll pull a new 26.2 PR :-)

teacherwoman said...

That's too funny!

Susan said...

You'll squash Portaldn one day (as awesome as it was!!!!)

Jess said...

Huh, I've never seen this site before! But I'm heading over now...

My Life said...

WTF? First there are 4 different me's and when I click on one it gives me some more me's. Anyone can access this stuff? Am I the only one who thinks this is creepy?

BTW, congrats on your condo. I'm very envious!!