Thursday, February 21, 2008

Almost Back to Reality

Hi everyone
Thanks for the comments. Sorry I have been MIA. Well, not really "sorry." It's been nice. But too quick. The Cap got here and the trip just FLEW by. I have not worked out a bit or even ran - unless you count "running to the bar." I will post some pics when I get home. We chilled like vegetables and even did some silly tourist stuff - like drive around the ENTIRE island (my idea).

He had to change his flight and go home a day early because his grams died. It's really sad because she was such a cool old Italian Grandma. The last time we saw her was Christmas and she is just so funny. She was complaining about the food even though it was soooo delish (but she didn't cook it). The sauce was too "this," the chicken was too "that," everything was taking too long. It was a good memory of her. She lived a very long happy life and she's in Heaven now with her husband that she loves so much. I feel like poo for not going home with the Cap for the funeral. I wanted to. Really wanted to. It was about $300 to change my flight and he already had to pay a bunch to change his. I would have paid, but he didn't want me to. Anyway, I'll be home later that night - but will miss the funeral.

Just thinking about being back is giving me anxiety. But I guess, that's reality - right? Well REALITY BITES.


K80K said...

So sorry to hear about grams. I am sure the Cap knows you are there with him in your heart. It sucks that airlines can't make exceptions on transfer fees and price increases when it comes to something like a family tragedy. My friend at work's grandfather passed away this weekend as well and she was having the hardest time getting her father down there for the funeral. My thoughts and prayers are with you, the Cap and his family.

Anne said...
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Anne said...

It sounds like the woman led a great life, though a beloved member's passing is never easy on the survivors. And we all need a break from the routine, even the exercise routine. If you're breaking it down, I can't think of a better place than where you were.

Mendy said...

Ahh. that's sad. It's hard to loose loved ones, but comforting to hear she's in Heaven with her husband. You'll be there soon with the Captain and able to comfort him.

Have a safe trip home!

Nancy said...

Ohhh, my sympathies to that Cap. Sounds like she was a great lady. It's so hard to lose them. I'm sorry you couldn't make it back with him. I'm sure he knows you wanted to. Take extra good care of him when you get home. Safe trip.

My Life said...

What a bum end to your trip! Hang in there...

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the Captain's Grandma. That is a bummer.

But I agree with you, reality does bite. Boo. At least you get to be away from it for awhile right? :-)

Elizabeth said...

Oh man, that blows. Sorry for both of your loss. Losing people sucks.

Reality can be a muthah, no?

Jen said...

Sorry to hear about that, but glad you two had a great time there. I can't wait to see pictures.

TonyP said...

Oh man. Sorry to hear the sad news.

Marcy said...

I'm sorry to hear about Gram ((HUGS))

Heather said...

Sorry to hear about Capn's Gram. :(

I'm so glad you're back though!

jen said...

I'm sorry for your loss- she sounds like she was an entertaining woman! My prayers are with you two and the family. :)

Hope you have a safe trip home, can't wait to see pics.

Laura N said...

So sorry about the Cap's Grams. She sounds like she was a peach. I bet that funeral will be filled with amazing stories and lots of smiles remembering her.

I agree--reality bites, esp. when you have to come back to it after being on a tropical island. At least you're not coming home to snow and ice though, right? It could always be worse. ;-)

Viv said...

So sorry to hear about the Caps' grams. What a great memory of her though. I think age just gives us a natural toughness.

I am glad you both enjoyed the time on the island. Looking forward to the pics.

eurydice said...

aw sorry to hear about the captain's grandma :( but i'm happy you had fun while the party lasted!

chia said...

So sad, *hugs*

Safe travels home and hope things aren't too bad to come back to!

Reality Bites... mmmmm.... Ethan Hawke... purrr... thanks for the visual ;-).

MissAllycat said...

So sorry to hear about the grandma. :(

J~Mom said...

I am sorry about the captain's grams.

Jodi said...

reality def bites if it means leaving Hawaii. Yall should go back at Christmas. For me, it was my fav time to be there.

What makes Grandmas so cool is that they tell it like it is! And that's all anybody secretly wants to hear anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that's too bad!!
Glad you had a lovely time as tourists!

Maddy said...

Condolences to the Cap and you.

Petraruns said...

Condolences to you both - have a safe journey home.

RunnerGirl said...

Sorry to hear about the Cap's grandma, have a safe trip home.

Susan said...

Reality DOES bite. Sorry about grams. Looking forward to pic post!