Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thank God for Expense Reports

Aloha all,
Well I had a few people ask me what I do for a living that lands me in Hawaii. I'm an Event Planner. I specialize in high-end corporate incentive trips, but I also do a business meeting every now and then. So, that's what I do. It's really fun and I definately appreciate the travel, but it's really not as glamorous as it sounds. I do a lot of grunt work and basically act as a glorified babysitter.

I did get a nice 4.5 mile run in. It was warm and lovely outside, but let me tell ya - I haven't run since the race last Sunday and I'm still getting over this chest congestion thing. I know you shouldn't run with it, but I haven't been coughing that much thanks to my crack (I mean prescription Sudafed). But I felt like my lungs were going to pop out of my ribs. I only had on little cough attack at the end. Just glad to get some miles in.

After my run, I had a nice hot tea and bowl of steel cut oatmeal with fruit for the discount price of $20. Thank God for expense reports.

Back to work!


Christine said...

what an awesome job!!! So lucky!

Erin said...

Oooooh....So jealous. I was so so bitchy when I had to brush 8 inches of snow off my car this morning. Wanna trade? :)

Mendy said...

I wish my job landed me in Hawaii. It does sound glamourous but I understand that it probably isn't. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Hope you're getting better too. That thing is going around. I hate it...have had the cough/congestion/crap for 2 wks now. Blah.

Pics from the race were great! You looked really focused.

Anne said...

I used to work in events and know exactly what you mean about the babysitting part. Amazing how much hand-holding grown adults sometimes need. At least the location gives you an incentive to just grin and bear it.

Ian said...

Heh, my wife is a Wedding Coordinator, but she also does corporate stuff every now and again, Christmas parties etc.

Laura said...

I'm traveling right now and expense reporting everything I eat... but I have to deal with the blizzards in Boston. I need to sign on for a project in Hawaii...

TonyP said...

Well, you do get to travel to some cool places. Way to go on the run. The chest congestion thing hangs around for a while. I'm feeling much better, but I still havea bit of a lingering cough with congestion. Feel better.

Marcy said...

I hear you chica! I'm just about over this cold so I think "Yeeahhh I'm totally good to exercise" I exercise, everything goes great. Then I stop and I start hacking like a mad woman :-/ Uggghhhhh. At least look at the bright side, you get to run in Hawaii. I'm stink in NY. Bleck!

Sarah said...

Fun job!

And tea and oatmeal for $20? Did they sprinkle gold dust in it???

Unknown said...

You may be stuck inside with your laptop - but I'd reather look out the window and see Hawaii than winter!!!

Jess said...

What in the heck is "steel cut oatmeal"?!

Unknown said...

Im starting to have the chest congestion as well but I haven't run with it yet. I look forward to the cough attacks. hahah.

Sounds like a fun job, but yes, it is still a job I suppose. :-)

Have a great valentines day!

Anonymous said...

Running in Hawaii is difficult, in my experience, the air is *SO* different!

Hmmmm.... an event planner sounds like a fun job! Maybe I should consider a career change!

Haha, yes, thank GOD for expense reports, I will be in NYC next week enjoying $30 piles of lettuce and $16 glasses of wine.

Sarah said...

Lucky expense reports - Went to Hawaii in November for my sister's wedding...might be paying that off for the rest of my life! JK. Just seems like it. Have fun - and get some rest!

Laura N said...

I would LOVE that job. I'm sure you are kick ass at it. Nice job going for your run. Hope you continue to feel better, girl. The weekend will be here before you know it.

My Life said...

Mmmmm hope you're getting a bit of time to soak up that sun!

Happy Valentine's Day!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

alright, no one asked how much school?? how'd you come upon the "grown up babysitter" job, that has AWESOME perks, like anyone cool--that we'd know of in all your EVENT PLANNING????

I can't tell you how jealous I am. . . .although, i'm sure everyone can tell by reading this.

OH & your Valentines Day list. . . . I want someone to write a list why they heart me!!!

I made DH"s lunch & put a note in it & I"ve seen him twice (we work for the same company) & he didn't say a word. . . .

you're so luckey, a jobs a job, bty you're I'm sure is WAY better than mine--AEROSPACE & DEFENSE. We get a Democrat in office & I'm likely to be out on my arse!

Nancy said...

What a coincidence. I specialize in taking high end corporate incentive trips. :D

Enjoy your time there!!

Viv said...

Oh yea glad you have that expense account for sure. Great, that you got a run in! I hope that crud gets gone soon. Did I mention that I am a non glorified babysitter ;-)

J~Mom said...

Well I run birthday parties for three year olds, see how much we have in common? LOL