Sunday, February 10, 2008

Surf City Half

Here are the lovely photos from Surf City (I mean WET CITY) Half Marathon. My legs look tan, but they are really red from frost-bite. I look very serious in the 2nd picture. Don't you love the cold weather gear that I own. HA HA.


teacherwoman said...

Lookin' good! Lookin' real good! :)

Marcy said...

Dannngg girl how tall are you? You look like a tall one ;-)

Sweet pics! ;D ;D Even when frost bitten your legs look tanner than mine LOL

chia said...

I hope my half pics make me look as hawt as yourself :-). Nice showing!

I really enjoyed the chirunning session Saturday. The first three hours were like "ya, RIIIGHT" and as soon as we pieced together all the excercises I was running without any effort at all. This whole "using gravity" idea is pretty swell. I'll tell you more after I get a chance to do a full run using the technique, which will hopefully be tomorrow morning as I skipped my long run yesterday for a long walk around Chi-town :-).

MissAllycat said...

Wow. You're a brave soul!!

Meg said...

Hardcore! Nice job!

Tim Wilson said...

Wow - that looks cold. I have run cold runs but to do 13.1 cold and rainy makes it that much colder.

Good job with the race!

My Life said...

Nice legs! (&& at first glance I really did think, wow she's tan! ;)) My lovely husband told me yesterday that I needed to do something about my pale "glow"... can I come on vacay with you?!

miss petite america said...

that is some serious, hardcore running!

Christine said...

Wet and still look hot!!!! Great job!

K80K said...

Wow that definitely looks tough. WTG on finishing with such a great time to boot!

Viv said...

Looking great! I love how you are beating that guy in the second pic.

Reluctant Runner said...

You look kick-ass cool, POM. You can see that 2:03 finish is in your sites.

Laurel said...

Dood, that seriously looks like NO fun. Brrr!

Nancy said...

AHHHH you look awesome!!!

Hope you are starting to feel better.

Petraruns said...

Fabulous effort! And nice gear! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with NO rain..

Jess said...

That looks like crappy weather! Great job forging through with it!

ShirleyPerly said...

Man, you look great! Way to tough out the tough conditions. You'll be basking in warm sunshine soon. Aloha!!

Danielle said...

Dude...your legs loow HAWT! Way to go! That looks MISERABLE

Heather said...

These are awesome! You must be really proud. :)

Carly said...

Great pictures! Dang, that day looked so cold and miserable, WTG on the great finish. That is hard core running.

eurydice said...

whoa check you out! looking awesome even in the rain!

RunnerGirl said...

Oh, that looks like fun :) great job enduring the crappy weather!

Anonymous said...

Aaah! You look great!!! Hope you're feeling better in time to enjoy your awesome vacation!!

Sarah said...

Congrats!! I long for the day my legs look that fantastic in shorts!

katieo said...

You look awesome. LOVE the running in the rain. Instantly shoots you to HARDCORE status.

Laura N said...

Nice legs, chica! Hope you and the Captain are feeling better and are ready for Hawaii.

jen said...

Good pictures! You look good- nice legs :) Hope you're feeling better- have fun on vacation!

Crissy Rae said...

Hi there! Nice're looking good out there. It sure looks cold though!

J~Mom said...

That is serious dedication! I am the same way, I mostly just have shorts to run in!

Susan said...

Great legs! I mean it. I am jealous!

Sherry said...

I ran everywhere as a child growing up but stopped when I was 15 and was diagnosed with asthma. I was afraid I would get sick if I ran. Three years later, I ran for 6 weeks at Basic Training. That was short lived. But running has always been on my mind. I picked it up back in August but that was a brief stint. I recently started running again as I have just committed myself to running a 5K portion in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon at the end of April. I am scared to death. As I run each week I want to cry because I am so afraid I won't succeed. Seeing your picture has inspired me!