(Name that song!)
Tonight I am hitting the gym. It might spit me out as I try to walk in because I can't even remember when I was there last. Luckily my running keeps me away from the gym, but I know I needs to step it up. Do some upper body and core work, then Precor off some calories.
Then I'm going tanning - DON'T even think of telling me how bad it is. I KNOW. But I must maintain my glowing brown-ness for MY NEXT TRIP (in 2 weeks).
Tomorrow early morning - 6 miles - hill training (can I get a what?what?)
Then my pal Steph and I are headin' down south for a little fun in Sunny San Diego - shopping, drinking, eating maybe even a little dancin'. We have a sweet hotel room lined up, thanks to my coworkers mad negotiating skillz.
Oh - last... my next race is SOLD OUT. They only allow 2,200 peeps. Which is super cool cuz big crowds scare me. And the Penguin will be there. Pretty cool, huh? My mom and grams are really excited to be at the finish line (probably because of the wine, not because of me). But it's exciting to have them there.
Of course mom just said, "I hope you win or at least get an award."
MOM - EVERYONE gets a medal. Someday this will sink in.
I'm in a very chipper mood today. Hmmm I wonder how much I weigh. My pants are loose
today (but I think they are a bigger size). I will weigh in tomorrow morning (after my run- it's really the best time to do so). HAPPY WEEKEND EVERYONE!
In other great news - Madonna's new song is on iTunes -- already listened to it like 1,000 times!
Song of the Day: 4 Minutes by Madonna (featuring J.T. an Timberland)
HELLO! Pure awesomeness. Her arms are incredible. Damn - her entire body is incredible. I heart you Madonna. True love always. BFF. KIT.
You go girl. :) I want Madonna's arms too but refuse to eat her diet of what - macrobiotic stuff? No thanks.
Wow you are SUPER chipper today! That is fantastic! Your San Diego trip sounds like so much fun!! Girls weekends rock!
I know - it kinda feels like I'm on crack. Not sure why. I did eat a cookie for breakfast. Could just be the sugar talking.
OMG, I Love that song! Lookout Weekend by Debbie Deb....right?
Have fun in San Diego!
Debbie Deb it is.
Enjoy the weekend.
**Many happy hopes for a brilliant trip to San Diego**
I'm so downloading that song right now - stoked!
Moms are so funny. I'll never forget her reaction when I called her from the finish of my race and she asked "how long was the race?"
I respond: "13.1 miles"
Mom asks: "how many miles did you finish?"
Oh well, every time I see a helmet I have to smile. I dig your stories :-)
Sounds like a great weekend! I'm with Judi. Madonna's arms are crazy, but I am not eating macrobiotic stuff to get them. (I'm not even sure what macrobiotic food is, but it doesn't sound yummy.)
Man, that attitude stuff is working. Good for you. Keep the chin up.
Wish I were going to SD with you.
And where is the next trip, Missy? Where you going to tell me or just leave again???
Just got caught up on your blog from my vacay. It must be that California sun that makes you so cheery, girl, because I can feel it shining all the way to Indiana. Would you package it up and FedEx some to me puhleez?
Have fun with your training for the half. I like how you built your plan. Easy, peasy, no stress. Love it.
Wow, you are a busy bee! Have a great time in San Diego. I've only been there once for about 4 days but I was ready to move there after the trip. Ah, memories.
Madonna is rockin..I didn't even recognize her in that photo.
You crack me up! I am going to find that song...I always need new tunes!
I love San Diego, it's so much more intimate than LA!
Happy Shopping.
Hoe they heck do you need to go tanning? You live in the sun! If anyone needs to tan it would be me :-X :-X LOL
Enjoy your weekend in SD!
Heehee - I love your mom comments. Guess 'cuz I can totally relate. You know, the whole "Did you win?" kind of comments after running a race.
Moms! :)
That half mary sounds like fun!
Madonna is a Queen in my mind!
I'm LOVING the new Madonna/JT song too!!! It fueled an awesome workout yesterday, I think I put it on repeat for the majority of my 7-miler!
Another trip.... POM... your business trips make a girl JEALOUS! I'll think of you while I'm on my next business trip that is NOT IN FIJI... St. Louis =(
I hope you had a great weekend! If Madonna can pull of pasty-white, why can't I?
I just responded to your comment but I'll post here, too - my new song is the Rhianna one, "Don't Stop the Music". I'll have to check out the Madonna one, too!
Ha, I JUST posted about Madonna last night and I said I wanted her arms. I hadn't read this post until now. AND...Kelly O. posted about her too. I tell you, great minds think alike.
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