Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bipolar Blogging

Clicking on my link, you never know what you're going to get.
No, not like a box of chocolates (we're avoiding those these days Forest).
But more like ...

One day I'm happy and doing handstands.
One day I'm feeling light and content.

And the next
I feel like shit and everything sucks.
Like today.

Sometimes Running Sucks.

I had to stop to walk. Twice. WTF? I haven't WALKED since the old days of hip injuries.
AND I was so winded.
AND I got chicked by a not-so-fit chick.
AND there was wind. Lots of wind.
AND a creepy marine layer that felt like rain.
AND the fresh ocean breeze was not so fresh - smelled more like a used up stripper pole.
AND -ok, I'm out of "AND's"

And when running sucks; just about everything sucks.


carla said...

that last line I entirely relate to.

for me it's LIFTING but when Im weak everything else is weak too.


TonyP said...

:). I love the how "human" your blog is.

Marcy said...

I'd like to know how the hell you know what a used stripper pole smells like? :P

Tomorrow will be better :-)

Anonymous said...

Days like this happen, somedays you are just off. On the positve side, you finished the run and stuck with it.

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO! You freekin crack me up!

Either NYC or the Hudson Mohawk. Everything depends on the NYC lottery *sigh* Next marathon, lemme know whatcha doing, k? ;-)

A said...

Even though I'm still at the "walking" phase of my running plan (Yes, I have a plan!) I hear you. Some days are like trudging through syrup. Moldy syrup. Tomorrow will be better!

Shelley said...

I was wondering like Marcy how you know what a used stripper pole smells like...then I read your comment on her site...funny.

BTW - Your bipolarness, and your openess about it, is what makes you so charming.

K80K said...

Ditto Marcy and Shelley on wondering how you know what a stripper pole sounds like.

There have been several days when I could have written your blog sans the stripper pole comment. Tomorrow you will probably have the run of your life.

Mendy said...

That's all why we love your blog! Seriously, I enjoy reading it cause like someone mentioned before, you're human.

Unknown said...

Aw, sometimes for some reason it just doesn't seem to work, does it? And I can totally relate with you and MizFit about that last line.

Laura N said...

I can so relate to the bipolar thing. My mood goes down from PMS, ovulation, a low pressure system going through, constant rain, lack of sleep, a messy house, and lack of running. So, basically, I have about 5 good days a month. Haha. It's not quite that bad, but I definitely live a roller coaster life. It's nice to be able to vent about it here in the blogosphere.

TonyP said...

Ok...I'm in with the others as well...I'd like to see a post on your blog that explains how you know what a used up stripper pole smells like. :)

Amy said...

"smelled more like a used up stripper pole."
OMG. I still haven't recovered from reading that!

I hate that you're feeling bipolar these days! Hopefully, it's not something a large martini and a new pair of sassy heels can't fix...

And you know what, sometimes running does suck! In my case, it sucks all of the time!

Anonymous said...

Someone used to tell me... "It only sucks until you figure out how much you're willing to swallow."

Of course, now, I'm giggling like a school girl... but I can see how it *could* be a good mantra if I could only get my head out of the gutter long enough to absorb the meaning of it all.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Mama said there would be days like that. Is this where I break out into my Annie rendition? The sun will come up……..
It gets better, Chica.

Nancy said...

Give it time to smoothe out. You've been through some shiz. You are doing all the right things, it just takes some time. Hang in there. HUGS.

J~Mom said...

Hello!! I totally understand!! Just had a crap run myself!

Nisa said...

Hi there! I love reading your blog, it's funny and inspirational! I'm not a runner but I want to be now! =)

RunnerGirl said...

Feel better! I loved the used stripper pole comment :)

Aron said...

at least you are out there running!! thats the most important thing right :) hope you feel better soon, i hate those days!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Amen! I just got back from a crappy run too - I really think it is the season. I blame everything else on weather - it may as well be responsible for my runs too.

Crissy Rae said...

Sorry you're having a bad day but I must say the used stripper pole comment was priceless.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Hehe I remember you once telling me that the bad ones are part of the deal! It doesss get better! Seriously! Sit back, and take the good with the bad.

All it takes is one good run for everything to be perfect again:)

Kelly Olexa said...

I'm the same way like a roller freaking coaster I think....yet its the times when I let myself down and really tick myself off, and then know that I have to blog about it; that gets me more motivated to make up for it; so in the end, that's all good....You're all good girl. Keep it up!


TriGirl Thea said...

well at least you've retained your way with words...

"smelled like a used up stripper pole"

I feel queasy!


Nitmos said...

"When running sucks, everything sucks"

I wish it weren't true but...it is.

Jess said...

Everybody else already said it: yeah, some days suck. But they pass.

MissAllycat said...

I hear ya barking, big dog. So true.

Judi said...

Awww, I am with you girl. Thanks for the tunes!!