*Fingers Crossed* (Still waiting for something good...)
Here are the digits:
Mile 1: 9:45
Mile 2: 9:47
Mile 3: 9:58 (Slowed down to chat with the dolphins)
Mile 3: 9:14
Total: 38:44 (447 calories - that is enough to compensate for a few glasses of WINE tonight)
After a week of NO WINE, eating like a rabbit, running and doing yoga, I stepped on the scale this morning. Guess what... STILL at 136. I don't get it. I can usually drop weight easier. Maybe this is the weight I am supposed to be at. I know I'm not really fat. But there are still "spots" that have extra jiggle. Anyway, I needed another *something* to check my status. Remember a while ago when I got a pair of "Motivation Pants" from my boss? The Dolce & Gabana Black Skinny Pants? When I first got them, I could not button them. (See link for gross photo). Well, here they are now:

Yeah - they close! I actually think I could wear them and feel comfortable. There is still a slight muffin effect, but not like before.
So yeah for that. (Oh my gosh, my closet is such a mess in the back, but not as messy as in the "before" picture.)
On another note: I have entered the 21st Century and picked myself up a new PDA/Smartphone - whatever the heck it's called. I did my research and ended up with (what I think) is the perfect phone for me. It's small, yet can do my emails and all that stuff. HOWEVER = I SUCK AT THIS PHONE.
1. I have spent a total of 1:58 on the phone with technical support and STILL don't have my email sync'd. (I could have ran a half marathon in that time!)
2. It takes me twice as long to text.
3. I have been back to the store twice.
Apparently my IT guy has to help me. BUT he only comes once a month and it was last Tuesday. So I'm at a loss for now.
Weekend Plans:
~ Bikram this afternoon, Dinner with girlfriend's tonight and DRINKING WINE! Yippy.
~ Saturday shopping with Aunt and Granny
~ Sunday 7mile run and baby shower
~ Waiting for something good to happen (per dolphin sighting)
Song of the day: Back in your Head by Tegan & Sara (I love these gals)
Effin' YAAAAY on the skinny pants! Mini-muffin is completely out of sight from this perspective - good job!
My Blackberry hates me too. And I AM the IT guy. I support over 600 of these horrible technological equivelents to informational hockey pucks and seriously wish I never met one.
My geek prayers are with you.
You look great .. I hate you a little :)
Wow dolphins... that's pretty rad. And I think you look really good. Nice stomach definition. :)
I think you look great, too! Maybe the Bikram will tone up any leftover jiggle :)
You're lookin GREAT! I don't see muffin, but I think we're our own worst critics ;-)
Sounds like your weekend is off to a great start! Congrats on fitting so nicely into those pants - I bet the lack of weight change reflects the increased muscle mass you're gaining (as evidenced by the way the pants are fitting!). :)
wow, bikram is intense! i'd like to try it someday, but i think it'd probably kill me right now!
Yeah...I don't see any muffin...only ab definition...which I am also jealous of...lol...
Girl just quit eating past 7pm and start lifting weights. The pounds will melt off. Try it.
Have a good weekend.
you look great!
I agree with everyone above, I don't see any muffin top! Good song choice - Tegan and Sara are great!
No slight muffin top, your seeing things. The pants look fantastic. See, Anita is whacked! Congrats, on fitting in to them. Have fun in them. That is what Dolce & Gabana would want you to do.
I went through two different smart phones before I was perfectly synced and happy.
I will be at the Hilton Caribe on Fri and Sat. Yea, let's try to meet up.
Wow, dolphins? That's awesome. I think you look great- we are about the same weight and I think I look great, therefore... ;)
First of all, I wouldn't worry so much about the weight. You look great. Second - nice job on the run.
Girl, you look skinny and buxom. Hmph. ;) Good job. I'm at 131 (finally) and my boobs have shrunk from Cs to Bs. It's kinda inevitable when you lose 35 pounds!
Gotta love getting into the skinny jeans :-)
use the pants as your "weight".... If you are training you're prolly just switchin some fat to muscle - weight won't change!
Enjoy the wine tonight, I'm going to :-)
Dolphins?! Woah. Super cool.I don't see the muffin either...
Have a great weekend.
Nice splits and nice pants. But the splits aren't in the pants. Maybe that is the good thing? :D
Good going!
WOW! Look at that progress! Go girl!
So jealous of your life! The pants look great!!
Wow. Running with dolphins is amazining. I can only imagine.
Awesome post! :) Glad things are going so well for you!
Love Tegan and Sara. Best shows, super funny, great CD's. They are perfect. Good choice!
We don't see many dolphins here in Ohio, you're one lucky girl! And those pants look great!
I think that D&G pants post was one of the first I read of you, so I remember it well. You look GREAT in those pants and should be totally proud with how well you've done.
When you get close to your skinniest weight, it's mighty hard to lose any more. But you can do it! Just give yourself time. The next week could show a half pound loss, and that would still be OK, wouldn't it? And if you hit a plateau for a while, just try to mix things up. Truth though, you are so busy and traveling so much, that if you maintain this weight you are just golden. You must be doing something right to look that great.
I think your mini-muffin might be imaginary.
Also, I'm a little jealous of Jen who had some boob shrinkage w/ her weight loss. I've lost almost 70 lbs, and my boobs have gone from a 38DD to a 34 DDD. *sigh*
Your dolphins make me wish I'd been more of a runner when I lived in LA.
Nice abs. Very nice.
I think you look great! 136? What is wrong with that number? Especially since you must be atleast 5'5"!
cute pants...you look great in them!! we see dolphins sometimes at Tybee Island. They are so fun to watch! Have a great weekend!
Really?! You get to run with dolphins?! That's incredible. Sounds like you're having a great start to your weekend. Congrats.
Also thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!
way to go on the pants! and have to agree with others when they say they only see ab definition adn no muffin top. jealous of your run with the dolphins! i'm currently looking into moving to california after my first year of work... it would be great to move somewhere with beautiful weather year round!
D&G pants look great. I guess there's something to the no-drinking/eating like a rabbit!
Nice Job getting into the motivation pants! I don't see muffin top at all. Have fun on your next adventure.
I'd say that slinking your fine ass into those pants was the 'something good' that was gonna happen! You look smokin' in them. I'm trying to not to be insanely jealous. You look awesome in them. As far as your bits that still jiggle -- you look amazing. I can't wait to get there...
You totally rock!! I have some pants that have been motivation for way too long..I still can't button them!
You have done awesome!!
Tegan and Sara rock!
I AM a tech-y person, but you just explained why my cell phone has the sole purpose of making telephone calls... lots of features = lots of confusion!
You look fabulous in the pants. Good for you! I still look the same, but at least I don't look like "more of the same". I have a motivation running skirt that I'm going to where in June either as a reward, or a punishment!
Doh! Maybe I will "wear" it instead!
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