Vanillas strip club advice is probably on top of my list. I'm savin' my dolla bills so I can stuff them in some shiny g-string with my teeth. Ok, just kidding, I wouldn't really put money in my mouth. I'm not that gross. Vanilla - this pic is for you! Or maybe it's for Marcy. I know she loves her man-thongs.
Ali and I are going to have a major drinking binge and end up at Promises where we can recover and meet some celebu-drunks.
There's no need to hurt anyone.... JESS... (but I will keep that in the back of my mind for future reference. wink wink.)
Mrs. F - cracks me up as usual. And I'm down for some psychic advice. Seriously. Now, how do I find a reputable one???
I might end up shacking up with Nancy for a while. But she'll probably kick me out when she realizes that I used up all her lipstick!
Lots of you suggested drinking. I am saving that for the weekend. My rule is no booze during the week because I don't want to turn into a big bloaty nightmare. But actually, Thursday Charming Grey Matters and I are going to spend a ridiculous amount of our life savings on dirty martinis. Hey, the weekend starts on Thursday, so I'm not really breaking the rules.
The best advice though.... and LOTS of you shared this one... is that I am going to keep on runnin' and keep on truckin' and keep on shoppin.'
I have some exciting news that I will announce tomorrow. Well, it's exciting for me, but probably not really exciting for you.
Song of the Day: Walking with a Ghose by Tegan & Sara (Sorry I told you I'm obsessed wit them right now)
Well that man thong photo would cheer anyone up! Hang in there, my friend.
Well, I certainly did not intend to inflict my eyes with that image when I left you a comment yesterday.
Although, it is kind of nice to see what I must look like from behind.
I must admit after the parking garage wedding I too wanted just about anything but sympathy as that was a major downward spiral for my day. So I'm just going to say seriuosly go with the strip club..and the drinking and some kickboxing.
ok, so is your exciting news that you are now hiring a personal assistant & decided its gonna be me????
My boss says I missed my calling as a PA.
I'll even carry your bags at t eh airport & I've always been DD, so you can have great drinks on the weekend, of course, & I'll be your driver!!!
Although, I was at the psychic fair on Sunday & she didn't mention it, so maybe this isn’t' the good news. . . . . .the psychic surely woulda told me!!!
Oooooooo now that is one guy that looks good in a man thong . . .although I'd hate to see what it looks like after it's been used :-X :-X
Marcy is killing me: ...although I'd hate to see what it looks like after it's been used
LMAO! So gross!
And how in the world did I forget to mention engaging in retail therapy?! I apologize.
Ok, wait a second....did I suggest in some comment that you put more pictures of you in mud on your blog !!!!! I get a thong picture ? ARGHHHHHHHHH
Ha ha anthonyp!!! Funny.
You can borrow my lipstick anytime! :D
This sounds like the perfect excuse to indulge in a spa day. If you're apprehensive to pony up that kind of dough (or just plain cheap, like me), find an aveda training center around your area and book through them. Try something new.
Last breakup for me I felt really quite sick all the time. I took it as an opportunity to treat it as a "detox time" in more ways than one. I bought stuff for strange smoothie recipes and ate nothing more than raw veg and brown rice - great for the waistline and great for getting that worrysome tummy back on digestive track (bummer situations for me = sick tummy).
This too will pass mate. Your online presence is beautiful and fun, I can't even fathom how brilliant the real-life package is! Screw the Cap'n, go for the Admiral.
That's it. I'm through. Wake me when that picture is at least 4 posts down and out of scroll zone.
i am absolutely obsessed with tegan & sara. haha. saw them last october too. aww. so fun.
Running with groups of people is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Its good because you feed off the energy of those around you (like a race) and things seem a little easier. But if you are like me, your ego won't let you go slow when you need to, if you need to. Id never run with a group if it was just a recovery run _ Id pick a slower partner for that. Cant wait to see your post on the matter, and for that matter, your good news.
"I have some exciting news that I will announce tomorrow"... Mean!! You are holding out so we all have to come back tomorrow to find out the exciting news!!
Good plan.. very sneaky... cya tomorrow :)
Take it from someone who has tried to drown past sorrow in booze and sweaty strippers, it's not the best path (although, it does offer up some good fodder for stories), and man-strippers are, to be honest, pretty gross.
But, really, I have to congratulate you on your fortitude (and your bravery -- for facing a break-up sober). You're stronger than I.
I am with you on saving the booze for the weekend too! actually i permit myself to drink on wednesdays because it's the midpoint!
You are handling this very well! Glad to see your eyes are still working well enough to find eye-candy for all of us to gaze upon. Sigh.
Oh, the Bag Lady forgot to tell you - she's been dumped so often, she could qualify as a gravel truck! So she can certainly offer all kinds of advice...
She also agrees with Chia - "Screw the Captain -- go for the Admiral" That should be your new slogan!!!!
(and the Bag Lady is so jealous she didn't think of it first!)
Whohoo 2 days till Thursday!
Personally I will take all the man thong pics you wanna post. it saves me time from googling them..LOL!
You will rock on chickie, fo sho'
Hope you're hanging in there . . . I'm glad to see your sense of humor is still in tact, I love the man thong pic :)
Sorry to hear about the Captain taking off for bluer seas... there will be better and bigger fish in the sea...
ok, lame. I know. But if it makes you laugh, even a bit, it's all good.
Take care chica!
Your post today made me smile! Can't wait to hear about your exciting news. And, I agree with Jess, most male strippers are pretty sleezy. Save the money and buy yourself something cute.
Oh do not worry my friends. I would never waste money on a stripper. SHHHOOOOTTT - men take their clothes off for me for free! ha
I'll save the money for shoes.
Now you are talking...more shoes...you already bought the first pair, right? The first pair should be totally hawt and trashy. Then you move on to something a little more stable and comfy...but the important thing is to keep shopping!
So, I don't have a lot of advice on this matter (which I'm thankful for) but yea, keep running. And I don't think the captain could see that the bluest ocean (sea?) was right infront of him!
Hang in there:)
OMG! whats their to be sympathetic about? You are a hot chick...a hot RUNNER chick for that matters...that has a career that pays for you to go to Hawaii, Fiji, and Puerto Rico etc. And you ARE SINGLE! No sympathy here...I'm freakin jealous! haha. But foreal girl..shop, run, and drink. Rinse, wash, repeat. You are an amazing girl with so many things going for yourself...someone will definitely be lucky to snag ya!
didn't get a chance to comment on your last post, but want to pass along my support nonetheless. having just ended a 2+ year relationship myself (as you know), i found my yoga class this weekend to be a great stress relief. i know you're a fan, so i would suggest keeping it up! and, of course, as you once told me: read, exercise, make a healthy meal.
Woah! Are you popular or what the last few days. Let's see, how do you get over a break up? I guess one day at a time. That's about it. Well at least you get to run off to exotic islands. That should help too.
Where did you find that picture of me ?!?!?!
It all sounds so great! I just commented on your previous blogpost to this one.
You sound like such a strong woman!
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