Welcome May. Bring on the flowers....
Product #2 - Light Elements Smoothing Fluid
Usually on the first day of the month, I read my horoscope. And for the first time in a year, I did not read HIS horoscope, too. A good sign? Perhaps.
It said things will be looking up at work.... lots of travel, maybe new romance.
Sounds good to me!
My latest shopping frenzy lead me to these little ditties:
Product #1 - Aveda Smooth Infusion Style-Prep Smoother
It smooths frizz like nobodies business and protects from heat elements. At least it does in my head bcuz my hair feels so great today.

Smooth into dry hair to tame any leftover frizzies.
1. It smells like Lavender -my all time favorite scent.
2. It's very lightweight -not greasy at all
3. Makes hair so shiny.
I didn't even realize they have a whole smooth infusion kit thing with shampoo & cond that goes with it but I left spending over $50 so that's enough for now. But they are all organic, if that's an issue for you.
Here is the end result (yes, my coworkers think I am a total freak and I need lipstick):
Straight, Shiny, Smooth hair!
Ooooooo lovin the hair chica! Very nice ;D
You're like a shampoo commercial!
You are so focused getting those runs in on the TM. I totally
put my tail between my legs and went to the buffet. Ugh! sorry, it did'nt work out to meet. I am planing on being in Cali for Surf City next year. You are not OCD on the running you are focused. Great pics, looks like you had a great time between working. Ahhh..I am all cought up on my POM fix. I am glad God threw you a bone, you deserve it chickie :-)
Going to have to try that product anything that soothes fizzes
and make mi hair smell good is a winner. Y?ou should be getting free products to test.
Love the hair! Those products are going on my shopping list. ;-)
Pretty! I suppose I need to switch to organic hair products. Ugh, all this organic crap is going to put me in the poor house. But at least I'll be healthy!
Nice hair and looks good!!!.
Groet Rinus.
I would so be Herbal Essenceing up that office flailing my mane about and moaning like a porn star.
Oh wait, I do that every Thursday.
Happy May Day!
Very nice! I love Aveda products. Hang straight is great too if you need to blow dry your hair straight. I tend to stay away from their shampoos and conditioners because I go through them so quickly it ends up being too expensive. But their styling products last forever!
Well you know how I feel about lipstick, roomie, but I think you look fabulouso, the hair is gorgeous -- perfect for Thailand, really -- My horoscope says (fortune cookie from PF Chang was the only good thing !) All your hard work is going to pay off. THANK GOD.
I think it is very promising that you didn't read his, but just in case, I'm sure it said he is probably going to have a miserable month. :D
Oh your hair looks too cute!
Someone's (not naming names here) May Horoscope: You have made a bad decision that will haunt you forever.
Re Aveda: I just dropped *WAY* too much doh-ri-me at my neighborhood Aveda. I'm trying to go the sulfate-free route when it comes to hair and body products (the Cub's mom insists they'll give me a horrible disease or some such nonsense) but man... It's hard to find good ones unless you're willing to drop the dollahs. ($8 Burts Bees shampoo turned my normally luxurious locks into a tangled, dry mess.) Anyhoo - my point is - I second the motion on the Aveda smooth line.
Good sh!t.
Looking hot, as usual, POM-ster.
PS: I'm pretty sure I have that shirt in red. Looks even better without the cami =O
love Aveda!
Looks great! I looooove lavender anything.
I just switched back to this today -- no parabens baby! Love this stuff, my hair feels lighter and so much smoother. Bonus: I fell asleep after my shower and woke up with hair that very closely resembled Sally from Peanuts fame. No, really.
I love this stuff. And I love new products. I'm sad to part with my Redken Smooth Down, but it's chock full of parabens and I just can't do it to Little Girl.
I haven't found anything I DON'T like from Aveda (well, I could do with lower prices, but . . . I'm just cheap!).
Have a great May - sounds like you're off to a good start!
WOW! Lovin the results of the hair products! BUt... your hair always looks great! :)
Me likes. A lot.
It's nice to get some tips others have used. I have the opposite problem-my hair doesn't frizz but goes stick straight in the heat/humidity.
Looking fabulous girl.
ohhhh pretty hair! did you have to use a flat iron too or did it just come out that nice and smooth??
I am an Aveda-whore! I love their stuff.
will you come here and do my head?
Lookin' good, girl! I enjoy learning about hair products from you. I have frizzy hair so anything that takes away that crap has my vote. I may be going to get some of this stuff this weekend! and I, too like Aveda products.
Have a great weekend!
I refuse to comment on hair care products. This is me not commenting.
you are definitely quite the gorgeous one. Now I want those products! haha
The hair looks HOT!
I have curl that I straighten every day so this is good to know!! Thanks!
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