On my long run last Saturday, I ended up in Huntington Beach which is one town North of me. And who do I see ALSO running? Yep, my girl crush (G.C.). You can imagine my excitement when I find out she is also a runner. All these visions of me and my new best friend - going to yoga together, running together. Getting tea afterwards, talking about yoga and running. Then going out to bars at night and having men fall all over us cuz we are such kick ass yogi's and runners. We shop together for yoga and running clothes, go to races together, go on yoga retreat vacations together. It's just a perfect friendship. (Maybe we can even get matchy matchy BFF Yoga Running Tattoos - ok totally exaggerating on that one).
Well, the universe brought us into the locker room at yoga last night at the same time. BOTH just arriving from work (yet another thing we have in common). So this is my chance. My chance to start the communication that will lead us to being best friends forever ever.
This is how it shakes down:
Me: So, are you a runner too?
G.C.: Yes
Me: Oh, I saw you running in HB last Saturday.
G.C.: Yes, I run in HB.
Me: Oh. (Smiles and walks out)
Yep, that was it.
God, I suck at making friends. Or maybe she is just a bitch. Good thing I'm not a dude or I would still be a virgin.
Song of the Day: Say by John Mayer
LOL ok you sound just like me... i always get these crazy ideas in my head like that too but can never say anything - i am so shy! hehe good job for trying at least :)
Don't give up just yet...maybe she just needs some time to come around. LOL
OMFG HAHAHAHHAHAAAAA I'm sorry chica, but this was so hee-larious. Hands down the girl was a bee-ya-tch. Seriously, who isn't excited to talk about running? (or maybe that's just me?)
And don't sweat it, if I was a dude I'd probably be still living with my Mom, and counting watching porn as having a relationship with someone.
hahaha I'm cracking up!!!
But yea I agree with Marcy...kinda seems like a biiiatch!
At my yoga studio that I loved in Santa Monica, I had a girl crush. I never ever spoke to her though. You're braver than I am.
I heart you just a little bit more because of this!
I am the same way. One of my secret fears is meeting bloggers that I admire and pulling a Mary Catherine Gallagher and stammering like a star-studded 12-year old.
Oh, and I suck at the random conversation with strangers thing. Unless I'm drunk. Does that count?
I so know where you're coming from.
I see the same people in my spin class all the time, but I never get the nerve to talk to them afterwards because I'm afraid of just that type of outcome. I'm a sad git.
Maybe she's been having the same thoughts about you and was afraid she would start stuttering and stammering if she talked too much... Huh? Huh?
I do the SAME thing!! And then I start to wonder if people think that I am nuts. She doesn't sound too friendly, but who knows, she may have been in a huge rush. Don't give up!! hehe.
OMG...same thing w/me. It took me nearly 6 months to strike up a conversation w/people in my track club...and these were people who I also saw every week, and we were all in the SAME CLUB...geez...
Perhaps we're all dorks inside, but I always think EVERYONE is cooler than me.
Ha! Very funny! :)
I agree, what a beech!
You see, this is one of the things that makes women different. When I see another guy who's taller with ripped muscles and running faster than me, I don't want to be his bff. I look at him and think, "well yeah, he's taller, faster, stronger... but I bet he's a total douchenozzle!"
See, I am the opposite and would ask 1000 questions and stand there looking like a stalker fo sho. Then she would get all scared and run out. At least you handled it with tact!! LOL
Email me through my blog if you want to read it. I made it private but anyone can read that wants to. LOL Except my crazy stalkers that I am trying to lock out. ;>)
Sounds like love to me....or maybe you are just a stalker!!! lol ;)
hahaha what a funny convo. it is so hard to make new female friends. i want some really badly!!! (not knocking the ones i have...)
LOL. This is a classic post. I wouldn't be certain she is 100% beeyatch yet, since your opening line was so lame (sorry sista, but its the blunt honesty thang again). She certainly has beeyatch potential, but give her one more chance before we kick her lean, muscled body aside like chum to the sharks.
LOL!!! I have been in that same situation!!! It is totally hard making new girl friends. There was a girl like that in my bootcamp class, it took forever for us to talk, but we did end up being friends...she'll come around eventually!
I'd be the same way, only now I'd hate her forever.
But I agree with Vanilla. If she were a dude, I'd pass on the "douchenozzle." (+1)
It took me a long time to work up the nerve to make friends at the gym.
I sounded like a jackass, but then I DID make a few friends ...but one mocks me relentlessly for being a runner *sob*
At least you were brave and spoke to her. I would've kept my mouth shut forever.
Screw HER!!! you can do so much better!
You’re WAY hotter than her!
I'd be BFF, but (1)I live in Michigan, and (2) one day I may get skinny enough that I might be hotter than you--its in the realm of possibilities, possibly, like when they find water with boats in them on Mars (not just water). :o) lol
She's kinda stuck up......I say just stick with you REAL BBF (blog-best-Friends)
Aww! I think you should try talking to her again. Sometimes it seems as though its harder to talk to girl crushes than it is to talk to the guys!
I'm betting she is just not friendly. Which amazes me, because runners are the world's nicest people! It's not you -- it's her.
I wouldn't take it too personally, it takes me a while to mentally prepare to do any kind of post-work-workouts. She was probably getting into her yoga zone.
Either that or you should shit on the hood of her car. That'll get her attention :-)
LMAO...How could she resist that line of yours? You had me at 'So'.......... LOL. Yeah, it's tough being a dude!
Hmmmm. Doesn't smile. Doesn't talk. Maybe she's just playing hard to get.
Haha! I think she might feel all high and mighty! Especially with her short responses when you are definitely trying to chat with her!
Haha, I love how you told this story. I'm agree that it's hard to make new girl friends. I wouldn't have had the guts to say anything.
p.o.m. your adorable! I think i have a girl crush on you!!! :O)
Seriously, she is not worthy!!
I'm just saying!!
glam: drunk conversations with random strangers DEFINITELY count.
p.o.m. - i'm going with the theory that the GC is reciprocated and she was nervous too..... step one (first convo) accomplished. step two: smile at next class. Go for it!!
you and I live parallel lives :)
So funny! I don't know that I would have been able to say anything to her.
It is totally hard to make friends!
Maybe you should have asked if she was tired...you know, cuz she's been running through your mind all day.
LMAO u r so cute!
Maybe she is a shy person. nExt time maybe you should ask her if she is training for anything
Aw man that sucks...I definitely agree that you should try again. However, I do have a question: What degree of undress were you at the time of conversation? You could be ackward-half-naked-lockeroom-talker. If that's you, I would rec. approaching her fully clothed.
hmmm...yup good thing you're not a dude. :)
She is either shy or a beetch. Try again, and if not, move along. There are plenty of fish in the sea. ROFLMAO...
Between Viper, Vanilla and Nitmos, I think they've just about covered the board (not broad). LMAO!!!
You'll *run* into her again, smile & nod....that'll work, just be thankful she's not really your type. LOL.
LOML! You are too funny. In her defense, I don't talk much when Imm working out but maybe she is just a biotch!
BTW, Gazelle's and I are doing Bikram on Saturday in your honor. You inspired me to try it!
thanks for the tip :) it's just carrying it out that's the problem. In any case, I hope it's ok- just added you to my roll thing!
You crack me up!! Kudos to you for having the guts to talk to her. Maybe she was nervous, or in a hurry, or shy- or maybe she really is unfriendly. I think it's fair to give it another shot, but if she still gives you the cold shoulder, move on.
P.S. That card is so funny. When I first read it, I thought it said "hero", then I used Hooked on Phonics and realized that it said "hetero"- hahahahaha!!
she sounds like a bitch.
and i love looking at muscualr ripped women, like pro volleyball players. ripped women are hot.
Ha ha. That was HILARIOUS..
Your last sentence made me laugh. Out loud.
** jealous **
hehehe, that last line of yours was hilarious. Give it sometime, next time you see her maybe you can make a running date ;)
So so so great! I am the same way! Your mind runs with thoughts of the fabulousness of having a new girlfriend to do things with and then your shot down! lol
I would still be a virgin boy too- awesome.
OMG. She's a total bitch. I mean seriously...if someone started that conversation with me, it would've turned into more than "yep...I sure do run there..." The.End.
She totally dropped the ball. Oh well. No tea for her. She's probably a girl hater.
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