Sorry about the lack of posts and comments lately. My work schedule is OOC (Out Of Control).
What is also OOC - my brain. I know it's probably just taper-city but here's what's going on in my head.
- Ouch my ankle. Is it swollen? Why is it hurting? I think it's swollen.
- Oh no, my back. What is THAT? Could I have a displaced/sprained/jacked up rib? How the hell would that happen?
- I can't breath. What's wrong with my lungs? I feel like I spent the day in the swimming pool. (Remember that, when you were a kid?)
- Is that a twinge in my knee? I think it is. It's probably this stupid 5 lbs I can't shake.
See, I'm going a little "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" right now. I hope Nurse Ratched doesn't knock me off my rocker.
In accordance with ZE PLAN, I ran my own personal half marathon today. I wasn't happy with my pace because, well, I'm psycho. But when I got home and realized that it was faster than any real half marathon race I've done. I decided to just be happy with it, damn it.
Distance: 13.1 (DUH)
Time: 1:52 (Holla, my PR for races is 2:03)
My last little tidbit to share with yous all (my mom had this creepy boyfriend who said "yous" all the time. So annoying).
Check out this little diddy:

2. You might notice a big ass blister on my big toe. It is seriously the size of a dime. It's been there for so long that it doesn't hurt anymore. I just leave it, no matter how much I want to rip it off. I will save that for post-marathon celebration.
3. There is another very tiny blister lower down. Now this little baby blister hurts like a MO FO. What the hell is that about???
So my home skillets, off to Vegas I go. I hope Kid Rock doesn't try to make out with me.
Next weekend I run a 8 miler, then the follwoing weekend - it PORTLAND MARATHON!
Hey - you other runners out there - let's start thinking of a meet up. Thursday night, downtown somewhere????? Drinky-Poos!
Song of the Day: All Summer Long by The Rock Heros
Wow! Great run! Not even in a race!
WOW awesome job POM!!!!! you have had some seriously speedy runs lately... you are going to ROCK portland!!!
have a great weekend and quiet that crazy taper mind of yours :)
Nice run! I am so excited for your marathon. Are you going to run w/ a pace group? I will make you a sign & cheer for you. I love walking a quarter mile & watching the runners go by - and I'll try not to get all jealous & trip any of them.
And I'm totally on for a Thursday night meet up. I personally vote for Vault (, but would realistically go anywhere. :)
p.o.m Thursday night meet up sounds great to me!! Where?? Do i need to buy plane tickets or can i run there??? Shall i bring my dancing shoes or running shoes?? Garmin or no??
I know exactly what you mean about being OOC and i am not even running a marathon in 2 weeks!!! :O)
Have a great time in Vegas...whatever you do, it doesn't have to stay there does it???
Wow...great pace, P.O.M.
I dig you on the O.O.C. I'm hurt, not running, so OOC is outta control in my neck of the woods too!
Have fun in Vegas. I'm doing there marathon at beginning of Dec (just decided)...oh yeah, and happy tapering!
Glad it doesn't hurt. It looks like it hurts.
I saw Kid Rock in concert a few months ago. It was seriously awsome. He puts on a great show. He didn't try to make out with me, but you are cuter, so watch out.
Great job on the run!!! Take care of your rib issue....I'm going to bet that you coudn't have broken it, the odds have to be in your favor, the chances of you "knowing" another runner who broke their rib running has to significantly reduce your chance of having the same injury. It's sort of like algebra-
1 broken rib runner(brr) x pi / 2 girls that blog + ze plan - 26.2 miles cannot = 2 brr's
See, I just proved it!
Have fun in Vegas!!!
Gotta love being able to set a PR when you're just running by yourself. You have a sub 1:50 half in ya!
If you actually have to make out with Kid Rock - do it and tell the stories later. Just rinse with hydrogen peroxide after :)
And the Gazelle is right - Vault is nice! That whole area is nice. Andina's rocks.
Hehe, being a bit "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is always a good thing. I am very impressed with your training sessions and am sure that the even iself will not be a problem.
Good luck & Enjoy
Just remember where your towel is, and all will be well.
Dudette - you rocked that personal half marathon. WTG!!!
I picked up a new and painful blister that I am hating...
Your feet look terrific - dang girl, you would never know you run a million miles a month.....
Yous are gonna kick ass in Portland! Sincerely,
You've trained brilliantly - how bad ass is that... 1:52!?!?
Super cute flip flops too!
Thursday night sounds like a load of fun if you'll have me. I'll e-mail you my cell# - leaving for Portland on the 1st.
Love the flip flops! That is amazing that you had such a fast half in a training run! Congratulations!
OOOH OOOH OOOH Can we go here -
or even this works for me too (sorry)
I can't believe how fast you have gotten, it is very impressive. Actually, I can believe it because you have been extremely dedicated and have worked for it. Awesome job. Have fun in Vegas.
Those flip flops are HELLA cute, indeed. And that's a mongo blister. Ouch. Did you drain it???
Good luck with your Portland Marathon. Wow!
I want to come over and shred that blister!! NOW!! ;-) Girl how have you restrained yourself? I'm expecting some blisters myself tomorrow because like a MORON, I forgot my SOCKS today for my workout! Idiot!!
TGIF girl
Nice work on the run!!!
I can't believe your race is coming up so fast.
Have fun in Vegas!
WOW Do I ever know what you are going through! Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going crazy!!!
Great job on the run!:) You're going to ROCK IT!
Congrats on the 13.1 miler. Way to go. You are one bad ass running mofoer.
Great job on the run, you rock!
I also have a blister on my toe, mine still hurts though, so your lucky!
Great job on the run!
Yous ran a really good time for a 13 mile training run. Lol!
Yeah, let's meet up for drinks! Oh wait, I wont be in Portland! DOH!
Can't your work send you to Philly?
Those are super cute flip flops! The blister is owie though!
Love the shoes! Hopefully the blisters (and the crazies) go away soon!
Sounds like you might be having the pre-marathon jitters/worries. However, that blister is sweet! Love the flip flops!
Ha! That is sooooo typical taper thinking! I tend to also notice that my running has turned into sludge, and all parts of my body (but particularly my posterior) are being pulled down by gravity, causing me to run like a walrus. At least, that's what *I* think about during tapers... Can't wait to hear how you do in Portland!
girl don't rip that blister but you gotta pop it! and yeah i'm writing something similar to you for tomorrow 'cause something's wrong with this body of mine!
Great run time! Sorry about the Crazies. If I weren't also afflicted, I might be able to offer some help, but alas, I am completely OOC.
For your blisters, better make sure you get some moleskin (you'll thank me (or "it")- I promise). Cover those badgers up!! Eek! Super cute flip flops, though.
Good luck with the rest of your tapering and have fun in Vegas!
Hilarious. Everything on my body "hurt" last week, too. really does!
hope vegas was FUNFUNFUN.
we getting details? :)
Wow, nice run!
And nice flip flops!
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