Friday, September 12, 2008

Twenty Two Miles of Reflection

Alt Title 1: You've Run A Long Way Baby
Alt Title 2: You've Come A Long Way Baby

Let's get the digits over with first because this run today was a lot more than numbers (although I am extremely happy with them). I definitely felt like I pushed myself. HARD. At no point could I sing a song - I was working. I was sweating and crackin' out the miles.
Distance: 22 miles
Time: 3:09:48
Average Pace: 8:38 (6 seconds faster per mile than my 21 miler!)
Calories: 2419

Now don't think I'm a total wuss, but about an hour into my run, I got a little emotional and reflective. This is the last long run before my 2nd marathon and it made me think. A lot.
First, I feel so blessed as a runner. I get to run in the perfect environment - on a beach path, in perfect weather at sea level. I'm thankful and appreciative of this, especially after reading the weather drama that some of you have to go thru. So I'm not as bad ass as some of you, I know this.

Second, I am amazed at how far I've come in the last year. Looking back at my long training runs from my first marathon, I was really struggling. I remember after every long run (18+) I would get some stupid little cold. I would be wobbling around in pain. I would break out and be so flipping hungry or tired I could barely function. I think this year, I have found the right balance for me. I know everyone is different, but some of those training schedules online just had way too much running . Every other day is just fine, thank you. I'm faster and healthier!

Last, I feel so much more confident with my running. I can't help but notice how this has seeped over into other parts of my life. It has to. I mean, running is such a huge part of it that the hard work and commitment that it takes to get here is transferable to everything you do.
Last night I was having dinner with The Captain and I had a little glass of wine.
I said to him, "God, I want another glass of wine, but I guess this is the sacrifice I make to be an endurance athlete." Of course I was totally joking about the 'endurance athlete' part. So I stared at him with my eyebrow cocked, waiting for a laugh.
He just said, "yep."
I said, "Aren't you gonna raz me about calling myself an 'endurance athlete?"
He said, "No, 'cause you are one. "

For any of my newer readers, I want to let you know that I have only been running for about 2. 5 years. Three years ago, I was 40 lbs heavier. I had worked out my entire life, but wasn't committed to it. Nor was I committed to eating healthy. I will even embarrass myself by showing you these creepy pics from the bad ol' days.
They are both from 2006 when I was pushing 168! I am not happy with these, but everyone loves before and afters, so here ya go.

If you're wondering what I look like now, check out my race report from the 5K last weekend. You can definitely see the weight in my face, boobs and waistline.

I'm sharing this with you all (again) because I know that some of you are struggling with getting started - either with eating healthy or with getting moving. But you can do it. If I can, you can. Lots of small changes can change your life. I'm not perfect. But everyday I try to be healthy and fit. It's a decision that you make everyday. It's a lifestyle change - not a quick fix, but a different way of thinking.

So, back to the Portland marathon. It's taper time! Something I learned from my last marathon - taper time does not mean to carbo load yourself into oblivion and gain ell bees. No way jose. If you know me, then you know I have a PLAN for my taper.

Ze Taper Plan:
  • Stick to original running plan- a 14 miler and a 10 miler for the next 2 weekends.
  • Stretch and do lots of yoga to keep my hips from tightening up (they were on this run).
  • Food: More carbs, but keep calories about the same. I really want to weigh 128 or so on marathon day. I'm much faster at this weight.

Thanks for reading this terribly long and probably boring post. But it's over now, so get out there and enjoy your weekend. You better believe I will enjoy that 2nd (or 3rd) glass of wine tonight. I think I've earned it.


Kevin said...

Wow, P.O.M., wow! Good luck in Portland!!!!!

Margo said...

Great post! Your blog is one of the few that I turn to for inspiration in weight loss. Thanks!

Aron said...

congrast POM!!! you totally ROCKED that run and you are going to really rock portland!!!! so exciting!! you have done so awesome training and committing to a healthy lifestyle - you are definitely an inspiration :) congrats again and happy taper time!

healthy ashley said...

2419 calories!? 22 miles?!

Thank you for this post- you're so motivational! GOOD LUCK!

HC said...

What a great post! You've come so far and you should be really, really proud of yourself -- very few people make it into the "runner" category, let alone "endurance athlete" but you've shown it can be done, and with a kickass sense of humor to boot!

Run like the wind, lady!

Amy - the gazelle said...

awesome run! you're totally going to hit a sub-four marathon! go you! you definitely deserve that 2nd glass of wine, you endurance athlete, you!

Kim said...

Wow. WOW. I'm so happy to hear that your long run went well, and that you are in such a great place to tackle your second marathon. You are totally going to rock it!!! Thanks for sharing your world with us - you have no idea how inspirational you are! :)

Anonymous said...


Excellent post. I recognize the weight-loss and the healthy eating remarks. Very true. It is a choice every day and the habit of running makes it so much easier.

I started running only a year and a half ago, and do nowhere near the distances you do, but I recognize the feeling reflective during a run.

J said...

You are a pretty amazing person! Enjoy tapering and I can't wait to hear how you do in the marathon!

Anonymous said...

Your numbers are FREAKIN AMAZING!!!!


And dinner with The Captain? What is that little teaser that you've thrown in?

Laurel said...

DOOD! That pace is fantastic for that distance! Great job.

You should be so proud of yourself girl, not only for the run, but how far you have come physically and mentally in the past couple of years. You're doing great. You are going to rock Portland. i can't wait to read that report.

chirunner said...

Dang, you're a speed demon in my book. No matter what my pace is I can never "sing." Thanks for sharing the before and afters. It may be hard to see those befores but wow, you've done great. And by the way, dinner with the Captain? I don't think I've missed any posts. What's up with that?

joyRuN said...

That's a FANTASTIC 22 miles! Congrats :)

Jess said...

First of all, that is a SMOKIN' 21 miler! At that pace, you'll be heading for a BQ in no time!

Secondly, what's this business about dinner with El Capitan?! Friendly dinner? Romantic dinner? You can't just casually drop that in there and not think you're gonna start a brushfire of questions do you?

Lastly, congrats on all that you've worked so hard on! You deserve the rewards such hard work has brought you! Enjoy that extra glass of wine.

Kate said...

We started at very similar weights, I lost about 25-30lbs (depending on the day, ha!).

I'm relatively new to running, so I'm still trying to find the right "balance" for me, but it's encouraging to see someone like you, who started where I am, and ended up where you are!

Jennifer Burgett said...

I think I missed a post along the way . . . . dinner with The Captain??? Do tell . . . .

You are very much an inspiration to me. And you make me a bit jealous too. I was pushing (over) 168 back in November and lost 33 pounds. I found them on vacation and can't seem to loose them again.

I have found the love of running but don't know if I will ever do a marathon. I am though running a half!!! One question: do you think I could possibly do a half a month from today? I would have to go from 10k to half in 4 weeks. The course is almost all downhill - that is the good part! What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Great post chica. I hope my year 2 is as progressive as yours! You're so going to rock Portland. Me, I'll be right behind ya!

Unknown said...

Holy Mackerel.. that is freaking phenomenal. 22 miles under 3:10. That is fabulous! Hat off to you. Like you, I have similar weight issue. I started out three years ago and I was 185 lbs. Now, I am at 152. That's 33 lbs differences! You know what?? Like you, I do feel a huge transformation from a clubby boy to a more finesse boy! You sure rock !!!

Heather said...

I think this is SUCH an awesome post. I'm so inspired by you and happy for your progress -- and ability to really reflect and feel proud of yourself. Yay POM! Yay yay!

PS You don't have to share anything about dinner with El Captain. :)

Phil said...

You look fantastic POM! Congratulations, have fun in Portland. It's a cool city.

Romance said...

WTG with the time on the 22 miles.... congrats to you.. your hard work is so paying off and good for you starting own your endurance athlete status...

I agree, the Captain? What up, sista', what up?

I love before and after shots. You are gorgeous in both sets of pics, but the hard work in your recent pics is totally evident on all parts of you - plus you look happier and more confident!!! Even in your postures...

Congrats again

Melissa said...

Great Post!! Awesome run. You definitely have a reason to be proud of yourself. You look great in the B&A shots too. You are a great inspiration to lots. Good Luck on your marathon.

Amy said...

Awesome run! And congrats on all your accomplishments! I have also gotten a lot healthier and gotten into running in the past 2-3 years and it has changed my life! Love your blog! and good luck in Portland, I can't wait to hear about it!

:) said...

You rock...what an amazing transformation. :)

Good luck at Portland!

TonyP said...

WOW - That is an exceptional 22 miler that you put in. Great great great job.

M*J*C said...

AWESOME post POM! Totally inspirational! Great job on that 22 miler, and great job on transforming your life! Enjoy that wine tonight and I can't wait to follow the rest of your journey to Portland!

Judi said...

Good post! Awesome job on your long run girlie.

teacherwoman said...

Sweetness on the long run! You have made such great gains in your running/training! way to go!

Anonymous said...

You are running so strong these days. Be proud of yourself you worked hard for it. If you keep this up you may be headed to Boston!

Enjoy the weekend.

Run For Life said...

Congrats on such and awesome run and thanks for sharing that post with us!

Shelley said...

Profound. I like the blue...and I'm curious about the Captain.

Raina said...

Those are great B&A shots. You look gorgeous before AND after! I'm going to forward your blog to a girlfriend of mine that is getting inspired to run to lose weight. i think she will truly feel inspired by you. Thanks for sharing!!


N.D. said...

Great job on the 22! And on all of the reflections. I love how running translates and seeps into the rest of our lives. You've done a great job being committed to working out and eating well and you look great! what's up with the blue background!

The Laminator said...

Congrats on your great self-affirming run, P.O.M. Wow, you've gotten fast this past year! Loved the B&A shots. So very cool.

Enjoy your taper and good luck in your marathon. You rock!

E said...

Excellent post. You are a true inspiration.

Amazing job on your run! You're going to ROCK Portland!

Bev said...

Awesome POM! What a great post! It's so great to see where you have come from. If you have done this great work in the last 2 years, can you imagine the awesome stuff you will do in the next two years. Good luck in Portland.

Michelle said...

p.o.m. i am so encouraged by this post! I think to myself all the time, how the heck can i run a marathon, i can barely run a 10K! But, having you as inspiration really motivates me!! Thank you so much my friend!!

I love your blog!!

Good luck in Portland!! Dude you are going to do so under a 4 hour marathon time!!! That is awesome!!!


Christine said...

Dang girl! I love that you don't think you need to run everyday. I will be starting my second marathon training plan here in a wee bit. I think I plan to stick with your plan of running as it suits me much better. I'll let ya know how it goes :)

p.s. I resorted to drastic measures to get rid of my ell bees. It has not been pretty around here this week as I'm really cranky when I can't eat.

C said...

I too hope that my second year of running is as great as yours was.

Congrats, Ms Speedy. You are going to rock Portland!

carrie said...

Congratulations, what a fabulous run! I got all reflective on my last long run, too...just one of the many reasons I love to do it. Fabulous post, enjoy some wine, and maybe I'll "run" into you in Portland!

Marci said...

Hi POM, I found this post to be inspiring. Good for you for pushing and getting such an amazing time. I agree with about the taper. I think just eating more carbohydrates is the key, and less on the load. Maybe a slight load, but no gluttoney. I think you are going to have an amazing marathon. Good luck!

Lucas said...

Thanks for this post. I am one of those that is struggling right now. I know what to do and how to do it, I just need to get back at it. Your story is inspiring.

BeachRunner said...

Wow. That was a rocking, speedy 22 miler. Woo Hoo. You set a great example to all with your inspiring post and impressive accomplishments.

Unknown said...

Okay. Seriously, you're so inspiring. Ridiculously so. And hells yes you're an endurance athlete!

Thanks for sharing the photos with us!

Unknown said...

Great post! Thanks for motivating me to get back on track after I return home from Ike. I needed a pick me up. Thanks!

katieo said...

great great great post!!

Susan said...

Drink up! :)

doctorval said...

Honey, you are an endurance athlete. Hope you enjoyed last night's wine.

eurydice said...

you are amazing... such an inspiration!

Marcy said...

YYYYYEEEEEEEE HAAAWWWWWW!! Awwwhhhh yeah! You totally rocked that baby out!! Sweetness! ;D ;D

Miss SassyLaLa said...

Great Job on the run. I always read your blog and have never commented. You are truly a motivator to me.

Stuart said...

Good call from you and the Captain...seems you're on the same page at last!

Brianna said...

You're doing awesome - what great numbers, and even better reflections! You are going to have a fantastic marathon . . . I can just feel it.

Brianna said...

You're doing awesome - what great numbers, and even better reflections! You are going to have a fantastic marathon . . . I can just feel it.

Kiki said...

3 Things
1. You are awesome, a true badass and an inspiration!!!
2. Can I train on a treadmill for a mini because its way to hot here right now to run outside...I'll die.
3. Do you live near San Diego, because work has me there in either Jan or Feb?

Again, you rock and not only on here, but you come to my blog and encourage me to do it, to make the changes happen, I love that in another woman, someone who lifts up, not tears down!!! I know you'll do great on your marathon, you've got the skills!!!

Julianne said...

Oh wow!! 40 lbs?? That is amazing! I am having such a hard time losing 20 lbs! You're definitely an inspiration. I'll have to come back often to read up on how you did it!!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

YOU rock. Just thought you should know! Great job on the run!! Enjoy the taper! You'll so so so enjoy it!:);)

Midwest said...

That is an amazing time for your training run. You are going to rock this marathon hard!

Midwest said...

That is an amazing time for your training run. You are going to rock this marathon hard!

Robin said...

Love the before and afters!!! Such an inspiration, especially since you haven't been running your whole life. I will remember this when I struggle with my runs.

Weather drama? Gawd! Tell me about it!!

Laura said...

I say you get a whole BOTTLE of wine for that distance. Congrats! You're going to do great in Portland.