Monday, November 24, 2008

Back to Bikram

I feel like an old lady today. And it's all Bikram's fault.

You know I was totally freaked about going back. It's been over 6 weeks! I wasn't sure how I would be able to hold up and I was afraid to fail.

The class seriously kicked my butt. First of all, I think I was a little calorie and water deficient. I had to sit down like 5 times. Plus I thought I was going to puke. But I stayed in the class and tried my best and was so glad I did.

My muscles today are so sore. I forgot I had muscles in in some of these parts. I am looking forward to getting Bikram back in the rotation. I really do feel like it strengthens so many parts (especially back) that I wouldn't work otherwise. I've said it before and I'll say it again - anyone who says that 'yoga is just stretching' has never taken a Bikram class.

Despite having sore muscles, my run this morning felt great.
Think the two are related????
I do.

Song of the day: All I Ever Wanted by Basshunter


C said...

Way to get back into it!

Thanks to you and Frayed Laces, I'm totally starting yoga when I get back home in January. When it ends up hurting like a sonofabitch, I'll just curse the two of you out and keep going. ;)

Danielle said...

I absolutely have better runs when I keep up with Bikram. I go once a week (wish I could afford to go more) and I am so much more loose.

Susan said...


Aron said...

yayyy so glad you are getting back into it! i know its something you love and you will be rocking the class again in no time!!

Delane said...

Bikram is awesome, just so time consuming. There is a new hot power yoga that is all the rage here. hot yoga 98 degrees but you do more poses..its not just the Bikram's poses. I want to try it. I haven't been to hot yoga anthing in 6 months..ek. I hate the puke feeling the first week back.

Julianne said...

Good for you for going back after 6 weeks! Wow, I really need to START doing yoga. Seriously! I'm such a chicken when it comes to yoga, though...

Denise said...

I want to start yoga so badly. Now that I'm done with the marathon training, I'm hoping to give it a try.

HC said...

Oh man -- you make me want to find a yoga class!! You are so friggin inspirational! Now if I could only get off my tuckus...

TonyP said...

Old lady ? Ha ! That yoga stuff is awesome.

Sarah said...

It doesn't seem possible that it's been six weeks. Time goes by way too fast. I need to go too - I loved that super sore feeling. Which means I only need to go once every six months to keep reliving that feeling!

Viv said...

That Bikram stuff is scary to me. I need a streching yoga class. maybe I need the old lady sit an be fit kinda thing.

I think the great run is totally that youga. It does do wonders for you. I am getting that ol' chipper vibe from that post.

carla said...

you know, I needed this reminder too.

I slack way away from the bikram when it's 100 degrees here.

but it isnt now. and hot yoga is so good for this old lady ;)

N.D. said...

I love sore muscles. I want some.

Maggs said...

Bikram yoga is awesome. Evertime I take time off and go back I get the sick feeling for the first couple of sessions. It's a hard workout and the heat makes it harder. I bet the run helped stretch out the muscles some too!

Michelle said...

Go Yoga!!!

Go YOU!!!

Michelle said...

Check it out!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job. I am sure you will be back in full Bikram next class.

Sarah said...

Got your comment - we don't take good care of ourselves. hang in there!

Kiki said...

You are so bad ass, the minute I feel pukey I'm out...I can't believe you toughed it out.

I'll be in SanDiego January 17th through the 22nd, is that near you??? I could come do Bikram. Heehee....can you hear me laughing all the way over here on the East Coast, I wish I were in that good of shape.

Emily said...

Go back, way back, MORE BACK! Do they have the same sound bites in every studio? Every place I've gone to has the came "Japanese Ham Sandwich" schtick. BUT I love IT!

Good work. Namaste.

M*J*C said...

Great job getting back in there! I wish that I could find a Bikram yoga class around here, no luck! Good job with your run too!

joyRuN said...

Wow - sorry to hear the Bikram kicked your behind, but sounds ike it might be worth it with the better running benefit!

Amy - the gazelle said...

I yoga-ed tonight - and other than feeling completely drained, it was good.

Thank you for inspiring me to start Bikram in the first place.

Hope your knees are better. *snicker*

Alisa said...

Great job! I did my weekly Bikram tonight. I missed it last week...despite the rank smell that I will never get over!

Carolina John said...

Yes yoga and running are related. i love me some yoga, even if that does kind of make me feel gay. but i always have better runs after doing yoga, and faster recovery times from long runs if i can do some yoga the next day.

Good luck with the captain? wtf?

Brooke said...

yes...I need to get back into yoga and pilates. Ithink you are sooo right about the two being connected. I mean, a strong core and lengthened muscles can only help running, right?

Jess said...

Glad you got back to it!

Heather said...

God I am RIGHT there with you. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill last night and my freaking abs are KILLING me. My abs???

X-Country2 said...

Ooh, I need to find a class like this around me. Sounds awesome.

sunshine said...

I've always wanted to do a class like this but I'm TERRIFIED! However, you've given me some inspiration to consider it! :)

eurydice said...

good for you! it's weird how quickly we can fall out of shape.

Anonymous said...

Way to get back at it!
I've still never tried the bikram and I'm not one for the yoga classes offered at the gym, so perhaps it's high time I join my fellow PDX bloggers for their bikram class.

Anyhoo - sorry the evening described below was such a (gross) bust. I can't stand when people try to dress young. They're simply aging themselves! Icky!

RunToTheFinish said...

Bikram is definietly serious yoga...I'm still trying to get motivated to show up for the runners yoga class... I'm just not a class gal.

Chic Runner said...

GAH! Bikram KILLS me. :/ Good job on getting back to it, and how much are you loving the cooler weather. I am x 50. :)

Marci said...

I plan a return to hot yoga this week! Your post makes me CRAVE it!

Laurel said...

Awwwww...TWINSIE! Haha, you rock, girl. Thanks for the shout-out. That made my day! :)

I have never been to a Bikram class, but it sounds like it would feel pretty damn good right now. With the cold weather and sore muscles, it sounds like a dream.

Even though I know it would kick my ass.

Unknown said...

I think they're related too.

Love that feeling of muscles being sore- and yoga is really a fantastic workout.

Gerry said...

I did yoga at my gym but wasn't a huge fan (understatement, I was actually bored out of my mind!), however, someone did tell me that Bikram/hot yoga was more movement driven ie, not standing in the same sport for looong periods of time. I've like pilates because it's flowy (if there's such a word), and was wondering if Bikram yoga was anything like that? I know I'm a random person asking a completely random question, but thought I'd give it a shot anyway. Love reading your blog by the way!