Monday, February 4, 2008

The Big Chill: A Race Report

Come one, Come All to Sunny Southern California for an Ocean Front Run in the Warm California weather.

Oh Snap... wait a minute. It's flippin' 47 degrees and RAINING and WINDY!

I wake up to my phone ringing at about 5:30 am. It's my boss. She was running the full marathon. She calls to tell me that it looks like a cyclone down at the starting line and she's going home. The half marathon started an hour later (that's why I was still in bed).

So I sit up and look at the Captain. Should I run it? Shouldn't I? Should I? Shouldn't I? Of course, he wouldn't give me an answer, except to say that I will be regretting it all day if I don't try. (Dang, that man knows me well) So I decide to to just drive down to the starting line and see how it looks.
We arrive at Main St in Huntington Beach and I see all kinds of runners milling around in their ponchos and trash bags. That's when it hit me - THESE ARE MY PEOPLE. I am running this MO FO.

So the Captain got as close as possible to the starting line and dropped me off. I hovered under a building awning try to stay dry (didn't work so well with the wind). Then I realized that I was at the starting point for the 5k so I had to walk about 4 blocks to the Half Marathon Starting Point. There, we had to get in our corrals with no coverage from the rain. This is when the doubt kicked in. Standing there just getting pelted by rain from all directions, soaked through, freezing my tootsies off, I thought "Well, this was a mistake." If I could just start running, I would be better. But I had to wait for about 30 minutes. ARGH.

Then FINALLY - we're off. I was in the 3rd corral. I took off like a bat out of hell. (Where the heck did that saying come from?) I don't remember much except that my hands were so cold, I could barely change the songs on my iPod. I looked at my watch (didn't bring Big G) around mile 3 and realized that I was running about a 9 min/mile. That's way faster than normal. That's when it hit me - maybe, just MAYBE I could get the same time I did last year.

I kept that pace all the way until about mile 8 - where we did a turn around. BAM - the wind strikes again. This time it was blowing off the ocean (to the side) AND from the South. So my paced slowed a bit. I popped a caffeine shot block and kept going.

Mile 11 - I looked at my watch and realized I had 2 miles left and only 16 minutes if I wanted to beat my time. Was I going to give up? Oh hell no - I started picking people infront of me to pass up - skinny blond bitch was my first victim, then skinny tangled hair was my 2nd. That's when "Stronger" by Kanye West came on my iPod (that was my marathon song). I knew I had a chance. The last quarter mile, I cracked as fast as I could. I could do this!

Final Time: 2:03

I DID IT! (last year was 2:04). I have NO idea how, but I did it.

After the race, I grabbed my medal and kept running - straight to The Captains' car - where I jumped in to big dry towels and a warm cozy sweatshirt (oh, and a seat warmer pre-warmed up). He was so proud of me. He said "wow, you even beat a bunch of guys." For some reason, that is what he thinks is the cool - that I can run faster than some guys. ha ha.

Hopefully the Brightroom photos came out because there isn't one photo from that day! Stay tuned for those!


Laura said...

Congratulations - very impressive in the hardcore conditions! :) Good luck with the Brightroom photos too... I hate the long wait for those. I always want my pictures the second I finish!

Liz said...

That is awesome! You rock!!! :)

Nancy said...

Heeeeeeeeey, that's fantastic!! holy crap, 16 minutes left for two miles and you made it? IMPRESSIVE!! (you know I run those mothers like an hour longer than that.)

Way to get through the nasty conditions and get a PR to boot. Of course they are your people. :D

Viv said...

That is great! That weather sounded terrible and to come out of it stronger with a killer PR to show for it is outstanding!!

Way to stick to it and go for it!


eurydice said...

that is AMAZING... seriously... a half-marathon! i am SO IMPRESSED!!!!

RunToTheFinish said...

Seriously, where did that saying come from? Congrats on being a die hard runner and kicking butt in the I hate that wind!

Razz said...

Nice job both for deciding to run AND the time!

the Bag Lady said...

WOO HOO!!!!!
Good for you - that is so awesome that you went for it in spite of the rain! AND beat your time from last time. (and beat a bunch of guys...hehehehe) Congratulations - the Bag Lady is very impressed!

Robin said...

Congratulations! Great time despite the conditions. (I would have been curled up in bed.) :)

My Life said...

Yaaaay! I was totally smiling as I was reading your report! ;) "these are my people" love it!

You seriously rock for getting out there in the rain and wind - I bet you would have had a sub-2 without those elements so be very,very proud of yourself!

Yahooo! (now go sign up to run RnR SD with me! ;) )

Meg said...

Congrats! Windy rain is way worse than snow! Great job picking it up for the last 2 miles too!

Pokey said...

NIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!! Way to rock it!!!!

Some of us would just be making it to mile 10 around 2:03!!!! :P

J~Mom said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! That is so awesome that you got out there and did it!!

RunnerGirl said...

Awesome job! Way to get out there and run, even in the shitty weather. And with an impressive time too!

My Life said...

Oooor Nike Women's in October?? I'd love to run that one, but want to do it with a group of friends (so we can run & then enjoy SF too)...

Yes && please let me know about the skirt. I am determined to find one and cute my runs out!

Marcy said...

Swweeeeeeetttt!! You rocked that thing! Whooo Hooo!! ;D ;D

Petraruns said...

Fabulous! What a time girl! Well done! How are you now? HOpe you celebrated with a drink or two?

Heather said...

You freaking rule!!! So awesome!

Christine said...

OMG girl you rocked it outttttttt!! Maybe being under-trained isnt so bad afterall? What do ya say? full marathon in a few weeks? hahaha jk! COngrats!!

TonyP said...

Congrats !!! Way to go !!!

Danielle said...

WAY TO GO!!! I wouldn't have even made it out of are a RAWKSTAR! :)

Anonymous said...

I knew your lets would 'remember' what to do!! NICE WORK!!!!!!!!!

Congrats POM!!

Carly said...

Congratulations on the great finish in crappy conditions!

Tammy said...

Congratulations! Great job on the PR in the nasty weather!

Maybe there's hope for me next week after all...

Laurel said...

DOOD, that is an AWESOME TIME!!! Congratualtions!

Kud said...

I started my blog yesterday because i've been so inspired by reading blogs like yours for the past few months. I just wanted to say thanks for being so honest and open!!
Congrats on your race! Now you can be proud of your own body and how far it will let you push it without complaining. Next time you start beating your body up, think of the moments after the race when you realized that you beat last year's time and how generous your body was to you. :)

teacherwoman said...

Congrats on your race... and your race time! Be happy for your accomplishments... and think of all you have left to prove in 2008! :)

marie said...

WOOT! Way to go on the new PR!!!! :)

Jess said...

Congratulatons!! That is an awesome race!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job!!! Congratulations, what a great time. You must be glad you decide to race and not stay in bed. Way to beat the skinny blonde and tangled hair.

Shelley said...

I can see why the Captain is proud, you have some hutzspah girl! So you me at least 2 of your goals. Did you have fun and eat lots too?

Tri+Umph said...

Woohoo! Nice job on the PR!

I have to admit, though, when you said it was 47 degrees my first thought was 'Hey! Thats pretty warm!'

Then I remembered you're from California.

Sarah said...

That is just AWESOME!! I'm super impressed.

Nancy said...

re: 9 on the 9th -
You can certainly join in. Just run 9 miles by the 10th and post a report and time. Let me know on my blog when you have completed it and I will put together official results.

The reports last time were lots of fun, some just reported that the they finished and their time, others had elaborate race reports. Anything is fine!!

Unknown said...

Okay, so your finish was great and all, but those medals are DA BOMB!!! I'm so glad you bucked up and ran; your boss is a lame-o! (But if she's reading this, then I'm just kidding).


Laura N said...

Way to go! The toughest part had to be those 30 minutes waiting around. That took some real mental toughness. And then what a finish....Great job!

katieo said...

Love it Love it Love it.
Good job!

Erin said...

You rock! That is amazing! Congrats!

Maddy said...

Congratulations! You are tough! Waiting in the weather and then beating last year's time! Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!

You should go to Hawaii to celebrate! Oh, wait...

Lori said...

You are such a rockstar! Those medals totally kick ass, too! I couldn't help but thinking that sounded like a pretty nice temp to be running in, but with the rain it makes it bite quite a bit the fact that you live where it is super nice all the time ;)

Julie D said...

Congratulations! I was also out there... it certainly took some guts, and congrats on the PR.

healthy ashley said...


You would've regretted it if you skipped out. That's awesome that you braved such harsh conditions!

Stuart said...

Nice job, it was a brutal day! Great medal though, well worth the effort.

MissAllycat said...

Who rocks? You rock!

Database Diva said...

I am so happy for you. Way to hang in and finish strong. Let's see, you overcame injury, ran under miserable and unfamiliar conditions, and managed to finish a minute faster. Did I miss anything? You are awesome!

I really wanted to run this one, but couldn't justify the expense of flying to California when we are going to New Orleans in a couple weeks. When I heard about the weather I was so glad I missed it. I can run in that kind of weather every day at home, for free!

Anonymous said...

Way to kick butt!

Tigerlilly said...

I'm proud of you chica!! You make us girls look good ;)

Runner Leana said...

I can't imagine training for a race but then bailing because of the weather. Awesome job out there!! Is that the medal? Very cool!

Midwest said...

Way to go!

jen said...

Congrats!! Great job beating your previous time- very cool. :)

Ali said...

Congratulations! You are awesome. It took me longer than 2.03 just to scroll to the bottom of all these comments.

I love the medals. I'd run it just for them.

Reluctant Runner said...

Wonderful, POM. Way to go!!

Anne said...

Maybe there's something to be said for running in lousy weather. It has a way of keeping you going...and go you did. Nice job!

MB said...

Now that is dedication! You are my hero! Congrats!

The 311 Boys Mom said...



AND you should always run in terrible weather!

......but 203, Holy Crap!

You Rock!!

& what a great guy, I'm talking about the Virginia Beach 1/2 in Aug & MY DH is sure he can get in a round of golf & meet me at the finish line. . .lol

Unknown said...

can you believe you had 58-now 59- people comment on this blog??? congrats on your race, you are awesome! would love to meet up with you in santa barbara for the race on mother's day and see your fam, but i always do the revlon run/walk that day. maybe we can try to coordinate!

Jes said...

WOO-HOO!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Mendy said...

I know this is late, but I'm just now catching up and I was reading yoru past posts and just had to comment.

That's awesome!!!! You did fantastic. I love how you saw how much time you had and how far you had to go and starting "picking them off".

I'm very impressed!!!!