Speaking of weigh ins - I bounced up to 139 from Hawaii, but considering all the booze, that isn't too bad. A quick recap for ya'll -then it's back to business (and by that, I mean working out, running, eating healthy, being psycho obsessive, etc.). And you will notice in the recap that there was no exercising at all.

We did A LOT of eating. The Captain is not one to skimp out on meals. I wanted to try to extend our budget by having small breakfasts or sharing a light lunch, but NOOOOOOOOO. Basically our main focus for each day became what we were going to eat next. (I seriously think that is an Italian trademark.) Therefore, the majority of our photos are while we are eating.

We were on the hunt for cool beaches - that's more our style. We came across a really cool black sand beach. I thought that sand would get you really dirty - but it doesn't. There was a turtle just swimming right in the surf and a creepy goose wondering around like he owned the joint.
Other than eating, our main interest for the trip was true R&R. To me, that means SUN, WATER and COCKTAILS. Of course, the Captain is a brown bear and I'm a white rabbit, but he was the one who actually got sunburned. (He thinks he doesn't really need sunscreen and I re-apply all day long). YES, I know I am wearing the same swimsuit I had on LAST summer. I'm trying to get over it, but I'm not there yet.
It was a fantastic trip. I love traveling with The Captain. This was our first big trip together (I don't count Vegas or Palm Springs as real trips). Yeah for vacations! I really hope he comes with me more often when I travel for work.
But first. Back to the regularly scheduled exercise program. Staring Monday.
Looks like a great time! Back to the real world now, huh? Glad to have ya back!
Just what I need to get ready for my trip to Kona in a couple days! Glad you had a great time. Love your photos!!
Glad you had fun and good to have you back! && I love the feet pic, lucky girl!
My parents were in Kona last week - they called and had me get on Alii? website... It was a webcam and there they were waving at me ;) got to love retirees!
Looks like tons of fun! :)
I'm going to be on the big Island in March. Did you go to Hilo? I want to do that. And black beach...sounds very cool. I'm going to try to convince Husband to skip the Volcano, but I don't know if I'll have success with that.
Welcome back! Glad you had a nice trip (sorry to hear about the Captain's Grandma). The weather is NASTY here in Nor Cal...it's nice to see some sunshine (even if it IS only in a photograph)
Looks like soooo much fun :)
Great pics! Are you both look fab.
I only hope to photograph that well in a bikini.
Sounds like a great trip ! Booze, food...what ? Can't tell the difference - you look great....but, still, back to exercise ! :)
LOL I was going to say the same thing as Anthony! I can't even tell the difference, you crazy woman!
Looks gorgeous!!! ;D ;D
awww it looks like such a cute trip! The planned meals this week sound adorable. Aww
Look at those hotties!!!
Glad you two had such a terrific time. The Cub is THE EXACT SAME WAY about food (he's not Italian though) and turns up his nose at the mere suggestion of *sharing* anything! Too funny!
And as they say "a great time was had by all", loving the picture of those runners legs pointing towards the horizon...very deep and meaningful.
You're rockin' that bikini, chick! It looks so peaceful and beautiful! Glad you had a good time.
BTW- your legs look killer in that photo...
Ahh, I think you look fantastic. I know what you mean about everything revolving around meals. I hooked up with one of those types too and it makes it pretty difficult. Glad you got some great R & R together. Great pics - He is so cute and you look great. :D
It looks like you both had a great time and you look great.
I am a lurker on your site but new years resolution is to start commenting (and stop lurking) so today is the day. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to reading it everyday. I took an inspiration from you and have started running since early last year!!
It sounds and looks like a fabulous holiday!
and you look awesome.
you look so cute in your photos. i would def. just think about drinking and relaxing on vacation too. back to reality!
Great pictures! And who cares what the scale says, you look fantastic!
Ditto to Sarah, you look awesome.
Glad you had such a great time but glad your back with your obsessive exercising self. We need you, lol!
Great pictures and it looks like you had a blast. I am sorry to hear about the Captain's Grandmother.
Awesome pics. You look great. Now I wanna go somewhere tropical!
You and the Captain are sooo cute together! My husband is a great cook too, it makes it really hard to diet. I always feel like I'm rejecting him if I don't eat these great meals he prepares. Oh the sacrifices we make for love...Glad you are back!
Happy happy happy post! Yay! Sounds like the trip was great. Glad you're back!
Looks like you had a great time, I could sure use some of that sunshine right about now!
OK, I could not be more jealous.
Wait, yes I could. I also don't look like that in a bathing suit.
Wow, looks like a wonderful relaxing trip! PS last years bikini sitll looks wonderful :-)
Welcome Back! Looks like you had a wonderful time, great pictures!
Looks like a great trip! All of your pictures make me look forward to summer!
You look great and sound you like you had a fantastic time.
And the bikini still suits you ;)
Welcome home! Brilliant shots, thanks for taking us with you :-)
Beautiful!! Both you and the scenary that is. Way to be there for the captain regardless of any weigh in.
Aw, such a great time. You look adorable!
Looks like a great trip!! :>) I cracked up about the volcano being boring! It just sounds interesting but I guess there is not much to it, huh?
I can't even believe that you need to shed ANY weight! You look AWESOME! and I mean that in the most jealous way. :-) Seriously looks like a fantastic trip with a lot of R&R. I know you had to work too, but blah on that...
Looks like a fantastic trip! You look great in that bikini bty, even if it was from last year.
Sorry to hear about the Capts grams :( Hope he and his family are doing well.
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