Thursday, February 28, 2008

Selfish Beotch

So I did it.
This morning.
I got my lazy butt up and went for a nice little run.
Only 3 miles and I struggled a little.

But I realized something...

Running is the ONLY thing I have going on right now that I do JUST FOR ME.
I feel like everything else right now is for other people - mostly WORK.
I may be selfish, but running gives me "Jessica time." It's MY thing where I focus on only ME.
So I can't give it up. And taking an extended hiatus just doesn't work for me.

No wonder I was going loco.

(Betty - go ahead and cancel my reservation. Plus, like everyone says - Promises is much better.)

And I must share this little ditty with you.

Post Running Treat: Chocolate Soy Milk

Post Running Disaster: Spilling Chocolate Soy Milk ALL over my bathroom (it looks like someone's ass exploded all over my walls!)


Judi said...

Good job - see you know you feel better!

Thanks again for stopping by my blog and commenting! :)

Laura N said...

Yep, gotta have something just for you. I feel the exact same way about running. And about blogging.

That is what yucky mess there. Did you make the Captain clean it up for you? ;-)

Anonymous said...

you're not selfish, everyone has to have a little "me" time once in a while! and thanks for the visual, that was great.

Ian said...

Post running treat that I will NOT be enjoying for quite some time: Chocolate Soy Milk.

Unknown said...

Oh man that looks like something I would do (re: spill)

I agree about running being only about yourself, it is awesome. Keep it up, you need to do something for yourself.

I wish I could say I ONLY ran 3 miles today. Someday... someday :-)

Midwest said...

Yeah, Baby! Welcome back. Don't you feel much better?

One of the things I love most about running is that it is "me" time that I can enjoy guilt-free.

Elizabeth said...

Everyone needs me time or else they go a lil mental. I know I do.

Your description of the soy milk mishap had me cracking up.

Nancy said...

Good Night. Did the Cap sneak up behind you and scare the crap out of you? It looks like you threw it.

Ali said...

what are you doing? running?

okay, it's not too late, how do you feel about shaving your head ... they will definitely let us into Promises then.

yoga, celebrities, shopping trips ... think before you run!

Laurie said...

It does feel great to take the time for yourself to run. It is so important for our sanity.

I have made my blog private, if you would like an invitation please send me an e-mail.

TonyP said...

That is gross !

Viv said...

Awesome on getting some Jessica time! Glad ya got back out there.
OK that milk spill would have me cussing up a storm. That sux!

RunnerGirl said...

Oh good Lord, that looks gross!

Crissy Rae said...

We all need our own "me time", at least you have a healthy outlet so keep that selfish streak.

That's quite the mess you have there. Bet you were cursing a bit cleaning that up, huh.

Heather said...

YOU ROCK for getting back out there! Go!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Love the ass-plosion photo!

Isn't it strange how we can grow to totally dread the one surefire way to make ourselves feel awesome? I never understand it! Occasionally I DREAD running... then I do it and feel like a superhero. There is no logic.

Where is this super awesome business trip? Monaco?

Anonymous said...

Runnning is my "my time." It is the only time where I have the peace to think about anything I want. Way to get out there today and get some mileage.

Marcy said...

YEEEE HAWWWWWW Welcome back my dear! Are you sure that was really soy milk? :P

Mendy said...

That looks pretty nasty. What were you doing with it?

So glad to hear you're back to running. You're right - it's just for YOU. That's the way I feel about it too.

Erin said...

That is such a funny picture. It is EVERYWHERE! I bet that was not so fun to clean up. Woo hoo on the run!

J~Mom said...

I feel the same way about it being just for me!!

And dang girl, that milk mess sucks! We had a Coke explode in the laundry room and it was like that.

Shelley said...

Having "me" time, makes you better at everything else you do - it improves your attitude....just wait until your a mom! Glad you got your game back!

Meg said...

Congrats on getting back to it and giving yourself some "me- time"!

RunToTheFinish said...


Congrats on getting back on the wagon.

eurydice said...

that bathroom haha - too bad!

sarah (SHU) said...

so the question of WHY you had soy milk in the bathroom has not been answered!

also i never knew your name was jessica

-- fellow runner & longtime lurker

P.O.M. said...

Soy milk in the bathroom sounds kinda weird I guess. But I run before work. So when I get home I have to get some calories in me and get ready at the same time. So I drink the soy milk as I'm doing my make up, etc. Multi-tasking is my middle name.

Anne said...

Oh, the visuals....

Petraruns said...

Love the photo! And I could not agree more - running is such amazing me-time. Keep it. Work at it. And ringfence the time and energy you need!

Anonymous said...

Haha. This photo is hilarious!