Fellow Morning Person: How was your run this morning?
Me: Good, but slower than I should have been.
FMP: Well, no matter how fast you run, you'll never beat yourself.
Hmmm. Ok weirdo. But then I thought about what this guy said. Obviously he doesn't know me at all, but I really do always try to beat myself. To take it step further, I never think I'm good enough. I never run fast enough, far enough or enough days of the week. This also stretches into other aspects of my life.
Well ENOUGH of that. It ends now.
No more negative thoughts in my head.
I'm done thinking I'm not good enough.
I'm done beating myself up over small details.
So here are my awesome numbers for this morning, because I totally kick ass.
Mile 1: 9:18
Mile 2: 9:40
Mile 2: 9:40
Mile 3: 9:55
Mile 4: 9:49
Song of the Day: Sometime Around Midnight by The Airbourne Toxic Event
It's so hard to be positive some times. But good job! Great numbers.
Hell Yeah!
We are all our harshest critic!
And for the record, if I could run as fast as you I'd be laughing!
You rock and don't you ever forget that!
Absolutely, think positive!! Way to go! Surround yourself with positive!
Just catching up; good for you to join the half clinic...always easier to run with positive people.
Thanks for the recipe, I'm going to try it tomorrow night, it looks positively yummy!
Great job this morning, you deserve to be proud of yourself! Not just when you set a PR but when you accomplish anything difficult, even getting up to run in the morning.
I had a realization like this just this weekend- about changing my perspective and quit being so critical. I was looking through old photo albums and I recalled thinking I looked/was fat in almost every one, from high school to my honeymoon. And in reality, I looked fine. It pissed me off that I'd spent so much energy being unsatisfied with how I looked rather than enjoying these fun vacations and things. So from now on I'm going to quit wasting my time being negative and be proud of myself. :)
Those ARE fast times anyway girl! But I know what you mean - and Jen's comment in particular made me nod my head - I do the same... I missed out on going to a friend's wedding once because I thought I was fat and I didn't have a job - I didn't acknowledge that I had a fresh new baby 2 months prior or that I had just moved to a new part of the country. Looking back I just wish I had gone...
So yes - celebrate what you do!
I love that there is a group called 'The Airbourne Toxic Event'. That was from a Don DeLillo book called 'White Noise'. Good book. Now I have to hear the band.
"You'll never beat yourself"?!? What the heck does that even mean? Of course you can beat yourself. If I run alone, who else am I going to race?
I totally needed this today! I had such a crappy run today I decided to walk half of it. I need to just let go and be happy I am moving.
You may be your harshest critic, but know this:
You totally inspire us new runners out here, and we think you rock. Great number Girlie!
You are an incredible inspiration! Who kicks much ass!
I like the idea of not being so hard on ourselves.
Yay positivity!
Like one of my favorite songs says, "I am my own worst enemy." We are much harder on ourselves than most other people would be.
Your numbers to kick ass!
Well hey, if it makes you feel any better-
I aspire to be that fast.
Way to be positive! :)
oh the first few lines of your post basically describes all conversations in my head in all parts of my life but its been stopping gradually...heres to stopping it altogether!!!
Kick ass numbers, chica! Way impressive. I can only dream to run that fast. Heck, even in my dreams I'm not that fast! Ha.
You go girlie. :)
i so needed to read this. great post. perfect timing. you do totally kick ass. and i totally need to think positive. nice job on both the run & the post!
Thanks for that! I too need to hear it. I'm extremely negative on my running/swimming/cycling/life, etc, etc, etc.... So, it's hard to sometimes sit back and say "look at how far I've come" or "at least I'm doing something".
Those are great splits!
You kick ass for sure because I can't even run to the corner....thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice note, I am hoping to get my tush in gear and get in shape this year...starting with my eating.
So thanks again for stopping by, hope you'll be back!!
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