SIGHT: The class is held in a large, carpeted studio with mirrors on 2 walls. All the usual suspects were in attendance: The Hard Bodies, The Hairy Bodies, The Mushy Bodies, The Anorexic. Something to note is that in regards to clothing - less is more. And "less" there is. Some people are practically in bathing suits and some of the men are in tiny biker shorts with their junk on display for all to experience.
SOUND: The instructor guides you through the 26 postures, so the main thing you hear is her/his voice. Usually it's pretty soothing and I like to hear how each posture benefits your body. The other thing you hear is BREATHING - lots of people breathing. Oh, and in my case, I hear ringing in my ears - but that's just me.
SMELL: Now this is something that takes some getting used to. Remember the room is carpeted and there is lots of sweat dripping around. The first time I took this class with my friend K-Dub we had a very hard time focusing on anything but the stench. But now, I'm sorta used to it. Kinda like how farmers get used to the smell of shit, I guess. Even after not going to class in about 6 months, I still didn't really bother me. Go figure.
TASTE: Lucky for us all, I managed to keep my tongue inside my mouth, so there was no tasting involved. Except I guess for water. One must consume copious amounts of water.
FEEL: This can be divided into a few categories.
HOW IT FEELS: It feels HOT and MOIST (I know some of you hate that word) so we can go with WARM and WET instead. The room is kept at 105 degrees with 40% humidity. Well, pack about 50 people into that room in a crowded class and I swear it's hotter! You start out doing a breathing exercise and by the time you are done with that, you are completely soaked through with sweat. Each position stretches and strengthens different parts of your body - inside and out. So some are easier than others, depending on your strengths & weaknesses.
HOW IT FEELS TO ME: By the time I'm at half-moon pose (#2) I am really really hot. I have hard time with this pose because I can't straighten my arms above my head. Who knows. Pose 6 and 7 - my heart is POUNDING - like a full on cardio workout. I actually had to sit down on the 2nd set of these poses. I didn't want to pass out. But sitting down is fine - they just ask that you don't leave the room. Pose 22 is very challenging. I wasn't able to complete it this time because of the dizzy situation. But in the past - I loved it. It really stretches out the front side of your body - perfect for runners (tight hip flexors).
HOW IT FEELS AFTER: All in all, I survived. There was no tunnel vision, no blacking out and no puking! Yeah for me. The best part of this class is how I feel after I'm done. I feel spent, but relaxed. I feel energized, but mellow and clear headed. I feel cleansed physically and mentally. And best of all, I feel LEAN and MEAN and ready to take on the world.
(Warning: confession of a scale-whore)
I did step on the scale when I got home and lost a couple lbs of water weight - duh! I thought I drank enough water before, during and after, but I think I fell short a little. I woke up very tired with a little headache this morning. So next time -even MORE water! And yes, there will be a next time. I would like try to incorporate this into my workout schedule at least twice a week.
Song of the Day: Buzzin' by Shwayze
Hmmm, sounds interesting, and like it would be very 'cleansing', but I don't know if I could handle that smell... I hate just the regular gym when it's too full of stinky people!!
Well, probably not more water, probably you should follow that kind of workout with a replacement drink, like Gatorade or whatever you prefer. Electrolytes. You need to replace those after that much sweating.
#19 and #8 are 2 poses I would NOT want to see on a sweaty man in tight bike shorts in front of me LOL
Glad you made it out alive ;-)
LOL! Marcy!!
It does look very interesting. I'd like to try that but I think that's too high tech for the YMCA I go to. :-)
I am such a scale-whore too! I took a week off of getting on it, and when I finally got on it Monday, I about threw up. I've GOT to get on it daily. It's just my obsession. Oh and several times a day. Told you.
I love 21 and 25! They both are really good stretches for me!
I don't know, I can't stand to be hot like that. Not on purpose. If I get hot during a workout but to be in a room with all of those bodies and heat....
(Other people hate the word "moist"? wow, I thought I was the only one...)
THis is totally interesting...I don't think I'd ever do it...but I love reading about it...
Mother of God. Do you have to pay for this torture?
Hats off to you my friend!
The middle aged dater
I would love to do this - although I share the ickyness about the word moist and moistness...
I guess it'll take a while to arrive in rural lincolnshire though..
Why carpet in an environment like that? Sounds like the perfect place for a room full of black mold.
I think the carpet is required becuase there is so much sweat that a floor would be too slippery. Even the carpet gets slippery - it's that MOIST! ha ha - had to get MOIST in there one more time.
Sounds pretty intense. Way to rock it!
Sounds like a great workout... although I could definitely do without the men in bikers' shorts!
Too bad there isn't anything like that here in BFE.
Sounds awesome. My Hot Yoga class isn't a real Bikrham yoga class.
I would love to try some of that yoga! Sounds intense... but a good intense! Drink lots of water!
Ugh, the carpet sounds so gross!
I think that I would barf, I cannot handle the heat! AS for the ringing in your ears - that happens to me sometimes when I work out hard.
I went to my yoga class tonight as well and it's pretty much exactly how you described. Well, execpt for the men in spandex. We don't get too many of them!
Hats off to you. Glad to hear you didn't pass out or puke! I don't know how you can deal with the smell, I think it would me sick. I agree with Jess on the drinks. You should also make sure that you are drinking plenty the day before and the day of. Great job!
Do some people black out? Puke? Why do they ask that you not leave? I've heard of this class, but it's not offered anywhere here...I'd love to try it, sounds like its amazing!!!
wow..... I'm so conflicted. Can't decide if it looks cool or like some form of torture. I suppose I shouldn't judge until I try. Yeah for you for doing this and living. :D
I am just so not bendy!
and I hate to sweat, but its awesome for the body, the muscles, the toxins to exit . . . . . .I used to do it 5 days a week for 3 months.
then when it was time to re-new, i had an ice payment due 9hockey) for the kid & well.....I just drop in now occasionally. Maybe I’ll start making this my Sunday Morning ritual, after my long run?!?!?! It might be too much….probably need to do it on a CT day.
BUT BIKRAM is seriously the BEST yoga .....
and it doesn't feel like 105+, well, it does at first, but you get used to it with in 15 minutes. I've left a class of 35 & the temp said 127. It felt cooler than when I started though. :o)
I LOVE the dresses & you don’t look fat in any of them…….seriously!! I would LOVE your job, if I had no kids. Actually I’d love it right now, who am I kidding!
Wow that was a friggin great explaination!
Thanks for the breakdown of Bikram.
I am still in debate over it. You have to let us know if you think it is helping with your running.
Thanks for the info on yoga. It actually makes me want to give it a try! I'm not sure when I'll fit it in to my schedule, but anyhow, I really want to give it a whirl! I found a studio in town here with tons of classes and you can just drop in so I'll try to get there soon.
Wish us luck! I've tried it once before but that was like 2 years ago.
I'm a little nervous but optimistic, I'd love to really get into it. There is nothing like a good sweat-fest!
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