Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cold Hard Tips

As a Sagittarius, I am known for being well, a bit blunt sometimes. So I thought I would dish out some brusque health tips for anyone who needs a little ass-whoopin'. I know I sure could use one once in a while.
*Sensitive peeps might want to stop reading here.

1. STOP MAKING EXCUSES - Nobody cares why you didn't work out or why you ate an entire pizza with a carton of ice cream on the side. The excuses you are making are falling on deaf ears. You are only hurting yourself. Do something about it.

2. FUGGETABOUTIT - Take the following foods out of your mind, away from your reach and out of your mouth. It will suck at first, but you will start to feel so much better in other ways that when you actually do eat it again, you will have a complete shiz-attack (literally, be near a bathroom).
  • Chinese Food
  • Mexican Food
  • Fast Food
  • Sugar
  • Salad Dressings
  • Creamy Sauces
  • White Bread/Pasta
  • Fruit - apples, oranges, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, watermelon - you get the picture.
  • Veggies - Salads, spinach, peppers, artichokes, zucchini, asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli - once again, you get the picture.
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Kashi Cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Egg Whites
  • Chicken, Fish & Turkey
  • Whole Grains - Quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat

4. COUNT CALORIES - You will freak out when you realize how many calories you have actually been consuming. 1500 is my maintenance range. I dropped down to 1200 when I was in "loss" mode. Yes, you might be hungry at first, but you will shrink up your stomach and train your body to eat less food. (NOTE: It might be different for you based on your size, gender, etc. So find out. It is your responsibility to know how many calories you need on a daily basis.)

5. GET MOVIN' - exercise, walk, run, skip, jump, box, lift weights, hike, have lots of sex, ski, dance, play squash, play tennis, play basketball, do karate, race your kids, play soccer, get movin'. Burn calories any way you want to~there are so many activities out there you are bound to enjoy one of them. (If not, refer to #1). Once again, it may suck at first but once you get in the routine, you will start to crave and need exercise.

6. LEARN TO COOK - or at least how to make healthy dishes. In this modern Internet world, there are millions of recipes for healthy EASY versions of practically anything. One of my favorite sites is Worlds Healthiest Foods.

7. HAVE A PLAN - Sit down and write out your menu, figure out your calories, plan it all out. I recommend to keep it as simple as possible. If that's too hard, then join a group that can teach you how (Weight Watchers, etc.) Just trying to wing it day by day without a plan will set you up for failure.

8. SUPPORT SYSTEM - Hopefully your friends and family will support your decision to get healthy, but they might not. Be prepared for negative comments. (I went through this for a couple months until I actually started to look thinner, then all my friends wanted to know how I did it). If you can't find support at home, then look on the Internet, blog, join forums, join challenges. At some point you will start to feel so good about your success that you won't even need the support anymore. But such a huge life change is so all encompassing that you will want to talk about it ALL the time. That's why we have blogs, right?

9. CHANGE YOUR THINKING - Don't put yourself on a "diet" thinking it is a quick, temporary thing. It is not. You have to change your entire thinking about food and what food means to you. Is food something you use for comfort? Is food something you do when you're bored? Do you use food to cover up emotional feelings? Food is fuel for your body. That is all it is. If this is your main issue, then seek help. There is nothing wrong, embarrassing, or shameful with getting to the root of the matter with a little professional help.

10. MAKE THE TIME - Wake up earlier, stay up later. This is your health. This is your life. Everybody is busy. Everybody has a lot on their plate these days (hopefully not literally). Make yourself a priority. Nobody will do it for you. (Refer to #1).

If you need a friendly competition to get your booty in gear, head over to Viv's page and check out her Independence Weight Loss Challenge! I hear there might be prizes. But honestly, what better prize is there than having a healthy body?

Stay Strong. Peace. Out.
(Notice: I am not a doctor or a professional anything so you really don't have to listen to me. Seek a doctors advice before starting any program, but he will most likely tell you to get your ass in gear.)


Laura said...

What a great post! So many people fail in their diets, but if we actually FOLLOWED these simple rules, we'd be all set.

Speaking of failure... can I count froyo as yogurt in the love it list? :)

Sarah said...

Lol, great post. And I think everyone should appreciate the honesty. I completely agree, there's no 'tricks' to losing weight and being healthy. It's self discipline plain and simple.

Viv said...

Can I get an amen or a hallileugh!
I'm all, holding my hand up at the screen like I am in some over enthusiastic church.

Stellar post! I loved it! I strugled for too long taking the dumb "easy" way out.

Thanks for the plug! Like I said being a loser on the challenge is a good thing. They can check their excuses at their Momma's I am not having it.

Viv said...


marie said...

Now, stretch that bad boy out for 150 pages, add some recipes and bind it.

Sell it for $29.95 and you'll be the next diet CRAZE! ...and be rich.

Sad, eh?

People need to keep it simple.

Way to keep it real :)

TonyP said...

I needed that kick in the pants, especially since, in the last two days, I ate 5 of the "fuggetaboutit" foods !

My Life said...

Love it all... especially #10. It's easy to say you don't have time and foget about the hour on the couch "decompressing" after work... and thanks for the head's up about Viv's challenge. I have to wear a cocktail dress at the end of June... good incentive to help me look better in it! ;)

Amy said...

I heart you. Everyone needs a kick in the pants now and then! I'm printing this out and sticking on my fridge! Lol!

I wish my issues had to do with food this time around! ;)

Tammy said...

*Tossing the candy in the trash*

Great post!

MissAllycat said...

These are all things that I KNOW I should be doing...but it's nice to see them all written out in a fancy list. ;) So thanks - this is the extra bit of reinforcement I needed. Because my new healthy eating plan? Started...TODAY. Bum bummm bummmmmmmm. Wish me luck!

Mendy said...

Excellent post. I have trouble with the excuses when it comes to weight-loss. I need to throw those out the door, and work hard at getting to where I want to be.

Thanks a ton!

C said...

Exactly! We Sagittarii are smart peeps. :)

Shelley said...

Number 1 says it all.

B. Kramer said...

Excellently said. I'd like to throw my full support behind the ninth item of Get Movin' -- and if it sucks at first ... oh never mind.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

OUch. . . . my ass feels like it just got kicked...

funny it was today. . . I jsut posted 52 (literally) signed I made EVERYWHERE
"according to your hieught of 5'3" your ideal healthy weight is 126lbs. YOur reccommended weight range is 112and 140lbs."

I'm 158..............I've been eating good since Monday....well, once slice of Pizza yesterday, but only one. Lots of fruit & soem veggies. . . . need to go shopping.

Good job though!!!


Anonymous said...

Your bluntness is greatly appreciated! Thanks for sharing the Worlds Healthiest Foods website.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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BeachRunner said...

I love the straight shooting, no BS, POM advice today. Bravo.

chia said...

Suggesting 1500 calories/day to a 5'9" active woman is a guaranteed way to put a body in starvation mode. I didn't lose a pound consuming 1700 calories a day because of which. It wasn't until I boosted my intake to 1900-2100 calories per day I started losing weight.

Every woman is different, but you sure did hit the nail on the head on several points here. Just learning to love real nutrient dense food and getting off your fat ass is the real "secret" - what a refreshing approach to a common topic!

Anonymous said...

awesome post. right on.

P.O.M. said...

Hi Chia - totally agree. That's why I put under that comment that it is everyone's own responsiblity to find out what is right for them regarding calories and to fool with it.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Some really great suggestions. Not that I actually DO all that stuff, but it's a great reminder that I should at least TRY a little harder.

carla said...

loved this as well.


people always have a million reasons why it is "easier" for someone else to fit in exercise than for them.


Pokey said...

Freaking awesome post!!
Truth hurts sometimes, but we all need to hear it.....THANKS!!!

chia said...

Sorry for feeling the need to elaborate on that one :-). I get a bit passionate about this stuff!

I love what you did here - so much that I emulated your message and continued the rant over at my place... hope you don't mind me stealing your idea. Emulation is a form of flattery - right?

Angry Runner said...

Who died and made you the nutrition expert?

That said, feel free to kick my ass into dropping 7 percentage points of bodyfat...

Nancy said...

Yet another reason you should totally be my wife. Then you could gently remind me of these things when I go to the pantry for M&M's :D

Margo said...

I needed that kick in my (large) butt! ;-) Chinese and Mexican food and wine are some of my weaknesses! What do you mean no salad dressing? Not even balsamic vinagrette?! What do you use? Thanks for the healthy eating weight loss link!

Carly said...

I so needed to hear your post. I have had the negative self talk lately....I don't like excuses from other people so I should not allow them in my life. Thanks for the reminder.

audgepodge said...

Hey, leave me alone! Maybe I like being an unhealthy bum.


Just teasing! Thanks for the reminder - tough talk is needed sometimes.

Another thing I'm bad at... getting enough sleep.

Aron said...

love this post :) all things i pretty much try to do daily! besides the cottage cheese... just cant choke that stuff done.

the Bag Lady said...

Gee, you're a Sagittarius too? We really know how to call a spade a shovel, don't we? (So, like, when's your birthday?)
Great post!
*Getting ass in gear now*

Romance said...

OMG - so my life.. though I do eat oil free garlic spinach from the chinese place... but seriously, its so about moving more and loving nutrient rich, low-cal foods more...

Plus, I love NOT making excuses... which as a new mom (2 kids under 20 months) and a crazed business I could so easily do - I love buying a size six suit more... cannot wait for goal weight and a smaller size....

Great post

Stuart said...

Oh yeah! You banged that nail in good and hard, I agree with everything there except the cottage cheese! "eww yuk" as the lad would say!

Marcy said...

Crack that whip baby!!! I'm a HUGE believer in the counting cals thing. It TOTALLY sucks at first but once you get the hang of it, you'll have most of the stuff you eat/drink memorized LOL

teacherwoman said...

Great post! Becoming a healthlier person is so much more than just a diet... it's a true lifestyle change!

I am printing this post and hanging it on my fridge as a reminder!

and.. I will be joining in on Viv's wieght loss challenge!

nwgdc said...

great post! we've had far too much of the "itsnotmyfault" excuses. way to hit 'em hard!

Jess said...

That is all excellent advice.

However, I see corn dogs are mysteriously missing from your list of foods to learn love. They're a core food group, right? Right?!

AnnaBanana said...

Rock on!

I need to print this out and tape it on my couch! (And fridge, and front door, and car, etc.....)

Anonymous said...

Wine is a live it, love it, no?

Obviously I am in need of an ass kicking (see mysterious hiatus from blogging and backslide in the weightloss department!) so thanks for it!

Lucas said...

A-Frickin-Men sister! Well said and ALL TRUE! Less whining and more winning! Thanks POM.

Nitmos said...

If I start skipping everything on your #2, I won't have anything left to eat.

Calyx Meredith said...

Fantastic post! I so needed to hear it today. Thanks!

Unknown said...

This is SUCH a great post. I love your attitude!

And it's very true about the freak out about how many calories you eat... I hear people saying all the time that they eat "about 1200 calories a day", and then they list off their usual diet to me and by my calculations its usually closer to 2000 or more!

Sarah said...

I'm a scoprio - which means I'm stubborn....and as I type I'm eating jelly beans. mwah ha ha.

I like the exercise list :)

Dani Spies said...

Love the "tell like it is" advice!! sometimes that's all one needs to hear:)

The Laminator said...

Loved your post, POM! I wish I cold recruit you to talk to the kids I see in my obesity clinic. Very nicely said.

Read it, love it, live it! Go P.O.M.!

eurydice said...

you really are telling it like it is. however... some salad dressings are ok... i think!

J~Mom said...

Thanks girl!!

Heather said...

Amen on the white flour and sugar!!! But I have to disagree with ruling out Mexican food. Yes, cheese enchiladas are probably not a good idea, but you can have lighter Mexican food with all the flavor, like a salad with grilled chicken, pico de gallo and a bit of guac. (my favorite at Baja Fresh).

Anonymous said...

LOVED THIS! I have been making excuses for a few months now and all it has gotten me is FRUSTRATED! Everything you said is so true, so soooo true. Great post!

N.D. said...

So, how did you find out your # of calories? With all of your running, 1200 sounds super low, 1500 sounds medium. 1500 is about what I aim for, but whenever I plug into fitness websites they are telling me 2000+, so I've been struggling with 'what the hell amount am I supposed to eat!' I eat really well, work out every day, but gained about 5 lbs in the past 3 months that won't go away! This entry that I'm reading is great though, and your blog is so inspirational! Thanks!