Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday's Findings

Starting today, I am using up some extra vacation days and take EVERY Friday off for the entire Summer. How flippin' sweet is that?

Since I had the day off, I was able to sleep in AND run. This had me out on the boardwalk at about 8:30 am instead of my usual 5:45 am. Let me tell ya, there are a heck of a lot more people out and about. Which leads me to a few questions and findings:

  1. Don't these people work? If so, what kind of job do they have that they can be surfing, walking dogs, drinking coffee, etc.

  2. It's alot warmer outside - water and sunscreen might have been a good idea.

  3. Passing gas while running is much easier when there are not a lot of people out. (*Note to self - look behind you first.)

I got home, did some stretches & home-yoga then hopped on the scale to find this exciting revelation! Can you believe it? 131.6? Holy shit! That's 3 lbs this week. I am not going to update my side bar just yet because I know I was a bit dehydrated. But that is really exciting for me. I have not weighed this amount since high school.

Heading out to San Onofre to meet my sis and nieces who are camping there. Getting to see my favorite girls and eating s'mores (I'll probably just have 1/4 of one) sounds like a great way to start off the weekend.


Judi said...

4 8 hour days a week for the whole summer - awesome. Have a good weekend!!

Sarah said...

Whenever I take a weekday off I think the exact same thing : "Why aren't these people at work!?"

Congrats on 131.6! That is fantastic!

A said...

WOOT! Congrats! on the good weigh.

Romance said...

Woohooo! on the WI. I was just thinking this morning when I ran that people must look at me think "yuppie SAHM with a nanny, doesn't she have a job". Why, I run at 9:00 before I head into work where I stay most nights until seven. But I really did think- I bet people wonder if I have a job... I wonder it about the other runners I see that time of day. I prefer my evening runs - but those are harder to come by.

Marcy said...

Yeah I TOTALLY need to get better about passing gas on the run. The thing with me is that I have my mp3 player jacked in, so for some reason in my delusional head I think that because I don't hear the fart nor do the people around me :-X :-X

Aron said...

sooooo jealous about the fridays - that is AWESOME! great job on the scale!

Maddy said...

Congrats on the weigh in! That is awesome!

I always wonder why there are so many people on the road during the day. There cannot be that many sales reps out and about.

If I am out running during work hours, I like to pretend I don't have a job.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

WoooHooo! Good for you:) congrats on the weigh in!!!

Love the last post by the way...I'm not allowed to diet though...

doctorval said...

See, sleep is good! Awesome week girl!

Kevin said...

Congrats on the weight.

Its funny, I do my long runs with a group. At one point on my last run it was one other woman and I. I backed off and told her Id catch up (I needed to pass gas). She asked me ok. It was so akward, trying to not tell her I had to pass gas, but hinting at it so she knew I was Ok

Crissy Rae said...

I want to know what jobs these people have cuz I am obviously in the wrong line of work.

Enjoy your family time!

J~Mom said...

You are such a nice person for me to have to hate for losing weight. ;>P Just teasing ya...sort of.

Michelle said...

Hi, great post! Passing gas while on the run huh? I'll never admit it, nope not me!!! So, you run on a do i! Except, i'm in Brooklyn, NY and your way over in CA!!! :O)

Meg said...

Fridays off - good planning!
After reading that I so want smores!

TriGirl Thea said...

Every Friday off for the whole summer? THATS GENIUS!

teacherwoman said...

I wish everyone had four day weeks... every week!

131.6?!?! VERY nice!

BeachRunner said...

Fridays off is a brilliant move and a little taste for POM of the "fabulously opulent" lifestyle of the rich and famous (or the unambitious and unemployed). Enjoy your Fridays and keep on running!

Dani Spies said...

Yahoo!! Looks like all the great tips you share really do go Miss 131.5!!

Nancy said...

Whoa good for you. That is a nice weight to see, dehydrated or not. I'd have to be pretty dehydrated to get there hee hee.

Great idea with the Fridays. I may have to try a few myself. Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Gas while running... seriously every time I try to suppress it I end up with the "screamer." You know... the high pitched noise that resembles pulling the ends of a balloon and slowly letting out the air. I give up :-)

Great job on the 131 - you are rockin'!

Viv said...

That is sweet the 4 a day eks for the summer. I always think that when I am out mid day and see a bunch of people. Don't they work or something?! Then they are probably saying the same thing.