Friday, May 16, 2008

Non Plan Update

My "non plan" plan is working well for me this week.

Here's a little recap:
  • Miles run: 9 (and I'm going to run this weekend my favorite distance - 8 miles) so that will total me out at 17. Not great, but I'll take it.
  • Yoga: Three Times (including today and tomorrow)
  • Visits with friends: 2
  • Slept in: Once
  • Weight: 135 (and holding)

I'm sticking with my "non-plan" plan for another 3 weeks and I'm going to love every minute of it. It's not that I'm being lazy. I'm just doing what I want exercise-wise instead of what I have to do for "training."

Many people have accused me of trying to plan everything. And they say this like it's a negative thing. WHY does this bother people (aka ex-boyfriends, possible new boyfriends, coworkers, friends, etc? Do you think it's annoying?

Once I EMBRACED my inner-planner, I realized there are many benefits to this.

  1. I am always prepared food-wise so I can eat healthy. For example, I bring fruit & veggies on road trips so when my friends get fast food, I have something healthy to eat. I bring an apple/orange when I am crashing at friends house so I have some fruit in the morning (just in case).
  2. I'm always dressed for the occasion. I don't show up to a pool party in a clubbing outfit (and visa-versa). I can bring a change of clothes for any change of plans, etc.
  3. I can get 5 things done when most people can only accomplish 1 or 2. Killing 2 birds with one stone, type of thing.
  4. I have less anxiety because I am prepared for events.
  5. Others admire me and perceive me as a woman in charge and give me gifts. (Ok, not really)


Nitmos said...

No Plans are a wonderful thing...temporarily. Then, it causes anxiety. Enjoy. Temporarily.

BeachRunner said...

You go girl. I agree with you totallyl on this planning thing. Embrace it, celebrate it, and be proud of it. At this point in my life, spontaneity is overrated. It's a great concept in theory. But unless you are a billionaire, an unemployed drunk, a movie star, or under the age of 22, spontaneity only works in very small doses. Am I right? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

P.O.M. said...

Amen Peeps. Amen.

C said...

I am only halfway to being as well-organized as you are. I hope one day to achieve your planning level, because I know it would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Embrace it and ignore the haters.

Anonymous said...

i see nothing wrong with planning, i'm like that too. except i freak out when i'm faced with a situation that might go against my plans. that's the only downfall i can see.

Runner Leana said...

Glad to hear the no-plan plan is working. Enjoy the yoga!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Xenia. I would love to have half your ability to effectively plan.

Enjoy these weeks on our side of the chaos fence ;-).

Portland here we come!

Dani Spies said...

I am exactly the opposite as a matter of fact a little more organization would do me some good. I think at the end of the day if it works for you, keep on doing it, regardless of what others say:)

Meg said...

You really are a planner! I don't plan food and clothes so well, but I'm a big scheduler. I like to know what I'm doing every weekend, how I'll get there, what time, etc, basically as soon as the plan is thought of. It drives me crazy when I am trying to plan and depending on other people that just want to play it by ear!

Jess said...

I'm the same way with planning...super anal...but I'm also enjoying this little bit of not mapped out's kind of a nice break.

Kevin said...

wow. just wow.

Kevin said...

sorry, that above comment was meant to be posted on your comparing faces post...

Unknown said...

Somehow, even your non-plan seems like a plan. ;p

J~Mom said...

I am totally joining you for some non planning soon!!

Kelly Olexa said...

I am probably an OCD planner. I have to plan everything....and I try, but I cannot understand people that always "wing it".....oddly enough I end up with a lot of these kinds of people in my God trying to tell me to relax?? LOL

Heather said...

I'm in the middle when it comes to planning; I used to be hyper vigilant and consumed by planning absolutely everything. Pete is the complete opposite, and he's really taught me the benefit of not planning sometimes. Like not planning what to wear today, as we still don't have luggage and I'm wearing my mother in laws underwear. This is a good example of where if I had spent all this energy planning the exact outfit today, I would have been seriously distressed when it all went to shit.

Petraruns said...

About 3 years ago I really focused on being "anti-me" - as in opposite me (remember anti-George on Seinfeld?) and it was incredible - I did things that were quite uncharacteristic of me (in my case, more the opposite of you, I planned more) and (occasionally) looked before I leaped - I think it so liberating. Keep enjoying it but remember - there is nothing so wrong with how you are! Us chaotics envy you and your goody bag of good clothes and healthy snacks - says the woman who ends up swimming in her underwear..

carla said...

seriously, your NONPLAN is better than 99% of our *plans*


Viv said...

I am totally planning keep everything under damage control. Not too much chaos or else I stress, and stress means eating for me.

The non plan is looking great :-)

Unknown said...

I'm such a planning freak. I adore making lists of everything. But it's also fun sometimes to go off the plan. It makes me feel all spontaneous and exciting:)

Susan said...

I am a major planner, so I applaud you!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Love the plan! Seriously.
And I also love the fact that you are recognizing what's great about you!
Enjoy your 8 miles!

Tammy said...

Love the non-plan plan. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Although, I admire your planning expertise. I am far less organized than I would like to be.

The Laminator said...

It's funny. I'm a total planner in every phase of my life except running. When I run, I try to be as spontaneous as possible. I never know my pace or my miles until after I'm done running. Towards that end, I totally agree with your no-plan plan. I think it's great

Jodi said...

I agree, the minute I plan my day, the minute I stop enjoying it. No plan is a good plan.

teacherwoman said...

I think your "No plan" sounds like a great plan... keep it up! :)

Mendy said...

I like the "no plan" and hope to get on one of those this year. I do find that when I'm not on a "plan", I do find myself missing workouts more. I have to one for guidance during training, but I don't stick to it like glue. It's a guideline. You enjoy this time off, so to speak. :-)

Brianna said...

I find myself flip flopping from having a plan to embracing my natural tendency to not plan . . . but the switching back and forth is not really a good method. Maybe I ought to stick with one or the other. I'm glad it is working for you - maybe your success will rub off on me just for reading your post! Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?!

Stephanie said...

I am often accused of overplanning, too! Especially by ex-boyfriends. Dunno why. But - you're right...better overprepared than underprepared!

Other side of the coin...when I'm used to planning, having no plan is really super freeing, sometimes! Two thumbs up to the No-Plan Plan... :)