1. I am NOT shy
2. I love me some pictures
So how on earth (for the SECOND) time, can I strike out when it comes to race pictures? My first half marathon, there was not a single picture of me. And now the third half marathon, this happened again.
I do everything to ensure that I will have many race pictures to chose from. I wear my number on the front of my shirt so it is damn loud and clear who the heck I am. I see a cameraman and I make damn sure as hell he sees me. "It's go time buddy."
After looking through 5,980 photos, this is what I found:

Now, I have to be honest. I am exaggerating a little. There is ONE pic from this race of me. But it is SO SO horrible that I would like to pretend it doesn't exist. However, I realized that it's so bad, it would be a crime to not share it. So here goes:

Go ahead and laugh.
What the BLEEP am I doing? It looks like I'm droppin' an "F" bomb and what is with the hands? Am I dancing? Am I stopping traffic?
So, for the sake of all that is good in this world, I will make a solemn vow to you all (and to myself): From now on, during a race I will not do stupid things when I see a camera. I will simply run and maybe a small wave. But that is it.
Good Day.
Hey your 1 picture is still better than all of those from the 5K I did last weekend in which my shirt road up just enough that my muffin top was there for the whole world to see. :P
OMG - I love that picture! You look very cute and it show personality! I too cha cha when I run sometimes!
Are those jazz hands????
I like it! It looks like you are about to raise the roof!!
Those photos of you in the background crack me up! I've never really mastered the race photo thing either - I used to wave and stuff, but they always looked stupid so now I just try to smile and go on my way.
But anyway, you look great in that one photo! You know, nice and slim!
That a great picture of Amy, whoever she is. I hope you beat that guy with the bandana…..
Hahaha, THAT is hysterical. You look great, whatever you are doing.
The top two pictures of you are better than what I got from my race. :(
Oh my darling Niece
you look great,, check out those legs
I think razzdoodle called it right
that is an awesome photo. My finish line pic from my 15K in March looks like I am dying from terrible, terrible constipation - so a little camera dance is MUCH better.
Now I suppose I should go look for my half- pics.
I heard the best way to get a picture from those picture folks is to take your shirt off right before you get to the camera guy. :))
I LOVE it!!
its looks liek you were trying to be crazy!!
LOL.......best blog i read all day.
You, ah......Look like,... your ah.... kinda running like E.T.
this post is wayyyy hilarious. i hear you though. my race pics, they always get me at the end, when im going all out and my face is all frowned up like im trying to swallow a nail.
OMG!!! I am laughing so damn hard!! With you of course. I loved the little paybook markings on the pictures pointing you out.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Too funny... I don't know what it is about the sight of race cameras that makes people put both hands in the air in weird poses! I too have fun pictures like that!! Congrats on your race!
I think it's a cute pic. It does look like you are dancing though.
I do the same thing with my race photos- look through EVERY one to find me!
You look fantastic!
Hey at least you don't look totally drunk like I do in most of my pictures. I am the sober drunk runner.
haha that's a great picture...it does look like you're trying to stop traffic!
At least you're cute :-). Check this one out from my 10K last weekend. Seriously... double chinned mouth breathing retard with beer belly completely vogue-ing out.
I'm like the fat guy in Braveheart. I squish you like wurdum.
It looks like you are telling the fotog: "Talk to the hand, biyatch!" LOL. Actually, not a terrible pic at all, just a bit unusual.
Look at it as a picture with charisma! Anyone can smile and wave, you are doing something totally different, like a dance move only you know about...
Responding to your post on my blog....yes....full on !! :)))
I kid too.
Holy f*&k that is hilarious. You look like you're doing some interpretive dance. :D Awesome!!
On the plus side, you look stick thin in that pic!
I think it is a fun picture. I like your shirt, the color is great.
OMG...you are so funny. Just found you're blog and you totally cracked me up! Congrats on the run:).
I think the picture of you looks fantastic, you should just act like you intended to look that chic.....hee hee!! work it girl!
1. have you seen the 30 Rock where Kenneth and the evil page master get into the "page off"? And he says to the chick who played Elaine on Ally McBeal" "I said GOOD DAY!" and Elaine says "No you didn't." That's what the ending of your post reminded me of.
2. Awesome/hilarious that you've posted twice about Saturday. What are we wearing and where are we going? I always drank too much and fooled around too much on first dates, to be perfectly honest. Basically my husband saved me from being a total whore. :)
...these are not spirit fingers. THESE are spirit fingers.
Yea, Marcy has the description of the pose locked down. You're prettier than Amy too. Did you beat her?
It is pretty cool how both your feet are off the ground. Even though you were making crazy poses for the camera, you were not going to let it slow you down!!
Seeing race pictures is kinda like watching myself karaoke on video. I'd rather just think back and imagine how incredibly fantastic I was -- I don't want any photographic evidence to the contrary. :-)
It looks like a dance move to me. hahaha.
Your picture makes me smile... :)
I am always looking down in my pictures...even when I try to look at the camera...
I think you need to have a "caption this photo" contest! Too funny.
I actually love your picture, I think you look like you are having fun!!! Plus you are in fabulous, enviable shape!!!
Omg, that's sooo hilarious! You manage to pull off the super hot and goofy look together in that picture! And those legs! Amazing! =)
looks like youre throwing up gang signs fer your homies!
Haha.. it looks like you're striking a pose.. while running... vogue.
It even looks like you're trying to get in the shot in the top right photo.
That picture is awesome! I love it.
the face. the hands.
best race picture. EVER.
OK, weird pose. But your legs looks great! :)
I have to say that you're looking a little like a mime "in a box", but it's uber cute!
Love the pic - completely hilarious. I just ran my first HM and can't wait to see what moronic thing I did in my photo...if a pic even exists. No fail, if someone is taking a picture of me - I'm doing something stupid. Love the jazz hands though...nice touch.
I have to admit your pic had me laughing... not really cuz it was that bad, but because your comments were to funny!
Seen you through other blogs, and don't think I have made a comment yet, so hello to you!!
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