This is very embarrassing because I look so creepy, but most people like before & after photos. Since there is no limit to what I would do for a good laugh, this is just for you. (Ok, there really is a limit so don't get any crazy ideas.)
BEFORE (2005 and 2006)

After (2008)

I just realized that you can totally see how my face is aging (wrinkles, etc.) but I look and feel so much better than I did, so I'll take those wrinkles any day.
So, can any recommend some good wrinkle-fighting products????
I'm tellin' ya, the craziness never stops with me.
Wow! What a transformation. You look fabulous!
I was just looking at my pictures from the Flying Pig and noticing a huge difference in MY face- only the other way! Gah!!
You look fabulous! Its amazing what a few years and hard work will do. I love transformations!
Clarins Generation 6 serum is fabulous. Their Eye stuff is great too. i would suggest getting a facial at the department store when the national lady comes in. She'll tell you what stuff you'll need and it will make you feel wonderful. Sunscreen will help too.
Thats my girl,,,,
Since my weight loss I've noticed a lot more wrinkles too,,, no fat = more wrinkles,,, Like you... I'll live with it
have a beautiful day
BTW,, your stunning
My hubby has a pic of us from when we forst started dating (6yrs ago) in his toolbox & I WAS HOTT!!!
Even my wedding pic in 2005 was 20 lbs ago---you can see in the face shots too...not to mention the body....holy-mary-mother-of-goodness have mercy on me!!! I saw a pic of me a month or so ago & didn't know it was me!!!!
I wanna be the OLD me again!!! I'm workin on it!
I've signed up for 3 fitness and yoga classes. we week......changed my diet, running.......I just need that metabolism to increase so I can be ME
***YOU KNOW YOU'RE LOOKIN GOOD TOO. . . . . almost forgot to tell you, since I was havin my own little pity party
You're so pretty!
I heart moisturizer:)
I don't use a thing. I don't even wear makeup. I use a Cetiphil and Olay moisterizer and that's it. I think you are so cute and you look way better now than 2 years ago.
I used to be a moisturizer snob... if it wasn't sold at a specialty counter for $60+ I wouldn't try it. It wasn't until my stylist recommended the Neutrogena Antioxidant Age Reverse that I went back to the common Walgreens aisle and gave an average product a try.
Oddly enough, it works. The wrinkles on my neck are diminishing and it's really evening out my skin tone and little lines. Bonus - built in sunscreen that doesn't bleed into my eyes during a run. The only thing I hate is that it has a really delicate smell to it and I hate fragrance in my moisturizer.
By the way, you're simply gorgeous girl!
Yeah, I agree. You can def see weight gain in peep's faces. Mr McG said I had a "Moon Face" for about 6-7 months after I had the kids :-X Yup totally did ROFLMAO!
You look awesome chica!! ;D ;D ;D As for wrinkle fighting? I use nothing other than Oil Of Olay LOL. I'm totally no help :P
Wow! I can totally see a difference. You look great! I know I see weight in my face, too- around my chin. So when I am at my happy weight, my smile looks better, too! Congratualtions on the transformation. Be proud of those Before's.
you DO look fabulous.
pat yourself on the back and fret not about the aging process.
though Im PROBABLY not the one to ask (*runs to mirror and sees how she is **AGING** rapidly)
Wow! What a difference. How much weight have you lost since those pictures?
I love me some before and after action.
WoW! that is an amazing difference!! You look fantastic!
Olay Regenerist products. Start with the daily facials (washcloths), serum, eye cream and day and night creams.
I don't see any wrinkles on you though.
You look great!
I gain weight in my face too. The worst part is I don't notice it day-to-day so I'll suddenly see a picture and be grossed out by my own face!
I don't see any wrinkles, crazy girl! BUT I know what you mean - sometimes people do look older when they are thinner - like Star Jones or some of the peeps when they finish the Biggest Loser.
I agree - don't see any wrinkles! You look great!
I 100% agree about weight showing on my face! I looked like a different person almost when I was 20 + pounds heavier than I am now!
Very nice. Big difference. :D
You look fab.
you're so pretty!!
i lose weight in my face too, i always look way young when i have extra weight.
avon makes some good stuff... hint hint you can buy avon from me... click on the link on my blog... or go to you know you want to!! i'll even give you free shipping, choose direct delivery and use coupon code: REPFS, your readers can use it too!!!
ok i'm done whoring my wares now. anyway, you look great.
I love that you posted your old pictures! Shows how far you've gone.. And you look fab! I swear by Estee Lauder now, their Advanced Night Repair product. Not sure if it's actually an anti-aging serum though, but my skin loves it! =)
Wow, what an amazing difference! You look great - I can't see any wrinkles either.
Wow... you look great! What a big change...keep up all the hard work:).
You look beautiful! You are beautiful in all the photos for sure, but you look so happy and healthy in the "leaner" set!
No complaints here.
Chanel's Retifilience (or some French word that sounds like that) Or L'Occitane's Precious Fluid. But seriously, you look beautiful as is.
You look amazing, I am determined to make chnages that I can live with so I can post pics like this on my blog! I'm proud of you for what you accomplished!!!! Great Job!!
wow you look fantastic!
You look wonderful! Love the before and after photos!
Sunscreen, and keep hydrated! It's amazing what a difference it makes in your skin, to make sure you drink lots of good old-fashioned water!!
Getoutta here you look so pretty! Great transforamtion!! I swear by the ol' Oil of Olay.
"Holy Fat Face Batman"
hilarious... and you know I feel you on that front ;)
PS come let me know about how Sat eve turns out.
The face pics really tell a story! I think you look awesome. No need for anti-wrinkle cream.
You're right -- that's a pretty big difference! I think you look great. :)
Girl you look incredible!! I feel the same way when I look at pictures of me in my face was sooo 'FULL' to put it nicely.
You are gorgeous.
And I will add my two cents about what to use to look even better.
Coming from me, a gal that has paid $150+ for one skin care product, used drugstore stuff, used Proactiv for a day or two, etc....I've been tanning like every day of my life and after being introduced to Arbonne skin care, my face and body look better NOW at 39 than in my twenties...seriously. People constantly think I am 5-10 years younger and I hardly wear any foundation anymore. This stuff is like buttah, and yes I do sell the stuff now that I am so passionate about it. I guarantee it will change your skin - its exceptional.
Email me at if you have questions girl.
And you know you look FABULOUS.
You look very beautiful!!! I hope to have some "after" pictures very soon, as I definately have a lot of before... suckage.
Congrats on a great Half finish and that pic wasn't so bad at all! Enjoy your time "off" of training. Sometimes that's just so much more realxing!
I liked it better when your face was round because everyone thought we were related.
I didn't know you knew a cyclops? They only hang out with thin folks.
I love your blog! Thanks
for visiting mine. I don't
see any wrinkles :)
huge difference! HUGE!
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