Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Summary

This about sums up the weekend:
* Running = 17 miles total
* Yoga = 3 hours total
* Wine = Immeasurable Consumption
* Family Time = 1 lunch
* Friend Time: 1 day & 1 night
Dating Update: The negotiations with the Captain are off. That ship has really sailed this time. I mean really.
Baby Mama Drama (BMD) is back in town this week (haven't talked about him much, he's a runner).
New date this week too - need a nickname for him. Stay tuned.
Song of the Day: Calabria by Dirty Laundry


Robin said...

Great job on the running and yoga! Sounds like a nice weekend. (I lost count of my cocktail consumption Saturday night, too.)

Aron said...

sounds like a fun weekend!!! great job on the running and yoga! woo hoo for the new date!!

BeachRunner said...

Nice stats. Great pic too.

But drinking white wine out of a red wine glass, hmmm...?

[Note how my super "snobby" comment cross-references your prior post]. Aren't I the wit?

P.O.M. said...

Beachrunner... I KNOW I KNOW. But I was at a party (not my house) so the options were a plastic cup or that wine glass. I chose the glass as the lesser of two evils.

And I was sooo tipsy after 2 glasses. Not like me at all.

B. Kramer said...

High five! We matched mileage and consumption this weekend!

Shelley said...

Red wine glasses usually hold more, I'd pick that over plastic anyday.

The lack of details surrounding the Captain is killing me. Just nosey I guess. I got my hopes up for you two!

Jess said...

I like the Bridget Jones-like breakdown of activities and consumption. As far as I'm concerned, anytime the mileage is that high, the wine may flow in immeasurable amounts.

Sorry to hear about the failed treaty with the captain. Or not. Not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that.

Tammy said...

Sounds like a fabulous weekend.

Sorry to hear about the Captain. At least there is closure, though, eh?

I cringe when I hear about BMD. Too much BMD when I was with an ex; he and I are still friends and his baby mama is still psychotic.

chia said...

Anyone offering a plastic receptacle for wine should be shot.

Of course, I'm that person that brings my lucky glass with me whenever I have a bottle of wine in tow ;-).

Good luck with the newbie!!!!

Amy - the gazelle said...

that sounds like an EXCELLENT weekend. I strive for those stats. :)

teacherwoman said...

Oooh, new date? Please share!

BTW... your hair is looking long! Love it! :)

Heather said...

1. You're gorgeous.
2. You're a total badass fitness-wise.
3. You're a total badass for getting a final answer from Capn.

I am not worthy!!!

Kevin said...

Sounds like a great weekend (minus the Dating drama)

C said...

Damn, I wish I had those stats!

I agree with Teacherwoman--love your hair. What shampoo/conditioner do you use?

C said...

Thanks POM! :)

Viv said...

The pic of you laughing holding a killer glass of vino....priceless

Unknown said...

I must start reading this always make me smile! XO!

J~Mom said...

Love the picture!! Kick the captain to the curb. He is so last week. Time to move on to new unnamed boy toy.

Ali said...

sounds like a perfect weekend, minus the captain, but if it's not working you are better to be free.

Marcy said...

You're totally one up on me chica. I'd be drinking straight out the bottle LOL

Crissy Rae said...

Holy running mileage girl! That's awesome. Good luck with the new date this week. Can't wait to hear details.

Madison said...

You look so happy in that photo. I wish there was something that made me THAT happy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great weekend all around. Hope you have a wonderful time on your date with the new guy.

Jess said...

Sounds like a rocking weekend. I love your dude nicknames...I do the same thing haha.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Great digits!
Good luck with new boy. You deserve better than the Captain.:D

AddictedToEndorphins said...

P.S. How is that a red wine glass? It's a wine glass. Aren't they all the same? Seriously.
I'll stick to vodka thanks, no cups to memorize

Amy said...

Buh-bye, Cap'n! Raise a glass (it doesn't matter what kind) - here's to being single... for now!

running = awesome. Nicely done. Also, your hair looks killer in that photo.

Romance said...

Nice job with the running.. Hey does your Nike+ ever short change you? And if so, what did you do about it?

Oooh... cannot wait to read more about the new date - old, married, and living vicariously these days...

TonyP said...

I love your weekend summary, especially the immeasurable consumption of win.

carla said...

ooooh may we, the great unwashed masses, nickname him FOR you?


Junie B said...

Seems to be going around; ships sailing I mean.

I am saying the same thing. THIS. TIME. I. MEAN. IT.

Maybe I should try that wine stuff you talk about.

the Bag Lady said...

Ummm, you mean you're supposed to use glass for wine? (Damn, there goes my huge plastic wine glasses....)

Don't settle for anything less than an Admiral this time, 'kay?

Nitmos said...

If a Garmin doesn't measure wine consumption, why should you?

Carly said...

You look awesome....great stats!

You look so happy! Good luck with the new man.

rinusrunning said...

Thats a nice weekend!.
Groet Rinus.

Judi said...

Oh what the hell happened? You can email me. I am really sorry!!

Matt said...

17 Miles?

I thought I was studly for running 2 miles a day (treadmill though).

That is impressive...and this blog is actually super motivating.