Monday, August 11, 2008

Aggressor Update

Seriously people, I cannot make this shit up.
Here's a glimpse into a day in the life of POM.
A little Messaging from Thursday:

Aggressor: Hi. I've been thinking about you. I have some of your stuff at my house. Can we get together?

Me: Hi. Yes, how about we meet next week on our lunch hour. (I figured that would be the safest and I want my Cole Hann shoes back!)

Aggressor: How about today?

Me: I'm really busy. How about next week? (I wasn't really busy, but didn't feel like dealing with it)

Aggressor: Next week is like next year. Can we meet for a drink tonight?

Me: I have plans (A 2nd little white lie, but I know where the "drink" can lead to)

Aggressor: Well, when then?

Me: Lunch next week. (HELLO? How many times do I have to say this?)

Aggressor: What about this weekend? (I told you - he's aggressive!)

Me: I am dating someone (a 3rd little white lie). I don't want to inconvenience you, so next week during our lunch break will work best.

Aggressor: That's ok. It's was all my fault. I would like to get together to talk this through. Ok?

Me: Talk? About what? (Seriously does he want like a post-dating conference?)

Aggressor: Just talk about what happened between us. I know you're dating someone but is it bad that I want to .... with you again? (Yes, you can fill in the blank).

Me: Yes it's bad and it's not gonna happen.

I mean REALLY. That is one aggressive mo fo. Have you ever dated a guy who wants to talk about what happened? Usually don't they just run for the hills? For some reason this just struck me as hilarious.

Song of the day: Crack Rock by The Dogs


Sarah said...

When they like ya, they like ya!

HC said...

Arghhh, I hate the guys who want to "revisit" things after they act like shmoes. Good for you for standing your ground!

Kate said...

I had one one time that after I was being nice and told him "I just didn't think we were compatible" wanted me to give him a list of specific reason we weren't compatible. I was like come on, seriously dude...we went out for like a month.

BeachRunner said...

Sounds like he is aggressively stupid.

Amy - the gazelle said...

I had one of those, once. And I would "get together" to talk about it, and it does go elsewhere. But, in my defense, he was very....skillful.

Last week he contacted me on Facebook to let me know he'd been thinking about me a lot lately, and thought we should "talk" again. Except it's been 6 years, I'm married, and I left Los Angeles. So I ignored him. :)

Jess said...

hahahah woooow! Aggressive is right! hahah he totally wants a piece of POM lol lol!

Way to shoot him down!

Unknown said...

Oh good LOL. "Let's talk." Yeah, talk about getting into your pants.

Good for you for standing your ground. the repeat of lunch next week.

Aron said...

geeeez i guess he is aggressive!! you definitely were right on with his nickname. yay for shooting him down!

Amy said...

Holy sh*t. Why are our lives in sync? Seriously, I had almost the convo w/ the Patriot this weekend.

Aggressive indeed! So what are you gonna do??

Kevin said...

He just doesnt get it. Appropriate song of the Day, he must be on crack rock

Marcy said...

Oh my gawd! Seriously?!? Oh no! No more need to be nice now ROFLMAO! Dayum girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Does the brotha want a severance package with his exit interview?

Jess said...

Too bad he can't just FedEx your stuff over.

Anonymous said...

Hope he gets the picture soon.

Heather said...

Dude, you might have to say goodbye to those shoes. Or meet him for a "drink" to get your stuff and then bring someone with you. :)

PS I dated this guy like 10x over. Seriously. One contacted me AFTER HE GOT MARRIED and wanted to say "goodbye" when I was moving to the West Coast. Um, no.

M*J*C said...

Seriously, this was absolutely classic! LOVE the way you handled it! As for your "little white lies", they are nothing compared to his lie..."I would like to get together to talk this through" my ass, like he finally said - he wants to get it on with POM!!!!
For real, highlight of my day! I've been dealing with the "headache" that comes from being "hit by the anvil" too many times!

TonyP said... quit in that guy.

Alisa said...

Ugh...aren't males a pain??!!! (well, not j, but the others.)

Bikram rocked, I'll definitely be back. Talk about a sweat-fest...sooo cleansing!

Ali said...

Me thinks, it is not so much about the talking but what it might lead too

Amy said...

You're such a 'P.S.' tease... Email if you feel the need to fuel my desire for juicy dating gossip!

We can trade war stories...

N.D. said...

Way to stick it to him.

Unknown said...

They just don't know when to stop, do they?! I love the way you just tell it like it is to him:)

RunToTheFinish said...

wow I've never been pursued that aggressively...I don't think i'd care for that!

Liz said...

I saw your comment on Mrs. F's blog. You said that you ate the same thing everyday...what did you eat....I need some ideas and calorie information.


Not sure what to say about the aggressor...other than i am glad that you stuck to your guns! :)

eurydice said...

ha! "i want to ... with you again"


Marci said...

Wow, you should agree to meet him and then stand him up, your turn to .... with him.

Charmaine said...

A man who wants to talk after he screws up?

Begs to get back together?

Never heard of it.

Shelley said...

After reading your blog, Charmaine's, and Glam's I am so glad i am not dating. These guys are unbelievable!

Christie said...

Hahaha!! Yeah, that is hilarious. I'm with Marci. You should .... with him for sh.. and giggles.

Susan said...

Crazy guy!

J~Mom said...

Send him a self addressed box with postage to get your shoes back. ;>)

teacherwoman said...

If you were me, that would start to freak me out by now. Get a clue, dude!

Kiki said...

Un.Believe.Able! What a nerve!

Michelle said...

p.o.m. i've yet to date a man that actually wants to "talk" but then of course "talk" is code for well you know!!! I want to get with you again!! Classic!!

You did the right thing here for sure, but hmm is he cute?? Send him my way!! :O)

Lily on the Road said...

Are the shoes worth that much? Just asking. LOL,

Call display on the phone has always worked for me...DNA, do not answer...LMAO

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Veryyy Funny!
Just laugh it off...
You could totally play with his head and have fun with it.

That's what I would do.

Elizabeth said...

Dude, he wants a postmortem of what happened? what a freak.

Are you absolutely positive that was a dude?

Tammy said...

Been there! Most men are clueless.

Thanks for reminding me why I decided to quit dating for a while...

Bob - said...

hmmm want me to go get your shoes, and umm then we can talk over a few drinks :-)

ahhhh you knew one blogger had to through in a wise ass man's comment
( sorry )

umm geeesh now we really need to talk about my comment ;-)

SoberMommie said...

Yup...sounds familiar!!
Kind of funny how clueless they are though....

Nancy said...

Oh geez, he's a talker. Don't get me started.