Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Well, She Did It!

Heading out of town again today for business, but thought I might share this little tidbit with ya'll.....


Full race report later this week. Thank you all for all your support ~ especially those sassy ladies that waited out in the rain to watch me run by.


C said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic. Way to go, POM!

Robin said...

That is incredible!! Congratulations!!

Marcy said...

Whoooaaa Momma!! CONGRATS!!! FABULOUS JOB!! ;D ;D ;D Next stop BQ? I see in your future baby!!

Aron said...

you are soooooo freaking awesome!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! cant wait for the full report!

Jess said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome job!!

Laurel said...

WHAT!?!??! That time is SICK! You are my new hero!!! I'm gonna start doing Bikram Yoga!

leslie said...

Dittos on the BQ in your future. Amazing time -- way to go!!!

chirunner said...

Fantastic! Congratulations. You must feel awesome.

Tammy said...

Great job, Congratulations!!!

You only have to be 3 minutes faster for a BQ. Just sayin'.

J said...

Congrats on a great race!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chia said...


Anonymous said...

*Count of Monte Christo* makes a deep bow.

I do not even dare to think of such an accomplishment.


carrie said...

Impressive! Way to go and safe travels.

Laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so totally awesome. I was watching for you on that long out-and-back but didn't know what you were wearing so it was hard. Hopefully we can meet up at another race :)

Anonymous said...

way to go that's awesome!

Razz said...


doctorval said...

Nice job. Congratulations!

M*J*C said...

WOWOW!!!! Great job POM!!! You totally rocked it out!!!!! Way to go!

Jess said...

Congrats girl!!! That rocks!!!

Lily on the Road said...


Christina said...

So fast!!! Way to go!

Ali said...

Holy Crap!

That's like almost 12 minutes faster than a 4 hour marathon ... not 1 or 2, but 11.32 faster!

An almost a one hour PB ... Congratulations.

I am hiring you as my coach. Seriously!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! You should be so proud of yourself. You earned every minute of the sub 4! Awesome job. Your post made me smile, I am very happy for you.

Any plans for BQ?

Midwest said...

Way to go! You rocked that out! Can't wait for the race report.

Kim said...

Holy moly!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are AWESOMENESS!!! :)

Jennifer Burgett said...

You are awesome!!!

Congratulations! Looks like all the hard work paid off!

Spandex King said...

You shattered 4 hours! Way to go!

Julianne said...

Sub 4 marathon? Omigosh, I am so jealous. Congratulations!!! You totally earned it!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

THAT'S AMAZING!!!! Seriously. Your awesome...

whats next?

Victoria said...

Congratulations!! Can't wait to see what your next running accomplishment will be!

Anonymous said...

Holy schnikes!! You were FAST!!!!!!!!

eurydice said...

WOW that is so fast! Congrats!!!!

BeachRunner said...

Congrats! Way to go!!!! That is an amazing accomplishment. I am super happy for you.

Unknown said...

holy awesomesauce! congrats on a great finish!

so, when can we expect you to join us on the trails? ;)

Meg said...

Congratulations! That is AWESOME!! You worked very hard and deserved it!

Kristen said...

That is an AMAZING pace! Great job! Can't wait to read the full report!

reneeh said...

You are freakin' faaaast!!!!!!! Congrats on your sub 4! You rock, girl!!

Sarah said...

Super impressive! Especially considering the soggy rain factor!!

Amy - the gazelle said...

FANTASTIC! It was so awesome to see you on course. You are my hero!

Raina said...

Way to go! That was awesome!!

Maggs said...

Congrats! That's a great race!

Alisa said...

Yeah you did...you killed it!

Petraruns said...

Wonderful work! Well done - you've done fantastically well!

joyRuN said...

Nice sub-4! Not barely sub-4, but SOLID sub-4!!


Ian said...

Congratulations! I'm totally jealous of your finishing time. You wanna' come to AZ and pace me in January? ;)

Amy said...

Yay! Congrats! Awesome for you!!!!

We're marathon twins....I'm a 3:48er, too!!!!!!

We'll have to meet up in Boston sometime :o)

Heather said...

Badass, party of one!

The Laminator said...

Congrats, POM! Knew you could pull it off. Woohoo!

Stuart said...

Awesome job...good to see all the hard work pay off!

Chic Runner said...

Wow, Congrats! :) Can't wait for the full report!

Romance said...

wow, you are an animal!!!! WTG - that is amazing and terrific and so well deserved... congrats again- cannot wait to see the finish line photos

ShirleyPerly said...

CONGRATS!!! You worked hard for it and earned it.

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness! Sub four is fantastic! Aren't you just jumping up and down and screaming right now? Way to go!

N.D. said...

You smashed 4 hours! way to go!! you rock!

Marci said...

Congratulations POM. Go for the BQ, you are so close!

teacherwoman said...

Congratulations, chica! You rocked that race!

Michelle said...

p.o.m i am very very proud of you!!!

Michelle said...

p.o.m i am very very proud of you!!!

RooBabs said...

Yeah, so you're like, totally my hero. I knew you could do it (I felt it in my bones!). Awesome, awesome. And everyone else is right- you're like *this close* to BQ. Is that something you've thought about? (was that a dumb question- sorry). = )

Can't wait for the full report.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to hear the full report.

jen said...

Congratulations. I looked up your results and was thrilled. You did great. Can't wait to read the race report!!

It was so good to meet you!

Monica said...

"I'm Not Worthy!"


Anne said...

Wonderful news!!!

Lee said...

That's awesome! Congrats.

sunshine said...

Whooo Hoooo!!! Congrats, girl! You are freaking awesome!!!!!

Mendy said...

Jess!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! You did sub-4 and did FANTASTIC!!!! Your pace was very consistent throughout. Congratulations!

Mike said...

Fantastic! :) I want Sub4 ... you have inspired me to believe I can.

Well Done!!!!!!!

Crissy Rae said...

That's awesome! Great job girl!

TNTcoach Ken said...

Awesome job Ms. Consistency.

TonyP said...

Been busy with work, so just saw this......AMAZING JOB. What a great time. Fantastic. Many, many congrats !!

Susan said...

EXCELLENT! I can't wait to read the full report!

Carolina John said...

Congratulations! that is fantastic.

renae said...

What a fantastic time!! Congratulations!

healthy ashley said...

HOLY COW! Woohoooooo! I hope you feel on top of the world!

B. Kramer said...

Wow, kick ass job! Congrats! Hope you celebrated appropriately.

J~Mom said...

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!

Sarah said...


Unknown said...

Congrats! That is an awesome time. Wooo Hoooo!

Brooke said...

absolutely amazing. You inspire me! Fabulous job...

Viv said...

WOW super sub 4!!! I had no doubt you would, I really did'nt. Great job, you work really hard to meet your goals even when life gets busy you keep at it. You deserve a fantastic marathon!

zanne said...

nice job!! congratulations!