Thursday, January 22, 2009

Morning Ego Boost

Thank goodness for funny things that happen to me or I would have nothing to blog about (since I seemed to forget how to run).

I was minding my own bidness this morning, pumping gas at the gas station.
This car pulls in, but not to the gas pump. He parks directly behind me.

Guy: Excuse me, but I was driving by and noticed you. You are the most beautiful girl I've even seen. Can I buy you a cup of coffee? (He must be blind)

Me: Well, thank you but I am seeing someone.

Guy: Is it serious? How long have you been dating?

Me: Off and on for two years.

Guy: I think I can steel you away.

Me: I don't think so.

Guy: (Walks away, then turns around before getting in his car) Are you sure?

Me: Yes, I'm sure.

And, I finally stepped on the scale this AM to assess the damage. I'm about 5 lbs up from my fav weight, but actually 1 lb down from my post-holiday weight. So I didn't mess up too bad in the Bahamas.

Things are looking up. Now if I can only slip out of work early to get to yoga.


Amy - the gazelle said...

I got picked up at a gas station in LA once. He was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen up close. Which was good, because he had NOTHING else going for him.

Funny story. :)

Good luck with the yoga!

Shelley said...

Well that would make my day! How fun.

Chic Runner said...

OMG I love it and this has happened to me in Newport too but while I was driving. Creeps abound there! :)

Jess said...

Haha tooo funny!

Marcy said...

Did you laugh hysterically in his face? That's what I'd do :P

Jogger said...

Funny stuff! I love creepy gas station guys. That mostly only happens to me in the grocery store though. Men often stalk me in the grocery store, and I just find that to be strange.

Amber said...

That's too funny, I guess it's kind of flattering he pulled in off the street JUST to ask you out though!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Bet that had you smiling most of the morning! Be sure to tell that Captain of yours....
Sounds like he could use some healthy competition!

I seem to have fogotten how to run too. I remember about once or twice a week.... but that's it. Suck!

Jennifer Burgett said...

Thanks for the label!


RunToTheFinish said...

hot damn if that doesn't put a spring in your step I don't know what would!

Heather said...


RooBabs said...

What a funny story!! Your adventures are so entertaining. = )

Congrats on being down from your holiday weight, the island Disneyland must not have been too cruel.

Denise said...

What a compliment!

Alisa said...

Down from holiday weight---way to go!

Have fun at yoga.

Jess said...

Well, thanks for the label!

That guy following you into the gas station is actually a bit creepy. Even if you were single, would that have worked?

Carolina John said...

that's a great story! now tell us why it's back on with the captain so much so that this loser got turned down?

C said...

Dang! Cali is a interesting place.

Deets on the sitch would be nice, but only if you want to. :)

HC said...

Niiiiiice... I gotta start pumping my own gas.


funny funny..5 lbs is nothing, you got it!

teacherwoman said...

How flattering is that! Nice!

Marathon Maritza said...

That's so flattering! And he most certainly was NOT blind!

I gotta start hanging out at gas stations more often... ;-)

Kelly said...

Wow. What a complient/creepy a$# guy. Nice going.

carla said...

some might think creepy---this old married lady would LOVE the interaction as well.

Anne said...

Don't those kind of guys end up being serial killers in movies?!

Michelle said...

P.O.M how freaking cool is that??

Your beautiful even when pumping gas!!!

Check this out:

Lucas said...

But don't those random comments just make your day? It's so nice to hear that kind of thing, I think. Always boosts my ego anyway! :)

Unknown said...

Ahahaha that's awesome! Conversations like that totally make my day.

Brianna said...

Wow. What an amazing way to start the day. . . imagine what he would say when he sees you when you're well rested, adjusted to the right time zone, and back in your running routine. :) See - you are a natural beauty!

Brianna said...

Wow. What an amazing way to start the day. . . imagine what he would say when he sees you when you're well rested, adjusted to the right time zone, and back in your running routine. :) See - you are a natural beauty!

Susan said...

WOW! That would certainly make my day! (and be a miracle, as I am nearly 36 weeks pregs - ha - not happening!)