Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tester 14

As it is known in the running community, your long runs are the time you "test" things for your marathon. You test out your clothing, nutrition, gu, etc. So I tested out a few things on my 14 miler this morning and here are the results. Hold on to your seats cuz this is exciting stuff.

1. Hair tied in BUN instead of pony tail. Usually after a long sweaty run, my hair is one big dread lock, impossible to brush through. A bun solved this. Definitely gonna "bun" it for the marathon.
2. Nike's did good on the long distance, as did my fav brooks shorts. Although they were completely drenched and dripping sweat when I was done. I was so sweaty that I actually looked like I just got out of Bikram, instead of running. It was crazy. I love it!

Side note: I hopped on the scale right when I got home just cuz I'm crazy like that. I wanted to see how much water I lost. I was 129.8 (That is 2 to 3 lbs of sweat). Of course I drank it all back in like 2 mins, but it was cool to see the scale say that. Plus it proves how much we sweat when we run, and therefore need to replace those fluids.

1. Running with Invisalign. You are supposed to leave them in except when you eat. So, I wanted to run in them, but when it came time for my Shot Bloks, I had to take them out. It was annoying. But I don't want to keep them out for a full 2+ hours. Also, the G2 probably is not good for staining reason. I guess I'll live with it.
2. G2. I hate hate hate drinks like this. I try them all and they are all just too damn sweet for me. I actually choke as I'm trying to drink it. And they make me my stomach cramp. I wonder if I should just stick with water, then find some other way to replace electrolytes. I drink Smart Water in Bikram. Supposedly it has electrolytes, but I'm not sure if I believe all that stuff. What do you guys think?

So, here's the digits. I am pretty happy with them. I think Fartleks are really helping me. I read somewhere (I think Nitmos or one of those fancy fast runners) that if you want to get faster, you have to train faster. Seems like an easy concept, but it took me a while to "get it."

Distance: 14 miles
Time: 2:09:02
Average Mile: 9:18
The awesome part is that my 2nd half was as strong/if not stronger than the first half. Mile 2 and Mile 10 were my fastest miles, both under 9 mins.

Song of the Day: Now You're Gone by Basshunter


Victoria said...

There are about 5,000 discussions (perhaps slight exaggeration on my part) on the Runners' World forums (especially the trail running section) about G2 and other electrolyte replacing drinks. I've tried Nuun, but supposedly that is missing some key electrolyte-- you could also use S-caps, which would cut out the need for another fluid besides water...

sarah (SHU) said...

nice run! personally i like to just drink water and use hammergels on long runs, but that doesn't save the invisalign problem. also i could never run w/ a bun b/c it always bounced around like crazy (whereas somehow my ponytail didn't). now i have victoria beckham-length hair so it doesn't matter, but i am impressed you can run w/ a bun.

also, hi :) i have been reading for a while! you are definitely getting faster!

teacherwoman said...

I have been noticing lately how much I am sweating when I am out running and am thinking it maybe be due to an increase in water intake?!

The comment on the G2... have you ever tried watering it down? Or have you that about trying Nuun Tabs in water? I hear they have some different flavors.... tri-berry, citrus fruit, lemon lime.

Nice job on the long run!

Kevin said...

Great job on the 14 miler. Good song of the day, but when you find out the story behind the song its actually pretty dorky.

K80K said...

I water my sports drinks down about 50/50 when I am drinking on the run. I can't stomach the full strength stuff either.

Judi said...

Very good job girlie.

Hammer Nutrition has an elecrolyte mix that is flavorless. Go check them out. You HAVE to replace your electrolites.

BeachRunner said...

Great job on the 14'er. You are really doing well with the training. I also dilute my sports drinks with about 50% water.

ShirleyPerly said...

As has already been said, a lot of people can't handle full strength sports drinks. I couldn't at first but over the years, it's gotten easier and now I usually grab and drink both water & sports drink during races, except when consuming a gel or other carbs, in which case just water. Some folks just go with water but supplement with gels and electrolyte tabs/caps if needed in addition, others I know love Nuun dissolved in some water. Gotta find what works for you. Good luck and I'm excited to see how fast you're running now!!

Anonymous said...

One of the girls told me to forgo sports drinks or electrolyte replacements until I'm bleeding limestone (that white crap that comes out). I was really happy to hear that - I hate Gatorade. I especially hate that fake sugar Gatorade. I'm trying some powder crap tomorrow, it's made with stevia which is a more natural fake sugar than the stuff in G2 so I might digest it better. I'll let you know how it goes if you'd like ;-).

Romance said...

I am big on water though I recently tried the g2 SF gatorade and another SF electrolyte replacer... they are all yucky - but if its over 75-degrees and I am running more than an hour I drink part of one.

Super jealous that you are running- this was my ten mile hill run weekend and instead I still sick in bed. Sad me...

Congrats on the weight. Even if its water - always a thrill to see the scale smile up at you like that.

Marcy said...

I was going to suggest what Victoria talked about. Nuun tabs. I've personally never used them before but Lisa (Java) has. She'll tell you the dealy LOL

Very nice run!! ;D

J~Mom said...

Yes, what Marcy said. I *heart* nuun. Use them here in the baking sun and I use one on the way to Bikram class. They don't have calories though ( minimal) so you would have to still have some cals on your long runs.

Aka Alice said...

The San Diego Track Club uses Vitalyte (sometimes called Gookinaid) and I'm hooked on it. Like you, I can't stand the sweet stuff. "Gook" is not sweet at all. I don't know how widely available it is, but they have a website. (I swear, I don't work for them!)

BTW...I love your blog!

Lee said...

I'm going to get myself a pair of those shorts. I cannot, for the life of me, find shorts that don't ride. up!

Viv said...

First off, great job on the 14. I love the G2 but I guess i am stiky icky like that. I am firm bun girl. LOL at trying the invisalign when running. That had to have sucked.

Anonymous said...

i can't even start to think about running in this heat....but way to go! am working on my yoga post...maybe after 4th of july :)

Sarah said...

You're doing awesome!! And yes, I'll be in P-town during the big marathon :) Won't be running, but I'll hold a sign for ya!!

Jess said...

Way to rock your 14 miler. I use Propel powder mix when I run. I think it's definitely less sweet than some of the Gatorades. I also don't get bothered too much by Gatorade Rain. I think it has less syrup and sugary stuff.

Glad you were able to figure out your shoes and shorts though. Gotta love working things out on the long runs.

N.D. said...

Great job on the run! I can only drink water also, but I use sportbeans- still kind of sweet but fine for me with water.

Amy - the gazelle said...

I just finished a sweltering (and strangely slow) 9 miles. I usually just do water & hammer gels, and I definitely need new shorts. I do a pony tail & a bandana :)

Provided I get an okay from the knee doc next week, I'll be seeing you (briefly, from behind) at the marathon!

Jess said...

If you're taking the Shot Bloks, do you really need the replacement drink as well? I know I could never stomach any of the replacement drinks -- my tummy cramps too (too much sugar) -- so I usually just do water and Shot Bloks. But I'm no pro.

In reference to your weight after running, I used to run with this woman who said she often lost 8-10 lbs in sweat after a long run! I could believe it too because she was a sweat machine!

Alisa said...

I used to gag every time I tried to choke down the sport beans, shot bloks or gels (double yuck!). But then I found HammerGels in Vanilla and Gu's in Double Espresso...both of these I can handle. But I suppose that doesn't solve you're invisalign problem. (I may be encountering this problem soon too, I am meeting with the orthodontist next week. My teeth are just crooked enough to bug me and now that I have excellent health insurance why the heck not.)

On the G2 problem...I always alternate the bottles on my FuelBelt with water and Propel. Propel lemon is my favorite sports drink. I use the powder so I can control the amount I put in.

Great job with the 14-miler!

Aron said...

YAY awesome run!!

so how did you make your hair stay in a bun? mine always falls out. i have been ready to chop my hair off lately just because it bugs so much on the long runs. EKK

do you dilute the gatorade with water? thats the only way i can stomach it. i do like 1/3-1/2 gatorade and the rest water.

carla said...

well, I have no great running advice.
glad to see you HEART the nikes as I am now so coveting them as well.

and Im all about the sweet.
wonder if Id like the G2.


Christie said...

Great run!! I have no advice though. I was hoping you could school me.

Anonymous said...

Nice run!! You really are doing such a great job. I have been doing the messy bun thing with a visor may last few runs and like it. My hair would knot up like crzy in a pony tail.

Nancy said...

Hmmm, I wasn't running when I had invisalign so I'm not much help. All the sugar sitting in the trays wouldn't be great but it isn't terribly long -- not like overnight. I don't think they would stain, plus you are changing pretty often. I would only worry about really dark stuff like red wine and coffee.

You are going to need some nutrition and replenishment for sure. I hope you get it figured out. Some people just can't do the gatorade.

i can't believe you are doing 14 already. When did this happen. Sad - 14 is the milestone where my feet blew up and I figured out that I wasn't going to make it through full marathon training. I'm hoping you have much better luck, this run seems like you are going to!! YEAH.

Victoria said...

In response to your comment earlier: Trail running is the best. Find a trail and just get out there. Are you worried about getting lost or something else happening?

Mendy said...

AWESOME job on that 14 miler. That pace is great. Fartleks really do work, so I've been told by many people.

I usually eat shot blocks and water (and I drink smart water too). But, don't know what to tell ya on what to use. Looks like you got some great advice from above.

I may have to try nuun as well.

B. Kramer said...

I don't care for the electro drinks either. Although, my solution for the sweetness is to mix my own, and make it weaker. But I usually stick to water.

RunnerGirl said...

We've been drinking Powerade Zero . . . I'm honestly not sure of the electrolyte content but it has NO sugar and a very mild taste so it doesn't upset my tummy at all.

Lily on the Road said...

I love PowerAde and I use Carb-boom gels for the long need to replace your electrolytes, that's very important. For the really long runs I also take a couple of Vector bars with me, so I don't get anymore light headed than I already am!! LOL...

Good for you to try out all these things on your long runs! Pro-active is the way to be!!! Way to GO!

Teacher Pursuits said...

Before I chopped my hair, I did a braided ponytail because the brushing out of a tangled mane used to stress me out. I can't do the Gatorade or G2 drinks either... but I love me some Propel.

Teacher Pursuits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nitmos said...

As many of the others have said, you have salt tabs, GU, other "edible" gels to take that can replace the electrolytes. Plus, you could grab one Gatorade and water at the stop and take a sip of Gatorade and wash it down with water.

BTW, based on that time, McMillan's calculator says you should run a 4:13 marathon. More training to go though.

Colleen said...

I can't do the sugery sweet drinks when running either, too sweet! But, I love the sports beans because I can do a couple at a time and not a bunch at once if I don't want to. That is my experience anyway! =)
And, I am totally a bun when running wearer. Much better to have the pony off of my neck.

Laura said...

I use:
1) Water
2) Shot blox
3) Sports beans

But just because those are the first things I saw in the running store and they seemed to work okay for me :)

Ali said...

I only drink water now on long runs, occasionally I pack a bottle with gartorade, but it's 75% diluted with water, otherwise it makes me sick it's way to sweet.

I asked our coach about it and he said if you are taking gels they have the electrolytes you need.

RooBabs said...

Awesome job on the long run!! I don't really have any advice on what to drink, because I'm just barely breaking into the 60+ min runs. Up until now, I've just stuck with water, but I definitely need to figure out something, too.

I really am curious how you get your hair to stay in a bun. My hair goes down to my waist, and it would bounce way too much and definitely fall out before I was through. But it would be nice not to have it on my neck and back- especially in the heat...

Ms. V. said...

I like Sports Beans. No more G2 for me.

Unknown said...

i've been all over the place with sports drinks; from cytomax to gu20 to powerade.

i finally settled on gatorade endurance. i buy the powder in bulk tubs from or [both are local to us and have retail storefronts where you can pick it up]

it's much saltier than all the other sports drinks and much more palatable late in a run. it doesn't have that sick-sweet taste that the others do. even when it's warm it's palatable.

also, since i buy it in powder form, i can mix it to the strength that i want. AND, since it's in a powder form, i get those tiny zip lock backs from michaels crafts [1" x 2"] and they hold enough powder to mix about 20oz of drink. taking the powder on a long run instead of the fluids allows me to go further unsupported and not having to carry all the extra weight.

good luck finding something that works well for you!