I have had braces before, circa 1986. The horrible silver ones. With rubber bands and all kinds of drama. (I really wish I had a pic to share - that would get a good laugh out of ya'll). Approximately 1989, I had straight teeth and a nice retainer to keep them that way. Being the awesome teenager that I was, I broke my retainer about 5 times. Finally my mom gave up and said, "you break it again, you buy it." Well, I did break it and I didn't buy it.
Flash forward to my early 20s and the onset of Wisdom Teeth. My teeth were all pushed forward, so I have these little rabbit buck teeth in the front and the bottom are crowded with major shifting. There's kinda like a snaggletooth on the bottom (my ex thought it was cute, but I sure hate it).

I picked them up yesterday and they fit perfectly. They feel tight, but not sore. I popped a few Advil before bed, just in case. I did NOT sleep well. I kept waking up and wanting to take them out, but I didn't. Luckily they do not pop in and out as easily as a retainer. I had several dreams about TEETH. All the waking up caused me to over-snooze this morning and NOT RUN; Messing up my run schedule for the week. GER.
Since they are NOT easy to take out:
GOOD = NO mindless snacking and only water drinking.
BAD = I need to eat like 6 times a day, so it's a pain to have to take out everytime.
I am wearing them in this pic - you can hardly tell.
So here starts my journey to straight teeth (AGAIN).
I will try to not blog about it anymore, as it is a very boring subject and nowhere related to running, rants or relationships. And based on this pic it is quite obvious that my eye cream is NOT working.
Aw good luck! I hope they feel more comfortable soon. And you really can't tell at all in that picture that you're wearing anything on them.
Kickass. They look great. Mine took a few days to get used to. When I first got mine and tried to take them out, I was positive I was going to pull my teeth out.
I have many more tips -- email me if you want them.
I'm going to get my final retainers today -- so excited to be done!!
Owie owie owie -- I remember the pain of tightened braces and retainers and such. I think your teeth look great, and you really can't tell you have them in. Good luck with them!
I cannot tell that you have them on at all! Good Luck! I have thought about getting them myself many times!
They are invisible.
I have a friend who says they have helped her shed 10 pounds by cutting the snacking at night.
wow you cannot see them at all!! good luck getting used to them! i am sure it will take no time.
AHH i hate when my running schedule gets messed up.
I girl I work with is finishing up with hers. It is amazing how they work. Her teeth look great now. I think you are really going to like the end picture.
I am so so jealous. I had the same thing happen to me - 3 YEARS with braces, I had awesome teeth, and then my crappy orthodontist - didn't even give me a retainer! So they moved, but most on the bottom.
I am going to investigate! They look good!
Hey POM, thanks for stopping by my blog.
I do have a local running store that I love. They are the ones that fit me for my Nike Air Zoom Vomero+2's. I am planning on stopping by there this week for new shoes. I will let them know of my pain. :) I think my shoes are just worn out. They were fine until recently.
You are gorgeous and practically perfect ... but you do look a tad crazy in this photo ... just a tad
I can't even tell that you have them on. Wish they'd had that when I was about, oh, 12!
I think your teeth are pretty damn straight already! I know mine got quite a bit out of sorts in the past ten years (after braces), mostly due to wisdom teeth coming in and pushing things around in my small mouth. My bottom teeth are the worst, but it's not that noticeable when I smile!
i so want invisalign. i never broke my retainers but i just quit wearing them after a while, and my bottom teeth are now a bit crooked. i still have my retainers, so i suppose i could jam them in my mouth every night, and then every day my teeth would feel like i'd just had my braces tightened! i could relive much of highschool!
I never had braces b/c my father said he thought a slight overbite was interesting. He didn't want me and my sister to have "stereotypical American teeth." Yeah. I think really the school tuition had done him in and he didn't want to have to say so. I value my education but I want straight teeth too. Must save! The invisilign look...not there on you! Your smile is beautiful. Hope the pain/soreness goes away soon!
Ooo cool! I didn't know such a thing existed. But I should have. Good luck - you can't even see them!
I never had braces but did wear retainers for a number of years. Great that they've come up with an alternative that looks much nicer. I don't see anything on your teeth!
I don't see what you're talking about? ROFLMAO! Your teeth are fine on the bottom! I've had a perm retainer in for who knows how many many years (going on over 10) and my teeth still have shifted slightly *sigh*
Those are great! I wish I would have had those when I had braces. I had them 2 times and my teeth still shifted....even with the darn retainer.
Did you get those from a dentist? And have you had the wisdom teeth extracted? 'Cause if you haven't, won't they still create problems?
I had some of the most embarrassing moments while wearing braces. While I was talking to a really cute guy one of the elastic bands popped out of my mouth and hit his eye. Then I accidentally threw out my retainer at lunch (I had placed it under a napkin so as not to gross anyone out). The principal came down to sort through the garbage while the entire lunchroom looked on. (Yes, we found it, and yes, it was fully sterilized before I put it back in my mouth!)
Wow, the are so invisible. I want to get my lower teeth straightened (again!) and I am pretty inspired. Plus how cool is the no mindless munching benefit.
Ok, see..Dh and I both had braces and my teeth started moving as well!! Dh thought I was crazy but I went back and got a new retainer and shiz about two years ago.
That's a low-res photo ya know...
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