Thursday, December 18, 2008

Squishy In The Middle

Luckily the weather is still cooperating with me. It was raining when we went to bed, but not in the morning. So I got out there in my NEW JACKET from Road Runner Sports and hit the cold pavement. The jacket was all I could ever want and more. I busted out 5 miles and chicked this guy (who was TOTALLY trying to keep up with me). Basically it was a good morning.

I've been doing pretty well on the challenge, alternating days of Bikram and running. I haven't stepped on the scale for a while (until this morning). But before I did, I knew it was going to close to Code Yellow. I can tell because in yoga class (in practically your underwear) you have to stare at yourself the entire time. And although my clothes still fit, I'm very squishy in the middle. Squishier than I was a couple months ago.

Anita confirmed what I was feeling. I am definitely still on the border of a Code Yellow Alert. I tried to go on a no sugar kick. It lasted 2 days then I broke down and had some ice cream. Then a coworker made homemade peanut butter cups. Then we had cookies delivered. Then someone made me homemade risotto. I'm living proof that between Thanksgiving and New Years, one consumes about 600 more calories per day.

At least I'm working out - it makes me feel better. I'm starting to think about my goals for 2009.... Post more on that later.


Carolina John said...

Awesome run! I would love to crank out 5 miles right now and "chick" some guy. that's a cool term, too.

Keep running like that and you won't have to worry about the extra sugar calories.

X-Country2 said...

I love chicking guys during runs. It makes my week. :o)

Keep working out like you are and enjoy the holidays. You'll have all kinds of time to make up for it after the new year.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your CODE YELLOW. I know the feeling. For some reason I can't seem to get below my 'panic number' right now, and I don't even feel like I've been eating anything 'bad'. Anyway, keep up with your workouts, I'm sure you'll be back down in your safe zone in no time!

RooBabs said...

Congrats on the run. How nice of the weather to cooperate with you! I know what you mean about the extra 600 cals- but as long as you run or do yoga every day, you should be able to keep it in check (or close to it), right?

Good luck!

Amy - the gazelle said...

I am below my panic number, finally - but am still in code yellow area. However, I know that once January hits and the cookies become less frequent (instead of lunch), all will be better....

and who is this "we" that you mentioned twice? some habits just hard to break. *smirk*

Aron said...

yay for an awesome run!!

i am feeling a little squishy right now myself... MUST get back to running asap :) not really the best time of year to be in recovery mode for that reason!

cant wait to see what your 2009 goals are!

Petraruns said...

Definitely squishy around the waist - favourite party skirt was damn uncomfortable at party last week. Ended up unzipping the top bit of the skirt half-way through the trough...

Plenty of running just too much eating. But hey - when sobriety and simplicity hits (not to mention post Christmas poverty) at least we'll have the exercise habit. Trying to be a glass half-full kind of gal here..

C said...

I think I'm going to be permanently squishy. :(

Great job on the run and keeping up with bikram. I too am pondering my 2009 goals, but I'm afraid to actually state them out loud since I so often never end up achieving them.

Alisa said...

I too feel squishy, I love that other people use that term too. The holidays are hard but really no excuses for me, I have a marathon in January---dumb knee!

I'm excited to read your 2009 goals, I hope I see San Diego Marathon on there =).

Jess said...

Squishy in the middle seems to be par for the course for many of us this time of year. No worries. You have abs of admantium back in no time after the holidays!

Abby said...

"chicked some guy..."

I love it!

RunToTheFinish said...

from the headline i thought this post was going to be about me and I was a little embarrassed, glad to see you didn't mention me. I can't even begin to say how much HBBC is helping me to keep the number on the scale at the same place

Abby said...

You should copy it (I had a lot of fun trying to figure out what to put in there), but to give credit where credit is due, I got here, from the Runners Lounge Take it and Run Thursday (

Happy summarizing!

Denise said...

If you figure out a way to get rid of the squish, let me know ASAP. Nothing I do works!

Abbie said...

lululemon athletica at the irvine spectrum is having a goal setting event on tuesday jan. 6th at 7:30 p.m. if you need some help with your goals :) e-mail me if you want more info -

jen said...

Congrats on the chicking! I'm also feeling the squish. The difference is YOU are doing something about it..

Michelle said...

Chicking some guy is the way to go p.o.m!!!

Have a great weekend!!

P.S. I squish around my middle forever!!!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

My roommate got rid of our scale a few months ago and I'm glad he did. I don't even think about it anymore and I can weigh myself at the gym if I choose.

I'm trying to think of a new year's resolution myself...

Laurel said...

You should see the amount of junk food that has been delivered to our office this week. If I see Moose Crunch one more time, I am going to scream! (because it's so damn good and I can't control myself)

Julianne said...

You're doing better than me! I only have 31 HBBC points!

TNTcoach Ken said...

This should be National Squishy month. All of us are having issues with it!

Jess said...

The holidays suck....I wish people would stop bringing good food into the office....or I wish I better will power.

Mrs Furious said...

" I'm living proof that between Thanksgiving and New Years, one consumes about 600 more calories per day."
Word to that

I'm off to go drown my sorrows with some sangria...