Monday, July 14, 2008

Slack Attack

I've been slacking on blogging today because I know I will have to admit that I slacked off all weekend!

I did run 10 miles Friday morning as planned. Avg pace 9:43. Not great, but at least I gotter-done. I got a nice big blister on the side of my foot. So weird. I didn't get one on my 16 miler, but I did on a 10 miler - same socks, same shoes.

THEN I slipped on a wretched pair of pumps and wore those for the next 12 hours - for my event. Needless to say, I ended the day with about 4 more blisters!

Saturday - drove to San Diego - Hard Rock hotel - and acted like an idiot rock star for the rest of the weekend. Had a blast, but no workouts whatsoever. Unless you count... lifting a glass to my mouth to drink and dance-party in the hotel room.

Back on track this week with yoga and running. Have a super long run this weekend - which means: Operation Hydration all week long.

Song of the Day: American Boy by Estelle & Kanye West


Jess said...

I'm sure you deserved the rock star weekend. Good luck with operation hydration!

Robin said...

Rock star weekend!? That sounds fun.

Sorry about the blisters. Ugh.

N.D. said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Drink lots of water this week! we missed ya!

Marcy said...

Ain't no thang, chica! We all deserve a little par-tay time every now and then ;-)

Kevin said...

Everyone needs to partay like a rock star once in a while

Romance said...

That sounds like a perfect! weekend. It sounds like a great time. I figure those kind of weekends totally compensate for passing up other fun stuff to get the long runs and good nutrition in....

Alisa said...

Ever tried duct tape for the blisters? It's the only that works for me...I've tried everything, all the expensive shizack they sell for blisters...nothing works EXCEPT duct tape.

Operation hydration--LOVE IT!

AnnaBanana said...

Ya gotta have distractions to keep you on track!

Hope the blisters aren't too bad

teacherwoman said...

Umm, my Dad told me the day of my first half marathon (when I was full of blisters), that he uses roll on deoderant on his feet prior to a long run and has never had blisters. Something to think about!

Tigerlilly said...

Eh.. it happens. Sounds like you had a fun though!

Aka Alice said...

Isn't the Hard Rock awesome! I knew you'd have fun there...

My feet are completely ruined due to blisters (and blisters on top of calluses). Everytime I go to get a pedicure, I get a lecture about having "runner's feet."

J~Mom said...

You will be back on track in no time! Don't worry about a few off days. :>)

Stuart said...

ooh that song of the day rocks!

Blisters; never good!

Heather said...

I love the thought of you having a dance party in your hotel room. So fun!

Crissy Rae said...

Rock star weekend at the Hard Rock-my kind of fun!

Good luck with Operation Hydration. I need some serious rehydration myself (as I sit here w/my morning cup of joe).

carla said...

youre forgiven.

just never leave us again.


BeachRunner said...

S.D. sounds like fun. Enjoy yoga and good luck with Op Hydration and the blisters.

Amy said...


Although, I fully condone rockstar weekends. Being a rockstar, messing around with one... it really doesn't matter. It all rocks!

Can I enlist for Operation Hydration? I need to be watered so badly.

Tammy said...

Your weekend sounds much more fun than mine.
Slacking... eh, it happens.

Teacher Pursuits said...

Amen for rock stars. I'd be lost without that title! :)

M*J*C said...

You are sooooooo a rock star!!! You have to post some pics from Hard Rock!!
I feel ya on the blister, I got one this weekend on my 10 miler (was supposed to be 12 miles til the blister showed up!), totally sucks!

Debbie said...

I need an operation hydration!! That's great! Sucks about the blister!

jen said...

Great job on the run and on the partying. :)

Anonymous said...

Feet are completely unreasonable. At least you took them somewhere fun to work out the kinks ;-).