Tuesday, December 9, 2008

S & M

Today's theme is S & M.

NOOOOOOOOO... not THAT kind - you pervies.

S = Struggle
M = Move on

I made it to Bikram last night, really eager to get in there and sweat out some of the wine from my bday wine tasting weekend. I felt good for about 10 minutes. By the time we got to Standing Head to Knee pose, I thought I was going to die. I had to sit down about 4 times in the class. For the first time, I even contemplated leaving. But I didn't. I stuck with it. After class, I threw on my sweats and headed home. I felt dizzy my entire drive home. I shoved some chicken in my mouth and still felt like crappy. (Now for the gross part) I thought "I'll just lay down for a minute" before my shower because I felt so weak and dizzy. PEOPLE, I fell asleep in my sweaty mess with NO shower! How gross is that??????

Now, I know have this challenge that I signed up for, so I knew that NO MATTER WHAT, I was going to get some cardio in the morning. My plan was to run 4 miles, but based on how I was feeling the night before, I was just going to see what happened and maybe walk. But I felt great! I don't understand why the difference, but I have an idea...

I think that over my bday week and weekend I consumed so much sugar and wine that my body was going into serious detox in yoga. Plus, Monday I cut my calories back (probably too far back) and just had no energy for yoga.

But I'm moving on.
We all struggle, we all get over it.
It's part of this wonderful journey we are all on.

I actually ran the entire way this morning and threw in an extra mile (hey there IS a contest going on).

Regarding the contest, my plan is just do at least ONE thing a day. So normally when I would take a day off, I am going to do either yoga or at least go for a walk. This will help me accumulate points. We'll see how it goes. Heck even if I lose, I totally win by staying physical over the Christmas season. Boo-ya! I will post my contest status on Friday's I think. But you know I like to frequently change my mind. As of right now, I have 8.5 points.

Last of all.... here is a fun pic of Sister Birthday Fun 2008!
Song of the day:
Shut Up & Let Me Go by The Ting Tings


Razz said...

you two look like a couple of badasses.

Thought I'd drop by and say "hey"


Heather said...

Kindly disregard my email, as it appears you are still alive. Phew!

I think I might work in some yoga today. Depends on how my massage goes. :)

Chic Runner said...

Love that song by the Ting Tings and that pictures is too cute! you guys look great :)

sunshine said...

Sounds like you're overcoming your struggles. That's a great pic of you and your sister!

RunToTheFinish said...

yeah for motivation. Seriously I am so amazed by your bikram yoga.. I should really try it but I'm lazy, I think that's a pretty fair statement about why I don't go to classes.

J~Mom said...

Cute picture!! I like your plan for the contest! Stay after it!

Aron said...

love the pic!!! great job for staying active :) sounds like you had a great birthday weekend!

N.D. said...

Good plan. Glad you are refreshed. They don't have bikram around here yet but I want to try it in the spring somewhere!!

Judi said...

i am gonna lose weight too girl.

Denise said...

Sounds like you had a fun birthday celebration. Good job so far on the challenge!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Cute pic! And the booty buster challenge graphic caught me off guard. It's not every day you see bare cheeks just hanging out. ;)

I found these great pilates, abs, yoga, workout videos on my Comcast On Demand that I've been doing in the morning before work. It's been a great way to wake up and get the blood flowing before sitting at my desk all day.

M*J*C said...

Super cute picture!!! Good for you with your yoga and 4 turned into 5 mile run!

Amy - the gazelle said...

well, you're already beating me, so now you know you probably won't lose! :)

way to go sticking with your yoga last night. Two people walked out of my class last night - and one guy left then came back. I've never seen that before.

X-Country2 said...

Yay for sisters! Way to keep pushing yourself. You'll be happy you did it in the long run. :o)

Viv said...

Man, it feels like you have not posted in 4eva. Either that or I was just missing a POM post.I was about to stalk you up via email.

Look at that leap you have on the points. I better pick up some classes so I can get paid form my points, cause that is how I roll.

LOL@ I will just lay here for a minute. I usually say that after way too many drinks.

That is a great pic of you and the sis. Totally needs to be framed.

Michelle said...

Hey girlie you and your sis are adorable!!!

Keep on keeping on!!! Your doing so great!! I am proud of you chica!!!

Marcy said...

Awwwwwhhh sisters. Aren't they the best?

Sounds like a plan chica! :-)

Jess said...

Great pic of you and your sis!

Mendy said...

Awesome pic of you and sis. Happy (so belated) Birthday!!!

Sarah said...

I lurve the Ting Tings - and played that song while on date with the not yet named new guy on Sunday. Played it on the jukebox while getting schooled at pool that is. AND - super cute pic of your sister. AND - sorry about bikram, but glad to hear you rallied on your run. AND happy week after your birthday!

Laurel said...

I've passed out, um, I mean fallen asleep in worse.

I need to check out this challenge everyone is raving about.

Future Me said...

Man I hate to say it but I go to bed sweaty a lot. Probably way more than I should. Super cute picture. :)

carla said...

we dont get nearly enough of those up in herre!!

(and yeah. I was kind hoping it was the other S&M :))

TonyP said...

Hook me in with the post title, and let me down !

:) I'm in the Booty Buster Challenge as well. Great motivating tool. Keep it up.

C said...

Hello fellow Sag! Looks like we both had Sister Fun on our birthday weekends. Yay for us!

Good on you for the challenge. I only have 3.6 points so far. Need to punch up the effort now. Thanks for the motivation!

Jess said...

That is such a cute pic of the two of the you! Glad you were able to have a good run today after a stinky (oh man I didn't mean for that to be a pun lol) night of yoga!

Unknown said...

Good job for moving on!

If its any consolation, the only time my sister ever tried bikram she was hung over and proceeded to throw up immediately after the class. Hehe.

Love the picture and good luck with your contest!!

Lucas said...

A few days ago I read on another blog "I am not my mistakes. And neither are you." Awesome statement. Struggling and moving on is a great approach P.O.M.!

And cute pic of you and your sis.

Alisa said...

Sounds like you have a plan! Plans are always good.

Cute pic of you and your sis.

I often feel on Monday's a bit of detox. I'm really good about food journaling during the week b/c I sit at a computer most of the day but on the weekends it usually goes to pot! Then Monday's at yoga my body is in a bit of shock...especially doing the camel pose, which I can't do without feeling like I'm going to pass out.


you go girl!!!! I too am just pushing myself to get through the Holidays in the best shape:) I love the pic!

jen said...

Cute picture!

I love the S & M philosophy. You're going to be fine. Good luck staying active over the holidays, it is so hard. I personally am going to consider a 1-2 lb gain a success... better than the usual 5.

reneeh said...

Just a thought... you might have "bonked" in yoga... kinda like you can "bonk" when you run. Not enough fuel in your body and it conks out. The results are what you felt - the shaking and needing to consume food ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Cute picture. Hope you had lots of birthday fun. Nice plan for staying active through the holidays.

Amy said...

Okay, so are you gonna do a real S&M post for us who confess to being pervies?! Lol.

I'm also confessing to having passed out in sweaty gym attire... You are not alone, my sweaty friend.

Anonymous said...

Awww, cute sisters!!

Nitmos said...

I had a lot of thoughts on S&M but since it's not that S&M, I guess I don't have much to say.

Carry on.