No, I didn't buy a gun. I'm just doing a bullet list = Not very creative today and kinda busy.
- Had super fun sister/niece weekend to include lots of food, drink and another dance fest in the living room. This time it was rated G. My baby niece has the cutest fuzzy hair and laughs like a mad woman.
- Will not step on scale until end of week because I know I did some damage this weekend in the way of chips, dips and twice daily ice-cream. Yes, twice daily. So what? Ok, who am I kidding, I will probably weigh myself when I get home.
- The Aggressor just sent me a note "Sorry about the way I have acted. Can we talk?" What the heck? Lame. Do you think he read this? Shit.
- I am half unicorn - a horn is starting to grow out of my forehead. Maybe Jessica Simpson can lend me her Proactive.
Week plan = Run M/W/F and Yoga W/TH/S
Peace. Out.
Gawd I'm jealous of the twice daily ice cream.
How would the aggressor know about your blog? Totally lame. Stick with your instincts on this guy...
Did you get new shoes?
I'm sure he doesn't know - but I just had a quick thought - like WHAT IF?
No shoes yet. I need to plan a day to go... probably not until weekend. I have my Mizunos that I alternate with. I just like to have 2 pairs of shoes going at once. I'm a freak like that.
yummmm so jealous of the ice cream! i am definitely adding that to my "i am eating the world" list for sunday post-marathon.
glad you had a great weekend with the sisters and neices!!!
Your baby niece is so cute I could just eat her up! What fluffy hair!
Men who can't make up their freakin' minds= decidedly unsexy.
Oh my god, I just spit out some water onto the computer when I read the line about Jessica Simpson and proactive. Too funny.
That niece of yours has such cute hair.
Your niece is adorable!!
Loved the line about Jessica Simpson...hehehe.
Chips and dips? Sigh.
So, come on, are you going to talk to the Aggressor? Enquiring minds want to know...
Ohhhh girl if you only have ONE horn then I'm jealous. I have about 18731931 growing out of my face :-X
Adorable picture!
That would definitely be interesting if he had found your blog. . .
I haven't weighed myself for two weeks because of all the ice cream I've been eating on my weekend adventures....
Your neice is so cute!
Haley and I are in sync. I spat water on my monitor at the unicorn comment, too!
I weighed myself this morning against my better judgement. It was ugly. hold off. :)
:) - After a long terrible day at work, your post made me smile.
Zits suck, definitely at our age. Didn't we get through high school - why are they still coming? Sooo annoying. Hope that you had a good run today. I like how you aren't crazy about food (it happened to me after dieting) and you allow for some flexibility. Puh. The aggressor sucks.
glad to hear you had a good weekend! I am breaking out more at this age then I did when I was in highschool. blech!
AH! That pic... HOW FREAKIN CUTE!?
I do the same thing with weighing..then I weigh myself 10 seconds later. LOL
I don't let end any of my blog entries without saying a little prayer. Join me, will you?
"Please God, if I ever did anything right, ever, please PLEASE don't let any man I date find my blog and read about himself. Thank you. Amen."
so you remember your post on all the smells you smell while doing your daily run? I think of that every time I smell something distinctive on my runs. Love it.
Anyway... i hope you are doing well!
listen, if she calls with the proactive can you get me some shoes?
sure they are semitacky but for free?
Cute niece!
I've got a ring of pimples developing around my mouth. Very decidedly unattractive. I would trade you for your horn in a heartbeat.
Twice daily ice cream? That sounds like a eating plan I could live with LOL!
And the agressor...FREAK!
Great pic. Sounds like you had a great weekend.
p.o.m. another terrific funny post!!
Your niece is adorable! Twice daily icecream???...Not that there's anything wrong with that!!! In fact, its quite right IMHO!!!
I love Charmaine's prayer!!! I spit my gatorade all over my computer moniter reading that, guess i should stick to water huh???
Nice plan for the week....yoga is on my short list. I need to explore.
as you know, I'm a hard core advocate of the bullet points. :)
bullet points make everything easier. An alternative: when I make a list, I put little boxes next to my To Dos. Then, I can check off each box as I go - very satisfying!
Seriously, your "not creative" post had me rolling! Jessica Simpson and her Proactive...that and growth hormone!
I'm trying to go non-dairy, but ice cream and froyo are SUCH a temptation!!!
I always get nervous that people are going to see that I blogged about them. Or that someone from work will read my blog and look at the post times and realize that I'm blogging during the day :)
Fuzzy little girl hair is so fun. We call it chick fuzz. :)
Glad you got to have some good girl time - I'm sure it was worth it, no matter what Anita says. And dancing around with kids is a good workout - one I fit into my daily schedule with Mr. Music and Little Sister. For some good grooves, try the Yonder Mountain String Band.
Good luck with that unicorn. I have one on my arm. Gross.
Twice daily ice cream sounds heavenly. And I love your niece's fuzzy hair, how cute!
Huh, just when I thought you were perfect... :D Twice daily ice cream is so not you! Glad you are human. I am at something like a two year low. You would be so proud. Ahem, although it's not that low. Must keep going.
Love that baby. You look awesome!
Such a cute pic! And sorry about the Unicorn thing (I am just getting rid of a third eye, right above my right eyebrow- ha ha). I was LOL about the Proactive comment- too funny.
I'm with Laura about the blogging anxiety at work- especially if the Boss Man found out- yikes!
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