Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Hip Hike

I’ve never been one to claim sanity, especially here in blogger-ville. I am obsessive, compulsive and can be down right crazed about certain subjects (i.e. running, weight, food, martinis). So, the following story might not come as a surprise, but I thought I would share it anyway.

Last Thursday night, my physical therapist helped me to realize that my weak gluteus medius is a main cause of my hip and knee pain from running (hence the stern letter to my posterior last week). As part of my therapy, she showed me some strengthening exercises, my favorite being the “Hip Hike.” We started out with 2 sets of 20 on each side. She said we’ll eventually work up to 3 sets of 45. As I left the P.T. office/gym/whatever it is called, she said,
“Don’t forget to do your exercises.”

Ahem, apparently my P.T. does not know how psychotic I can be. Let’s just say I have not stopped doing the Hip Hike. I Hike the Hip as I blow dry my hair in the morning. Then, I hike the hip while I’m standing in the kitchen figuring out what to eat. At work on Friday, I got up from my desk to stretch, I mean Hip Hike. I get home and Hip Hike as I watch TV. Then I wash up for bed and Hip Hike as I brush my teeth. If only I can figure out a way to do it while I’m driving. hmmmmmmmm

Now, for the scary part. I was shopping with my girlfriend today, waiting in line to make our purchases and I thought it would be a good time to get some Hip Hikes in. I just got back from the grocery store where I, take a guess….. That’s right. I did it in line at the market.

If a little of something is good, then A LOT will most definitely be better. Right?

So if you see a kooky brunette chick doing the Hip Hike at some random location, it would be safe to assume that it’s me. Because I have no intention of knocking this off – until my booty is strong (or my boyfriend threatens to dump me for being neurotic).

Song of The Day: My Goodies by Callis


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Gees, my PT would love you - I think she probably wants to disown me for never doing my exercises regularly!

Unknown said...

I actually think the best way to get exercises like that done is to encorporate them into your life...just like you have. For me the problem is that I get bored after awhile. But I think you should hip hike all over town while you are thinking about it and still excited about it!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Too funny! I do something similar with leg raises and glute squeezes - while blow drying my hair, taking my dog outside, stir-frying dinner, etc.

Hope those hip hikes are serving you well!

Jess said...

When I was having IT trouble, my PT had me do the exact exercise, but she called it something different -- can't remember.

Nancy said...

I wish I could get me some of that neurotic. I'm having a hard time getting them done. Between that and the diet, I swear I am having to "re-commit" every damn day. Great job on the "hiking."

J said...

Hip Hike. It sounds fun! Does it hurt at all while you do it, because of all the hip pain you've had? I hope it helps! I hope it helps, like tomorrow. I am not one who is good at waiting patiently for results. :)

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO! That's totally something I would do. Hey a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!

Unknown said...

While it certainly sucks to have weak hip muscles, the good news is it doesn't take much to strengthen them! (At least that's what I've found). It took just three weeks of PT exercises and substituting the elliptical machine and water running and then I was back to "real" running (going very slow, of course). I wish you a speedy recovery!

Viv said...

I hope the hip hikes stengthen those hips and have you off and running in no time.

I start PT Thursday, they do work you out in there..It is like insurance covered personal training at times. Gotta remember to do all the exercises they give me to do.

Lori said...

Work that hip! And I'm betting that the boyfriend won't let you go after he realizes how tight your glutes are ;)

Database Diva said...

I could do with a good dose of neurosis. I'm terrible about keeping up with my PT exercises. Yours look like more fun. Maybe I'll do them instead. I'm sure that will get my shoulder fixed :D

J~Mom said...

I love it!!! I do that with calf stretching. One time I was getting a drink of water at a water fountain and stretched my leg back to stretch my calf and oops tripped someone. LOL

Jes said...

hmm now how do you do this without a step? Maybe this will help my hip pain as well!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

I am right with you on this one. I am a chronic hip hiker, side stretcher and one leg balancer. And in meetings, you will almost always find me stretching my hips while crossing my legs....I am a sick girl