Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yoga Love

After a kickass Bikram class last night I am feeling HUMAN again.

I have solved all of my emotional problems and am ready to conquer the world.

Yes, it's really that good. I swear - after class I felt so much better about all the crap that was getting me down yesterday.

I let it go. It's gone.

Ran 5 miles this morning. My gluts are super tight right now - gives a new meaning to "tight ass." I wonder how they will feel after my 18 miler this weekend. I really need a massage. But thanks to my lovely Invisalign, there will be no frolicky spending for a while. Frolicky - I like that word.

Song of the Day: Move, Bounce, Shake (Roots Mix) by Anane & Mr. V


BeachRunner said...

Awesome for you!

Aron said...

SOOO glad you feel better... sounds like it was just what you needed!

i am getting a massage the day after the marathon - cannot wait!

C said...

Yay for the restorative powers of Bikram! Maybe I'll get to try it out one day myself.

Heather said...

Kickass! I'm really hoping to get back into Ashtanga yoga post-baby. It satisfies both my Type A-ness and my need to relax.

TNTcoach Ken said...

So life is good again? I love the word 'jocularity'

B. Kramer said...

Glad the yoga worked its magic. I offer solidarity in weekend 18-milers this weekend. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

you know what POM? I started WALKING (as in lame-ass walking, NOT running) on Monday. I did 3 miles then and 3 on Tuesday- my back and my butt hurts so freaking much I could barely muster the energy to lie down. This kicked my ass more than Bikram ever did! But with my new ipod toy, I'm all over that crap! watch me start running soon! lots of complaining I'm sure.

eurydice said...

are you telling us you danced in a hotel room in your undies for 4 hours? .... i'm jealous!

Tammy said...

Yay for solving the emotional problems!

Thanks to my kids' teeth, I get no frolicky spending for a while either. :(

N.D. said...

Yoga sounds so refreshing! I have to get back into it. Never done the bikram thing, but power yoga. Way to go on the tight ass!!

Romance said...

Wooohooo for the healing powers of yoga...

I love frolicky... none of that spending for me as my SO lost his job AND even after that I joined a gym close to work. I know, two gym memberships, insane. but now, I can do yoga and lift daily and run... woohoooo... I figured you would get it if anyone would...

Congrats on the all time lowest weight...

Christie said...

Good for you for letting it go!

And why did I read gluts as guts? Yeah, I had to do a double take. Good luck on the 18miler.

teacherwoman said...

Frolicky? Love it.

Glad to hear the yoga cleared your mind. I know that even the 5-10 minutes we do after spin class feels great, I can only imagine what a full yoga class can do for the body and mind!

Viv said...

I am glad you left that stuff there with your sweat. Get one of the bouncebacks to run that ass before that 18 miler.

Stephanie said...

I'm glad Bikram fixed you up! I did some asanas this morning when I woke up (for the first timet this week)...and it's already making a difference in my day.

Must be some way to get a free massage...? :-D

carla said...

dear tight ass,

methinks we should start a massage fund for you.

xo xo,

your 18 miler

Crissy Rae said...

The tight ass feel makes all the huffing and puffing from running totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

It is always such a great feeling to snap out of an emotional down. Glad you are back to your confident self, ready to conquer the world! Good for you.

Marcy said...

Break out those tennis balls and rub away baby! LOL

Jess said...

Glad the yoga helped you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Okay lovely, I have two questions for you please! Number one, would you purchase Anita again and if so which model did you get? Their scales range from $40-$120. Is it really worth $120?
Next, which style Brooks running shorts do you suggest as I'd like to buy some this weekend when i'm in Manhattan.
Also, I'm going to do my first long run since my half marathon last December and need some positive vibes. Any suggestions for going when you feel like you can't? Do you just slow the pace down and go even if it's down to something like 11 min?
Thanks gorgeous!!!

Kate said...

Glad your feeling better! I know exercise always helps me!

Unknown said...

Have fun conquering the world in a frolicky way!

P.O.M. said...

Thanks everyone!

Hi Ashley - I tried to log on to your page, but couldn't.
My Tanita was about $100 - I got it at Target. I don't know if it's worth it, but I love the body fat feature, too. Although it jumps from 28% to 21% depending on who knows what.

My fav shorts are the Brooks Elements. I got mediums, they are a little big, but I like them big and roomy.

Good luck on your long run. Download some new hot music. That always gets me in the mood! And remember it's just a training run, so slow down as much as you need to. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

how long have you been doing yoga? i really want to try it but i've never done it, and it looks hard :( we have a bikram place here too, but i think i should know what i'm doing before i try that!

Brianna said...

Holy Moly - all of your emotional problems solved? They should use that as a testimonial - and maybe the cash they give you for such an awesome testiment can cover a massage or two to help with those tight glutes! :)

Tall Girl Running said...

Pick yourself up one of those foam rollers from the physical therapist for your tight glutes (and quads... and hams... and calves... and ITB's). I've heard it referred to as the "poor man's massage therapist". After faithfully using it for just a couple of weeks, my legs went from being complete mush after my last marathon to feeling fresh, healthy and strong. All for for sixteen bucks plus tax.