Monday, November 19, 2007

Dear Running - a letter

Dear Running,

I don't even know if I am going to give this letter to you, but I'm so angry I had to write down my feelings. So, what's your problem? Seriously. Friday you let me run almost 5 miles of pure bliss. You made me like you again. Then Saturday, you turn on me. You were miserable and didn't even let me go 2 miles.

You need to make a choice. Are you going to be with me or against me? I can't handle this wishy washy bull$hit anymore. I want to like you again. At one point, I was totally obsessed with you. Now I do anything I can to avoid you.

Thanks to you, I did not lose a freakin' pound this week for the H.W.C. I had to post on the forum that the scale didn't budge. Thanks alot for that. You could have been helpful, but NOOOOOOOOOOO.

That's all I have to say to you right now so I don't say something I don't mean. Shape up or ship out.

Song of The Day: Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit


Viv said...

Has written a many of those letters on many different topics to many different people...LOL!

Your gonna kick me for this, but at least it did not go up, as my crappy scale did.

J~Mom said...

Oohhh running you had better get your act together buddy!

Database Diva said...

Running is so freakin' fickle. Scales too!

Jess said...

Soemtimes running deserves a letter like that!

Anonymous said...

POM, we've all felt this way about running before, I'm positive! Sometimes I have my 'Forrest Gump Days' where I can RUN AND RUN AND RUN AND RUN FOREVER...and other days...yeah, I can barely manage to crank out a couple of easy miles.

This sport... I tell ya... I think we all like it because it almost never ceases to be challenging, but on those RARE occasions where it feels easy...Yeah, those are pretty freakin' fantastic.

Unknown said...

love your sense of humor!

Mendy said...

I can sooo relate to that exact same letter! I avoided running for 2 months. Saturdays run was horrible, whereas yesterdays' wasn't that bad. It's such a love/hate relationship, I know.

Hopefully it will all come together for you! After all, you're still considering RnR AZ right? (hint, hint)

A said...

Hope the next time you meet, Running has its butt in shape to it can get with the program! Good luck!

Laurel said...

I totally feel your pain, sister. I too need to have a long talk with running, but postmark the letter to "My old-lady knees".

How is your hip feeling?

zanne said...

love. this. post.

Anonymous said...

haha, i LOVE this!