Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Most Fit?

According to Self Magazine (who got their info from the American Medical Association, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) says that Orange County, CA is the "Most Fit" region in the country on this year's list of the Best Places for Women.

If you live around here, you would probably agree. Everywhere you look there are women (and men) of all ages who look like they just stepped out of a magazine. I swear, I do not understand how these ladies get their stomachs so flat. Really flat.

I'm trying to figure out if this motivates me or makes me feel crappier about myself. I'm really not sure. I would love to be positive about it and say it motivates me, but I'm tyring to be honest here. Actually, I think it does both. For example, when I was running my marathon and I had about 3 miles left, I saw this woman who was in her 50s, awesome shape, zip past me. She was motivating! But when I am walking out of the gym sweating like a whore in church, and I see a fake, super skinny, made up girl walking out at the same time (not sweating at all), it's frustrating. I guess I should just take the motivation where I can and get over the rest. And shit - I'm in my 30s now, what do I care about comparing myself to others?

Ok, I'm over it. Just my thoughts today. Kinda pointless.

Song of the Day: Satellite by Guster


Tara Shirley said...

OK, you read my blog about the issues I have with the ladies and gents at the gym, so I totally understand being frustrated at one point and motivated at another.

PS, I heart Guster!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ok, can i say one thing? a 50 year old woman zipped past you while you were running a marathon. WHILE YOU WERE RUNNING A MARATHON. you ran a marathon. that's all i'm sayin.

Amy said...

"and I see a fake..."

See? That's all you have to say! You don't want to be a fake-y chick! I betcha anyday that fake girl has never run a marathon. Skipped, maybe, to her plastic surgeon, but no marathon!

Heather said...

You know, I wondered about this when I saw where your blog is hailing. I think I'd want to drive something sharp into my eye on a regular basis if I was around women so unbelievably gorgeous (fake, yes, but still jaw-dropping gorgeous). However, your point about not comparing yourself to others is the key to sanity.

Laura N said...

That's what's great about living in the midwest. Flat tummies are pretty much reserved for high school track stars and cheerleaders.

Glad you got over it with the help of this post. You are SO cute. Just travel to Indiana sometime and you'll feel much better about yourself. =)

J~Mom said...

My first pair of running shoes were named "Desperate Housewives Revenge" and it was aimed at all the fakeys in my neighborhood. It was my way of saying you can go and get nipped and tucked but I am going to be fitter in the long run. We can take them all.:>)

Sarah said...

that's true. i would visit my friend in OC cuz she lives in irvine and we'd visit spectrum, brea mall, fashion island, and south coast plaza...WOW there are women in their 50s looking like the desperate housewives. i pity them because they are so materialistic and obsessed about designer jeans and finding every method to keep feeling young. you do not have to compare yourself to anyone and know that those people have their own issues of self-esteem and happiness.hey, look at u! you run marathons! now that's something to be proud of.

Viv said...

On the other hand I live in the fattest city in America, according to Men's Fitness. I am trying here give me a break Men's Fitness.

Frack that fake chic, you have a hot pair of D&G jeans wating for ya ;-)

Anne said...

While it's true that people here take fitness seriously, it's also the plastic surgery capital of the country and some of those flat abs were aided by liposuction and tummy tucks. San Diego used to hold that title, because it had more fitness centers per capital than any other city.

But, yeah, seek motivation whereever you can.

Unknown said...

hahaha I know just what you mean! I live in the OC as you know, and even at the gym everyone is super fit. Ever try the South Coast Plaza 24 hour fitness? Lordy, I feel gross in there. hehe :-)

I think it used to de-motivate me, but now I just try to imagine them all like the bloggers that I interact with and just imagine that they are on the same journey as me, and then it inspires me. heh :-)

Marcy said...

I am SOOOOO with Laura!!! You need to come over to the NE where the "extra" is considered a good thing . . .good for insulation in the winter months and whatnot ;-)

teacherwoman said...

I hear ya chica! That's okay... let it all out!

I can only imagine what they say about the state of ND!

Lori said...

I'm another fortunate midwesterner ;) I don't know how motivated I would be by all that store-bought loveliness either :P

Jess said...

It's a similiar feeling here in South Florida -- go to Miami Beach and I challenge you to find a normal sized person. Everyone looks like they were just stamped out of Barbie and Ken molds. But, I think that's incredibly disturbing. People should not look like carbon copies of one standard.

miss petite america said...

in the OC they're all either fake or they have trainers. or are one.

besides, you're cute. that trumps everything in life.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Since it is so cold I hit the gym tonight and was reminded of the second reason (the first being the treadmill) why I don't like it - the women who look like they don't need to be there. As I huffed and puffed, I had to look at the lady in front of me who was perfect. I too couldn't decide if that was motivating or depressing.

Anonymous said...

Haha, up in Portland we can get away with carrying a few extra lb's than the So Cal gals. That said... I do LOVE LOVE LOVE the LA area and would move to Santa Monica in a freakin heartbeat.

Side note: As I was finishing the 22nd mile of my first marathon, an obese woman passed me. I had noticed her at the starting line and had thought to myself 'poor thing, she's never going to make it.' Haha! She showed me!

Jen said...

Just wanted to say, your blog is a great read. The picture on your frontpage is awesome-- it looks like a surprised paparazzi pic of Lindsey Lohan.

A said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to hate those skinny bitches - now I find myself somewhat inspired by them. I mean, dang! I didn't know a butt could look like that! Suffice it to say that no one in MY family has EVER had a butt like that. Or a flat tummy. -sigh-

We have different standards in this part of the country ... and they involve pie and strong doses of chocolate! heh heh Think of all the goodies those skinny bikini mamas are missin'. ;P

RunnerGirl said...

This is awesome, I just quoted the same poll on my blog! I think we must have received our magazines on the same day . . . be proud that your city is healthy, my area is pathetic!!

Mendy said...

Great post! Sucks that most of our society see that super skinny crap as the right way to look normal, when it's not. Sucks.

Laurel said...

If it's anything like my gym, she wasn't sweating when she left the gym because she probably wasn't there to work out, but rather to get gawked at.