Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An Old Fashioned Italian Setback

Confession Time:

The Captian is not only an Tall Drink of Water, but he is also an amazing cook. He gets old family recipes from his Italian mom and his 90-something year old grandma. It's awesome. I'm totally blessed. I come home from work almost everyday to a delicious home cooked meal.

The Captian is totally on board with my healthy eating obsession, but sometimes he can't help himself and his chef-y ways get the best of him. Last night, he made THE ABSOLUTE BEST HOMEMADE SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS evah. They were so flilppin' good. I pigged out like a total oinker. And what goes with a great Italian dinner, well Chianti, of course. The Captain had half a glass. I finished the bottle.

So basically, I jumped off the diet wagon with both feet.

But this mornin', I'm climbing back on.

PS: The Cap hates when I talk about him - so sorry babe. xoxo

Song of The Day: New Slang by The Shins


Amy said...

Oh my gosh...that picture looks so good!

You're totally going to have the body of a supermodel next week...just watch!

Marcy said...

Nothing wrong with a little splurge ;-) We can't deny ourselves ALL the time, right?

A said...

Wow. Wow! I'm just a little (OK. A lot.) jealous ... Now my mouth is watering, thank you very much! :P

Amanda said...

That sounds so good!

Now, welcome back to the diet wagon. I am joining you "back on the wagon" this morning.

Nancy said...

But the Cap sounds so cute, we love it when you talk about him. :D He sounds dreamy!!

I have a wonderful chef-drink of water too, both a blessing and a curse. :D

Lori said...

That picture is making me drool...mmmmmmm spaghetti and meatballs sound sooooooo good!

Okay, back on the horse, er wagon, whatever.

Viv said...

The meatballs are killin me! I just discovered Chianti this last week, boy have I been sheltered. It is awesome!

Welcome back on the wagon! Let me scoot my big booty over...

Unknown said...

New rule - no pictures of delicious food!! I didn't think I was hungry until I saw that! Thanks A LOT!! luv ya

Anonymous said...

Haha, I have a 'confessions' title today too.... AND.... I have a boyfriend who makes dinner for me everynight too! How funny!

I wouldn't be able to resist those meatballs either.....they look heavenly!

Jess said...

BTW, I love "New Slang."

Why would a good looking boyfriend who cooks a fabulous meal not want you to boast of him? Is he also modest? Are you making him up?

Heather said...

Hi POM! Just sayin hi!

Maddy said...

The food sounds amazing!

J said...

Yes, but it was real, homemade food, and not some fast food crap. So, no guilt about enjoying it, okay? I am the cook in our home so I can understand that the Cap just couldn't help himself and had to cook something wonderful. I get those uges too. :)

Laura N said...

Hey at least it was in the middle of the week. You've got lots of time to get back on track before weigh in Monday (Sunday for you).

Nancy said...

I just read somewhere that you are the "Bridget Jones of Running Bloggers." I knew I liked you but I had no idea you were famous. I'm jealous, I want a cool title like that. :D

PS they also said you are as passionate about your dirty martini's as you are about running. Wanna get married? OKay, I don't "go" that way but geez, they made you sound so chic! hee hee

Mendy said...

ahh.... Yummy pic of pasta! Love pasta and wine. Ehh... don't worry about it. You'll be fine with your weightloss.

Laurel said...

HA! I finished off a bottle of Shiraz last night.

And I like to blame the whole not losing weight thing on not being able to run. I am not really fooling myself.