Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big Love Anyone?

I'm totally obsessed with the HBO show BIG LOVE. Is anyone else?
I live in the dark ages and don't have cable, so I have to watch the DVD's, one season behind. But it's better that way because I can sit at home with wine and watch 3 hours at a time of this show. Probably sounds a bit pathetic, but I seriously enjoy it!
It's dark and creepy and totally interesting. Anyone else watch it???
Didn't run today - a little sore from hills! But I got REALLY close to meeting my 20 mile per week goal. I am determined to reach my goal next week.
BIG WEIGH IN TOMORROW. Anyone participating in the challenge , see ya on the forum tomorrow! Good luck everyone.


healthy ashley said...

I'm getting the DVD now! I've heard it's a great show. Good job on the hills!

Razz said...

I tried it, but couldn't get into it. Maybe it's the fact that I still see Paxton as Chet from Weird Science.

Jess said...

I've seen the show a few times, but never consistently so I was lost on the story line.

But I too watch many shows in seasons on DVD. Not b/c we don't have the necessary cable channels, but because I can never remember when anything is on, so it's just easiest to watch it in a season.

Unknown said...

i enjoy shows on dvd much better as well! I have been catching up on Lost right now. But I do have cable... so I end up watching some of the cable shows free On Demand all the time. haha.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show! A couple of my ladyfriends call me 'Margene' because according to them, occasionally I channel her ;)

Isn't Nikki just a raging biotch? I adore her!

I can't wait for the next season, though I think I have to wait awhile....

renae said...

I don't have HBO so I've never seen it - may have to get the DVDs though. I'm with you, everything is better if you can watch it non-stop with wine!!

Midwest said...

I love it, too.

HappyBlogChick said...

I haven't seen that one - we don't have HBO either. But I do the exact same thing with Six Feet Under. The only time I let myself watch it is when I'm exercising. Which means I haven't seen as much of it as I should have seen. I'm at the beginning of season 2.

I'll put Big Love on my list for my next set of workout DVD's!

Heather said...

God I love this show too! For one day I'd like to have Gennifer Goodwin's amazing skin. Really. When is it coming on again?