Monday, January 28, 2008

Quick Work Bitch Session

I'm pissed off at work, and guess who I turn to...

I just need to bitch about a few work-related matters:


  • Do NOT leave an hour long SLOW TALKIN' voice mail then say your phone number so damn fast that I can't catch it.
  • Don't leave a long ass message, then ask me to call you back so you can REPEAT the same damn thing you JUST said on the message. A simple name and phone number will do.


  • When I email you a question - email me a response. Do NOT call me. If I wanted to talk to you, I would have called instead of emailed.
  • If I email you a simple question, we do NOT need to schedule an conference call with 3 different departments to get a simple answer. Step Up. Make a decision by yourself.

Alrighty, I feel much better.

Thanks guys :)


Ian said...

If there was any way for me to call you to leave this comment your phone would be ringing right now. ;)

Database Diva said...

Everything you said, except if the voicemail is going to be more than 10 words, hang up and send me an e-mail!

Oh, and just because your message is urgent to you, it doesn't mean your message is urgent to me!

Wow, thanks. I feel much better now. I don't usually read blogs at work, but today I made an exception, and I feel so much better!

Tammy said...

Ahhh, I know where you're coming from. Here are mine for the day...

If you are in the office next door to me, can't you just stick your head in my office and ASK me a question? Why email it?

When it is your first request for a piece of information, there is no need to copy my boss and your boss in the correspondence.

Unknown said...

oh man this is the best! I know exactly how you feel. At my last job I had 106 clients... lordy. They would call me for the lamest things ever!!

(Weight) Loser said...

HA HA HA--That picture is soo funny. Who are those morons? I know exactly what you mean. Glad to hear I am not the only one who gets like the future I will write an edition called "How to be a good co-worker: Shut the hell up." based on my experiences with a certain current mouthy co-worker. Ha--I feel so much better now!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I'm the same way. I get SO SICK of unnecessary phone calls when a one or two line email will suffice!

(BTW: Last week a pushy client left me one 8-minute long voicemail followed by a 6-minute long voicemail!) AAAAAAAAAAAA!!

RunnerGirl said...

I get crazy long messages from parents all the time. Note to all the parents out there: email your kid's teacher. We will respond, I swear. Give us a break, we don't have time to pee, much less chat on the phone!

Viv said...

Vent away, chickie.

I know where you are coming from with the long message than saying call me. I am bad about that. It annoys people? LOL!

Tri+Umph said...

You forgot a very important item under emails: people who are unaware of the fact that paragraphs exist. Nothing is harder to read than one solid block of text that takes up my entire screen.

Carly said...

I could have written your post. I have been know to "accidentally" erase long winded voicemails. Oops :)

Brooke said...

Oh girl, I totally agree.

TonyP said...

Couldn't agree more....another good one - when you leave me a message on my work voice mail, no need to need the exact, same, 5 minute message on my cell phone voice mail !

Jes said...

Oh I absolutely agree!!!

teacherwoman said...

Ahhh.. too much fun. I am sorry. The email crap reminds me of work.

Nancy said...

Oh Gawd, I know what you mean. I wish everyone were perfect like us. :D

I hate those fast talkin phone number people at the end of a huge message cuz you have to keep going back and listening to that shiz until you get the phone number. Drives me insane.

Sarah said...

Yeah, love the 10 minute voicemail, followed by the unintelligible phone number, forcing you to listen to the 8 minute useless message AGAIN!

Marcy said...

LMAO at Vanilla! Yeah, gimme your number :P JK!

Razz said...

...and don't EVEN get me started on those TPS reports.

Jess said...

Yeah, all that extra stuff has really gotta take away from time that could be spent doing very valuable stuff: like reading blogs. I hate it when work distracts me from that!

Lori said...

That email one is my #1 pet peeve. I emailed you for a reason...mosly likely because I don't like you and would rather avoid an actual conversation!

I have to admit that I'm an *accidental* phone message deleter, too :X

Laurel said...

Wow, do we work at the same place?

healthy ashley said...

I completely agree!

Even better is when you email someone a question, and then they write back with "call me". WTH?!

Crabby McSlacker said...

This list is awesome.

I think the goverment should spend some serious money and make a bunch of Public Service Announcements to alert all the voicemail morons out there that they're driving us crazy. I'd pony up tax money for that.

Then big-ass fines for noncompliance.