After my run, I headed to the hospital to welcome my new niece Baby Gracie into the world. She surprised us and came about a month early, but she is healthy and perfect and I adore her already.
Since my sister was on bed rest and staying at her in-laws for a month, her house was in shambles. So I stayed the night at her house while they were in the hospital. I dusted, swept, mopped, did some laundry, put together the baby bassinet, then went grocery shopping for her.
The grocery shopping was tricky. You see, I eat like a healthy SINGLE woman. My sister has a 2.5 yr old and a husband who eats like a teenage boy. When I was buying the CRAP that they eat, I was totally thinking "Oh my God, what would Mrs. F. say about this shit?" She would totally die. So I did my best to get food that they would eat - and tried to be as healthy as possible.
Anyway, it was fun playing house for a day. I think I'd be pretty good at it on a full time basis. Someday.
Awwwhhhh what a little sweetie! Gosh they are so cute at that age. I love new baby smell *sniff* *sniff* It a.l.m.o.s.t (ok maybe not :P) makes me want to have another.
OK wait, now that I read that it makes me sound like a perv with the *sniffs* but I meant it in holding back tears sort of way . . .God I should just give up on life already LOL
Wow, she is adorable. What a good auntie you are to clean and shop! And a good runner, too, getting in 8 miles beforehand.
What a gorgeous baby!
Nice job on the 8-miler!
Congrats Auntie! That sweet baby girl looks so alert!
I think you need to make me a healthy P.O.M. mealplan... ;)
congrats on the 8 miler and more important being an aunt. She's so cute!
What a cutie pie!! Congrats! Yaa, on the great 8 and u r so awesome for being a wonderful sister. I am sure it meant so much to her.
I'm so glad you run went well! Also I am happy your niece is doing so well. How freaking adorable is she?!?
What a great sister you are! I would have been so thrilled to have someone clean my house and stock my kitchen when I had my babies. And yes, eating healthy with a family is much trickier.
Someday you will be great at it.
oh my, such a cutie. I love 'em to death!!
You are so sweet to help out like this, you can't imagine how nice that would be to come home to. Great work!
What a cool sister! Wish mine had done that for us.
Look at that sweet little face! She is darling! That was so nice of you to clean and shop for your sis! Seriously, the most helpful thing you could have done :)
I'm so glad your 8 miler went off without a hitch! It was just what you needed!
That was really nice of you to clean and shop for your sis! That will be so nice for her (and her husband) to come homw and not worry about those things.
Gracie is beautiful! Congrats to your sister, her family and to you! You're an awesome aunite!
What a nice and considerate sister you are! Congrats on becoming an aunt once again!
What did they name her?
That is so awesome of you to help like that! I'm sure they appreciated it.
And I love the 'someday' comment, cuz I totally agree, everyone asks me if we're going to have kids, and the answer is always 'maybe one day, definitely not now!'.
Congratulations on your new niece. I amsure your sister really appreicated your help around her house.
congratulations on being an Auntie!! She is so beautiful!
You can come practicing playing house at MY house anytime!! LOL. I have lots of laundry and cleaning to do... you could be an expert in one day! LOL
Glad you got your run in and that your breathing stabalized! Maybe your body just wasn't into it the day before.
She is beautiful!!!
You are the best sister ever. I would have given anything to come home to a clean house when I had my kids!
Did I already comment on this? I guess not.
I dusted, swept, mopped, did some laundry, put together the baby bassinet, then went grocery shopping for her.
no joke. I had a friend do that for me after my first and I walked in the house and started crying. You're awesome.
She is adorable! Love it when they open their eyes up when they're new like that. She really is precious. I bet you're proud.
I remember coming home from the hospital and thinking about how my house needing cleaning, etc. So, that is really, truly the best thing you could have done. It means so much during those first few days, weeks. Our church group made meals for us so neither one of us had to cook at all for like a week...
Very thoughtful of you!
Congrats again!!
Oh, Baby Gracie is absolutely lovely! Congratulations to your whole family on such blessing. Our second grandchild is due in July, and we are not so secretly hoping for a girl!
Oh, and congratulations on the 8 pain free miles, too!
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