Massage at 1pm at a fancy spa
Home to get gussied up
Shopping at Fashion Island with The Captain (to buy me presents!)
Birthday Bellinis
Rants on Running, Relationships and Ridiculousness!
I know its tres cliché, but I'm practicing for tomorrow. My family will definitely make us go around the table and say what we’re grateful for. Maybe I’ll try to mix it up this year.
Odd Things I’m Grateful For:
Happy Turkey Day to You All. Over Consume and Enjoy Every Second of It.
PS: I'm going to be away from a computer for a while, so not sure when I can blog again.
Taking a hint from Vanilla, I've discovered a new way to PR my Turkey Trot this weekend:
Item: Dana Point Turkey Trot
Cost: FREE
Valued at: $35.00 (But really it's priceless)
Includes: Entrance Fee and fancy race number
Complimentary Woman's Medium Shirt
An incredible experience (pretending you're me)
Requirements: Run a 9:00 min/mile pace (way faster than I really am)
Pretend you're me
Look really good in the pictures
In all actuality, I'm very, very bummed that I have to OPT out this Thursday. Considering that I have a lot pain just walking, I don't think I will be able to run a 10K. As much as I would like to try, The Captain (and my Physical Therapist) think I should sit this one out. But really, what do they know? I feel extra shitty about it because I raised money and my wonderful friends and family donated and I'm not running. I know the money still goes to the Food Bank, but I feel like I need to run to earn it. And I know I'm going to eat like a horse, so I wish I could burn a few calories before diving in head first into a vat of stuffing.
Good luck to everyone else running.
Song of the Day: Jealousy by Natalie Merchant
Song of The Day: Superman by Eminem
Wish me luck at PT tonight. ARGHHHHHHHHHH.
And I've already consumed more than 3/4 of my allowed calories for the day. Looks like I'm having broccoli for dinner. Just broccoli. haha kidding. Kind of.
Song of the day: Galvenize by The Chemical Brothers
I’m taking Vanilla’s “Advice” and I’m going to dish out some of my own unsolicited advice! I’ve gotten enough over the years. It’s high time I share my vast knowledge of REALLY important subjects and highly educated opinions with the blog world. This will be fun.
Thanks for the Blog Idea Vanilla.
To: You Know Who You Are
1. You really should not wear sweats with writing across the butt if you have ANY junk in the trunk.
2. You really should keep up your hair extensions or people will know they are fake. Actually, everyone knows they are fake anyways.
3. You really should not wear socks with sandals.
4. You really shouldn’t raise your voice to the cashier because it just makes YOU look like an A$$-hole, not them.
5. You really should not eat fast food. That shiz will kill you.
6. You really should learn how to do a four-way stop. Here’s a hint: Left turns YIELD.
7. You really should stop drinking soda.
8. You really should get more sleep. You look tired.
9. You really shouldn’t play your car radio so loud because nobody else cares about your Big Booty Ho.
10. You (yeah, you reader) really should leave me a comment with some unsolicited advice you want to share with the world. (It does not necessarily have to be directed towards me.)
Because, sarcasm is funny, damn it.
Last, but not least. I read an article from Elizabeth Scott, M.S. and she states that unsolicited advice can be a cause of stress. So, I think after all this bologna, I really need to take a day off of work (paid) and de-stress from all the unsolicited advice flying around.
On a running note. I'm so over it. I tried to run a measly 4 mi this morning and, once again, had to walk the last mile home. My last 3 runs have totally bit the big one. I went to my first PT on Monday and I'm going back Thursday. I only talked with an assistant and she thinks I have Bursitis in my hips. However I still think it is more IT Band related because now my knee is hurting. They are often mistaken for each other. I can deal with (aka still run) if it's just my hips. But the knee pain is what makes me have to stop. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of it on Thursday and come up with some type of rehab plan. At this rate, there is no way I am running a race on Thanksgiving. Especially because I want to PR. Basically, I'm a grumpy stress ball negative ninny about this. It sucks A$$.
Song of the Day: None of Your Business by Salt-N-Pepa
I’m posting my Monday Weigh in on Sunday night because I’m not sure I will have time Monday morning. So here it is, in all it's non-glory:
Previous Weight: 146
Current Weight: 145*
*I did weigh 146 before my morning workout, but 145 after.
I have to say that I’m really disappointed. I know it’s better than actually GAINING, but shit, I really thought that I would have dropped at least 2 lbs.
To make this positive, a little disappointment might be what I need to kick this mutha into high gear. Looking back at last week, I can see more than a few *pitfalls* that might have influenced the scale:
What the F was I thinking? How can I expect to just drop weight because I “will” it?
So this it. This time I’m serious. This week victory will be mine.
Song of the Day: Save Me by Aimee Mann