Get ready to take CRAZY to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!
Let's all welcome Anita the Tanita to the group. Anita's responsibilities will include daily updates on the following:
- Current Weight
- Body Fat
- Body Water %
I'm going to start off on the right foot with Anita and be really nice to her, in hopes that the bitch will reciprocate. In order to maintain a certain amount of control and sanity, there will be a few ground rules:
- Only weigh once a day - in the morning, naked
- No obsessive/compulsive activity (yeah, who am I kidding?)
I totally want to take her out of the box right now at work and weight myself, but it will prove my craziness to my coworkers (and they don't need any more ammo against me).
PS: That pic is really bad - my nose isn't that long. Well, maybe it is. And nice bags under the eyes & wrinkles. Sweetness.
I'm sure Anita will treat you right.
I'm not brave enough for a device like this. I'm still reeling over my sky high body fat percentage that I was given 8 years and 30 pounds ago when I joined my gym. I'm too scared anymore!
But the water...and the weight... now THOSE numbers I can handle!
You are just racking up the cool stuff over here!
Anita will be good to you, the Bag Lady knows this. Once a day, first thing in the morning (right after you pee...!!)
I have that exact same scale. Every morning I step on it, flip it the bird, and then go about my daily routine. At least that seems to be the pattern lately.
Whoooaaaa Momma! That thing is waaayyy too scary for me LOL The less I know about weight/fat percentages the better :P
So weighing yourself every day isn't compulsive? ;)
I'm really curious about the water % feature. I wonder what it would say for a baaaad hangover?
Oh heck ya. I wish I could just do it once a week. But I'm too crazy for that. Maybe after the initial excitement burns off I will do once a week only.
I'm excited about the body fat%. Well, excited and freaked at the same time.
"...in hopes that the bitch will reciprocate." Too friggin' funny!
Oh please, the pic is just adorable.
A word of caution, she may read differently that you are used to. Just remember to stick with her and it's all relative. Just had body fat done with calipers and it is different than my Anita.
I like to weigh before and after my shower, sometimes it's actually different. I also like to weigh after a work out. May be some craziness here too. :D
that thing looks scary!!!...My scale is broken and I often end up weighing 93 lbs which is FINEEEEEEE with me! :)
Let me know how that thing works. I dropped $50 on a scale a few months ago, and the stupid thing measures weight in increments of 1.4 lbs, I don't get it!
You are going to LOVE it!!!!
The best part is when you get your metabolic age rating... lest you forget I am 12!
OOooo, i can't wait to see how she works for you...
OH.MY.GOSH. I need one of those!! How cool is that thing?!?
I repeat, I am SOO jealous!!!
I hope you have a better relationship with Anita than I do my scale.
I've never heard of such a contraption! Looks neato burrito.
Ooh, can't wait to hear the report on how Anita turns out. Love the name.
yay for Anita! Thanks for clarifying about dirty G. I was a little worried i had accidentally stumbled onto a weight loss/porn blog for a minute.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who weighs herself butt ass naked in the morning. I can't stand to see myself two pounds up in the evening. damn water weight, who needs it?!?
Darn. I want one of those. I'm jealous.
Wow...that is a cool scale. Tells you all you need to know, and some things you don't need to know. I could go a little crazy with that thing!
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