Thursday, January 24, 2008

Food for Thought

The Captain and I have this "discussion" at least twice a week, probably more. So I thought I would bring you all in on our little debate.
So, I have the Captain 'trained' to make healthy meals (kinda). We usually have a protein (fish, chicken, etc) and some type of veggie. But he always wants a carb - heck, he's a big, tall boy - he can have carbs for dinner. I tend to do my carbs in the morning. So he will make a little rice or cous cous or something to go with his dinner.
Then after dinner, I usually sneak into the pantry and grab some M&M's or a couple nibbles of ice cream. This is where the debate comes in. The Captain always says, "Why on earth do you skip on the carbs, but you'll eat that crap? That just doesn't make sense."
It makes perfect sense to me. If I am going to have an additional caloric intake, it's going to be something I really enjoy. I skip on the stinkin' rice so I CAN eat a little treat if my heart desires.
What do you guys think? Do you justify things like this in your head? Or am I just a freak?
Song of the Day: Clothes Off by Gym Class Heros


chirunner said...

Oh I can so relate. "Why on earth do you skip the carbs and eat that crap?" Because it tastes so much better than the rice, dear Captain. I have to have my sugar/chocolate everyday and I don't even try to justify it.

Anonymous said...

Haha, my 2 cents: we'll he's right... but so are you! If you think you'll have the sweet treats either way, then yeah, skip the rice or cous cous. But if you can handle skipping the sweets, well, then obviously cous cous provides more quality for your calories.

Laura N said...

There is nothing wrong with a little chocolate every single day (or night). Why add the calories of the carb at dinner if you don't enjoy that particular food? It's not like you need it for your health. Chocolate is an important part of life. It even has health benefits! Jillian Michaels says that she allows herself 300 calories a day for junk. So if she allows it, so can we. Eat your chocolate, plan it into your daily calorie allowance, and for heaven's sake don't feel bad about it.

jen said...

See, I am a carb junkie, so I would go for the rice or pasta. My soft spot is for salty/savory rather than sweet, so I skimp on the sweets. I don't think it's any better though really.

Nancy said...

HA HA well, you are a freak, but that is beside the point. :D jk..

I envy you being able to do this. If I have the treats around, I can't stop at just a couple, and M&M's are the worst. Hello bag, I'm not stoppin til I'm done. I guess if you have to have it, you have to make the calories up somewhere else. But judging from your comment about keeping the carbs to the morning, you should probably move them to the early hours. He is right if you could forgo them, but I am guessing you are not really willing to. :D

Sarah said...

TOTALLY 100% justified. I say so because I do the exact same thing. Every night I have something sweet, usually of the chocolate variety, a couple hours after dinner. Like you, I generally minimize or eliminate the carbs from dinner (they're not necessary! I don't need the energy from the carbs in the evening!).

Marcy said...

I used to do that stuff all the time LOL. Totally skimp a little on lunch and dinner for the big ole slab of ice cream at night ;-)

Bev said...

I applaud you for being able to pass on the carb. I would eat two helpings of the carbs and then sneak in and eat the bag of m&ms and half a gallon of ice cream.

My Life said...

Ohhhh I hear you. I always get the side-look when I pull out a bit of chocolate after dinner. Back off buddy, just because it's "after dinner" doesn't mean I didn't average it into my day... And really, there is no way rice can compare to ice cream!!

Anonymous said...

Bo and I used to have this argument on a nightly basis. I made him feel akward by skipping carbs or saying I didn't need them when he wanted them. Finally one day I like rice and shit- I DONT! I'd rather have hot chocolate and graham crackers or something sweet. Get over it! :)
No more arguments. I'd rather have two different veggies on any night. Also, we've started having portabellos as the "carb" since they are similar but are still a yummy vegetable.

RunToTheFinish said...

Too funny! I am totally this way, I can pass on pasta all day long just to enjoy some ice cream later. If I'm going to count calories then I'm going to do my best most of the time and enjoy the one's that are a little on the not soo good for me side.

Jess said...

Well, techinically, you're not skipping the carbs -- that candy is PURE carb, with a dash of fat. But, I am not someone to ever deny myself a craving, so if you prefer the candy over the rice, then enjoy it! That's your priority; his is the rice. I think the world is big enough for both choices.

Viv said...

I am with you. I skip a lil extra at dinner so I can have my skinny cow ice cream at night. It is just so tastes too good. It feels like I am cheating.
Peanut M&M's those are crack in a yellow bag to me. Man, I love those lil things.

eurydice said...

that makes so much sense to me. in fact, in order to lose my last 5 pounds, i had to go carb free at dinner a few times a week. and i love carbs in the morning too.

i would much rather have a chocolate later - than a potato or something boring at dinner!

J~Mom said...

I think it's better to have a little something then to crave it and then go bonkers with it later.

Anne said...

Everyone's already said it, but carbs aren't all the same. Rice is definitely healthier than ice cream, but you are right -- rice ain't a treat and if you save some calories for later, then a treat is what you deserve.

Sonia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I tend to agree with you, if you're going to eat something you better enjoy it. =)

RunnerGirl said...

I'm a sucker for the sweets myself, I gladly give up extra portions at dinner so I can have dessert guilt free. I know I should give up both, but I only have so much will power . . .

Mamacita Chilena said...

I TOTALLY agree. I do the exact same thing...I'd rather have chocolate than rice/pasta any day of the week!

Heather said...

You're both right; it's a matter of trading which one you like more. I get more satisfaction out of chocolate than rice, but if we're talking sweet potato vs. chocolate, I'll choose sweet potato.

(Weight) Loser said...

I fully agree with you!! Especially M&Ms. Yum yum. They are my BIGGEST weakness!! Who could live without them??

teacherwoman said...

I think you have EVERY right to a few M&M's if you would like! I know that I always like something a little sweet after din din! :)

Robin said...

You absolutely made the right decision!

Anonymous said...

You deserve the M&M, ice cream or whatever. You have to eat what you want otherwise you'll fail all together.

MissAllycat said...

I totally agree with you. Why "waste" calories on something you don't love??

Unknown said...

i agree, ice cream worth it so much more than rice! hahah.

I only use my calories on things I like thank you very much. Or rather LOVE. hahah.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Amen! I am with you. Might as well make those carb calories as enjoying as possible.

Frayed Laces said...

Tell him chocolate makes you frisky. He will never question your carb choice again.

Mendy said...

I totally am the same way!!! I pull out chocolate and get that look too. And it's usually M&M's or Hershey kisses. Yum, Yum. I'd gladly skip on the dinner portion for a handful of candies. :-)

Laurel said...

Makes perfect sense to me! :)