I still have this freakin' cold. Going on day 11 here.
It sucks big boogers.
Yesterday I decided to stop the DayQuil/NyQuil Dance and switch it up to Mucinex. I really think that most over-the-counter drugs just mask your symptoms, but don't really solve your issues. I thought Mucinex would actually help get all the crap out of my body.
Let me tell ya. Last night sucked. I tossed and turned for at least 4 hours before falling asleep at 1:30 am. So there is no way in HELL I am going to attempt to wake up at 5:30 to run. I didn't know that Mucinex is Swahili for CRACK. That shit kept me awake all night. Or maybe it's the detoxing from NyQuil. Whatever it is - I am a zombie today with lovely black circles around my eyes and the WORST sinus headache I have ever had.
In better news - it looks like 2008 will be the Year of the Gadgets for me. Big G (my Garmin) has officially "Shipped" and yesterday I took Mrs. Furious's advice and ordered the Tanita InnerScan™ Body Composition Monitor! I just hope I will be able to figure out how to work all these crazy contraptions. (Please note that setting my watch is challenging enough).
Anyone have any other remedy's for nagging colds????? Do you run with colds or not? I am running Saturday come hell or high snot count.
I don't run if it's in my chest, but high snot count doesn't stop me from running.
However, it sounds a bit like you've got a sinus infection going on. I'd get to the dr and get some antibiotics if I were you. Trust me when I say that I do NOT take antibiotics unless I absolutely have to, and a sinus infection can drag on forever without them. So call your doc. Hope you feel better soon!
I'll run with a cold, I don't know if you're supposed to or not but I do it. I think the saying goes "at your chest get some rest, near your ear never fear," but I might have that backwards so don't trust me.
I hate taking meds, and tend to go with the eating remedies: chicken soup, orange juice, Dole Fruit & Juice Strawberry Popsicles, peppermint tea, etc. Basically all the standards that your mom used to give you when you were little and sick :)
As for running, I too subscribe to the above or below the neck philosophy. If it's just my sinuses, I run. If I feel achy or have a chest cold, I stay in (and feel guilty).
I have a slight cold right now too that I'm also hoping will get better by the weekend for my runs. Good luck with yours!
Oh you ordered that scale!! Ever since Mrs F posted it I've had my eye on it. So jealous!
You have to post on how accurate/consistent you find it is!
I love me some Mucinex. It's wonderful stuff, but you have to drink like a zillion gallons of water for it to work right -- it thins out the mucus, so it's actually producing more mucus, but it makes it um, easier to get out of the body. <--- this is clearly a very technical medical opinion. :)
Anyway, I've never had any issue with it and sleeplessness, but as a frequent insomniac, I feel your pain.
Hope you feel better!
Oh POM... that totally sucks..or blows? I'm trying to incorporate a pun but it doesn't seem to work. In any case, I feel your pain, I too have the snots and though I feel like I should be running after my December consumption and general lack of consistent exercise, I just want to be a slug wrapped up in a blanket watching reality tv. Hang in there!
Can't wait to hear how the new scale works out ... I'm keeping my eye open for your review!
Sorry about the cold. Believe it or not, I'm on my 13th week of a cold or sinus infection or whatever it is. I hope the doctor can figure it out. What's been working for me is as simple as alka-seltzer cough & cold, breathing steam and rinsing my sinuses with salt water (ick). Hope you feel better soon!
When your snot is green...its the sinus infection machine. In that case you should get antibiotics. If its running clear...youre in the clear for runnin..haha. Ive cured sinus infections before by mixing food grade peroxide with orange juice. My fav OTC remedy would have to be theraflu though. The stuff you mix with hot water. It knocks me out too... Hope that helps! Feel better!
Ahhh. . . my whole house--MINUS ME---also has this sickness.
AS for running, I donno; I will tell you my 15 did go to hockey 3 times a week & said he felt better everytime after (& he was pissed I made him go cause he felt like such crap) & he was the first over the cold/flu. He had the shortest time of sickness(26-30th)--he's also immunosuppressed from Chemo a few yrs ago.
My 3 yr old has been since the 28th & my DH since the 30th.
So far I'm snot, fever & cough free. BUT, I'm inhaling Vitiman C & all that crap. :o)
I say RUN!!!! Sweat it out!
No wonder my kids run around like meth-addicts after I give them the Mucinex ;)
Hope it clears up soon for you!
As long as the movement of running doesn't loosen up the stuff in my lungs and cause me to start coughing I will run through it. My nose has been really really runny trying to get out there in the cold for my runs. So I have been taking half a roll of papertowels in my pockets when I head out, but I have been forcing myself to get out there because of the marathon coming up.
My brother swears by garlic tablets when he has a cold/sinus infection thing going on. I have not tried it myself, but I guess at this point it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Hope you feel better real soon!
If you've had something hangin on for 11 days, you probably ave a sinus infection. Go to the doctor. You probably need antibiotics.
Loads of water without the mucinex is probably just as good. And, 14 days for a cold, but if you start feeling worse (like the headache worsens or won't go away) then, I'd go get checked out. You can't trust that green snot theory, that doesn't always mean bacterial infection. Most of the time it's viral and no antibiotics will work for that -- that's why you got to give it 14 days.
(trust me, I seriously am a doctor of pharmacy) :D
Water will flush out all that gunk. I really hope you feel better soon, just in time for Big G!
My dad and I came back from Vegas with major sinus/allergy probs. Ugh! No fun!
I know the Mucinex isn't working, but don't you just love the mucus guy????
Feel better soon!
I'm in the above/below the neck camp, although I'm easily pursuaded to NOT run even if it's above if I feel icky enough.
A "cold" should only last 9 days, 3 to catch-3 to have-3 to get rid off. Eleven days is a sign of something else...off to the Doc you go, otherwise get the Captain to spin you round by you ankles and the centrifugal force should clear you out...your choice!
Okay, I can't believe there is actually a cold medicine called "Mucinex". You crazy Americans! :-)
As for running with a cold, I do kind of find it helps me feel a little better, so I generally do run, unless I'm feeling really run down. And you do sound like you are ... sorry to hear it, P.
OMG. We must of got our colds at the same time. I've been living on NyQuil and I just bought Muxinex today but I'm not going to take it now that I read your post.
Good luck with your 20 miles and your 135 - we have the same weight goal. I have Jillian Micheals new book - as soon as I'm done with being sick I"m going to try it out because it is suppose to help get off the last 10 stubborn pounds.
Happy New Year.
If Mucinex isn't doing the trick, you probably should go to the doc and get some evil meds. I hate taking medicine, but sinus infections are one thing I don't mess with anymore. I had one that has now been dubbed, "the guacamole" incident. You can imagine...
Water, vitamin C, rest and the doc! I don't know if I would still run though. I guess as long as it's not draining into your chest you should be okay. (Yuck)
Feel better!
I took mucinex once and it left me with a constant anxiety attack for a week straight. It was awful. I have to take the non-meth decongestants now or the same thing will happen. I take sudafed PE now, although it doesn't work as well, at least it doesn't give me anxiety attacks.
I hope you feel better soon. I hear you on the mucas, I have it now. I sound like a smoker and am not. Boo.
Hope you've made it to the doc by now. Those symptoms suck, and yeah, no way am I running with a sinus infection. Feel better!
I hate that Tanita. Before she came in to my life it was great. Now!! No fun for me. I'm thinking about bouncing her out on the curb.
You should get a nasal bulb syringe (the kind for babies), and make a solution of water, salt, and baking soda (saline solution). Then take the nasal bulb syringe and suck up the solution, and shoot it up your nose, and let it drip of the other nostril. Repeat this with each nostril, and several times throughout the day. It is wonderful!!!
I am a Respiratory Therapist. I am working on a talk I'm doing at an upcoming State Conference on instilling saline. I found your Mucinex guy via Google Image search. Anyway, what I recommend you do is go to a pharmacy and get a NeilMed bottle and saline packages. You mix the saline packages with 240 cc's warm water and flush each nares (sinuses). It is amazing what that does to flush it out. But if you are achy and a cold, not just stuffed up, I wouldn't go running! They've studied it and people with chronic sinus problems are definately helped.
good luck
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