We had a fun night with friends at home celebrating and playing games. And yes, party hats were involved. Don't you know I'm loco like that. I thought this pic was appropriate since the Captain hates his pic on the Internet. ha ha. And once again, my mouth is OPEN. Typical.
So here are the goals for 2008:
1. No drinking for 2 weeks starting today. We went to brunch and I turned up my nose at a Bloody Mary. Really, I did. It wasn't easy. But I can do this for 13 more days. I might even push it past 2 weeks but starting slowly. Baby Steps.
2. Run 20 miles a week minimum.
3. Get to 135 and stay there.
A. Buy a scale.
B. Don't be crazy.
4. Run Half Marathon in Feb and at least 3 other races this year. (One per quarter perhaps)
That's enough for now. Happy new year everyone.
Song of the Day: One Way or Another by Blondie
Hey sistah -- I'm with you on the no drinking for a couple of weeks. (I think I drank enough last night to last a while. Sheesh!). My first drink won't be until after the Disney half marathon on Jan. 12 (and even then it will probably be just 1 beer given I'll have to run a full marathon the next day!).
Happy New Year!
B. Don't be crazy.
You mean like obsessive weight crazy?
Because it would be a shame if you lost ALL craziness.
Sounds like a plan!
Just don't use the baby steps on race day!
Happy Freakin' New Year, indeed! And I agree with Katie; don't lose all the crazy! I live for the crazy!
Love the hat, btw!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Yeah I'm going to be the same way except mine is with veggies. A slow integration of them into my life. Bleck. Like you said . . .baby steps!
Happy New Year!
I'm alos planning on geting to my goal weight and staying there.
Also some races this year. Probably more than 4 though...
Are you running a 2008 Marathon?
happy new year! 20 miles a week? good luck!
I think I might need to do the no drinking for 2 weeks thing. Hahah.
And 20 miles a week is impressive as a minimum! Woo hoo!
Don't just get a scale; get a good scale, like a Tanita. A bad (easily inaccurate, cheap) scale will just drive you nuts by being fickle.
I always love your "don't be crazy" -- I have to add that to my resolutions.
You know what scale to get!
You've gotta get a scale that tells body fat and bmi as well as weight. I love mine (well, I sort of hate it somedays) and it was well worth the money.
Happy New Year!
I ran a four mile race that started at midnight on New Year's. And drank four shots of vodka while running it. I think that's a better start to the year than this "no drinking for two weeks" nonsense :)
As for the scale, a few years ago I picked up a Tanita at Bed Bath and Beyond that was on clearance for $20 because it was missing the box. It's great!
Good goals and you can totally do them all!
Those are some good goals, I particularly love 3B. HAHA!! Maybe I should make that one of mine. Maybe...
Good goals. But you say crazy like it's a bad thing!
Happy New Year!
2 weeks?
You and me--both hitting goal this year! It's on sister... let's do it.
love your blog site! I'm new to blogging...here is my site http://runninduff.blogspot.com I'm training for my first half marathon March 30. Keep up the great work! Love the new years pic :)
Happy New year Chica! Good luck with the no alcohol for 2 weeks! I think that's a great way to start off the new year!
Hmm..maybe I should give up coffee for a few weeks. nah. LOL Good luck with your goals!
Hmmm, I think veggie is on to something. From now on I'm going to blame the fluctuation on the fickle scale! Just think when you buy a scale, you can do that too!
Goooo (that's an enthusiastic GO, not Goo, as in Goo-Goo Dolls) on the no drinking! Its hard but you'll see a difference. I volunteered to drive on NYE so I wouldn't be tempted.
Great goals!
Awesome goals, but the no drinking (gasping)
Good luck with the 20 mile weeks, u can do it..no doubt!
Love the Cap's pic that is too funny.
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