Just when I'm feeling confident about my fitness - Marathon training is going very smoothly, Bikram is awesome - the Universe decides I need to humble myself and smacks me down.
Exhibit A - My running this week sucks. I can't get my mileage in, I'm slow and struggling. I have done no speed work and it takes all my strength to get out of bed.
Exhibit B - Yoga last night I had to sit down for the first time in a LONG time. And during Salabhasana I puked in my mouth. Luckily it was just water, but it was gross. I debated getting up and walking out. I've never walked out before. I decided to stay and tough it out.
I can see several reasons for this crappy week, but I don't want to use them as excuses.
- My diet is not great. I have not been eating bad, but I don't think I have eaten enough and it's been not my normal food choices. Basically I have had no time to go to the market, so I'm eating whatever is left in my pantry. Not planning, not good.
- T.O.M. is coming very soon.
- My armpit hurts. Which means my glands are swollen. Which means I think I'm fighting a cold or virus or something try to creep into my body.
What this all boils down to is that I am seriously freaked about my scheduled 20 miler this weekend. My 16 and 18 were great, so there is no reason for this insecurity. I need to just take it easy, get some healthy good food in me and just do it.
Song of the day: The Light (With DJ Beyonda) by Mirah (remix)